[Blueprint servercloud-p-hadoop] Ubuntu Server + Hadoop and Bigdata

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 7 18:03:32 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by James Page:

Whiteboard changed:
  Status Update:
  This spec has been superceeded by
  packaging hadoop from source will not be targetted for this release - a
  broader range of hadoop packages will be made avaliable in PPA/Partner.
  Summary of objectives for Precise:
  1) Ubuntu will target packaging Apache Hadoop
  - Help drive support for running under OpenJDK
  - Packaging will retain flavour of most popular upstream packaging
  - Focus will be on most recent stable ( validate with upstream release schedule
  - Thrift support will not be included
  - LZO and snappy compression options will be investigated
  - universe target this release.
  2) Juju Charms will by default align to distro packaging for precise
  Full sessions notes from UDS-P:
  Work items precise-alpha-1:
  [mark-mims] Hadoop community input (what about no thrift? etc): DONE
  [mark-mims] Attend HadoopWorld: DONE
  [james-page] Check on release schedule for Apache Hadoop between now and Feature Freeze: DONE
- [james-page] Investigate upstream co-operation from Hortonworks/Cloudera to ensure ongoing collaboration going forward: INPROGRESS
+ [james-page] Investigate upstream co-operation from Hortonworks/Cloudera to ensure ongoing collaboration going forward: DONE
  Work items precise-beta-1:
  [negronjl] adjust hadoop charms to have a configurable backend hadoop, get one into the charm repository: DONE
- [james-page] Package KFS for Ubuntu: INPROGRESS
+ [james-page] Package KFS for Ubuntu: POSTPONED
  [james-page] Package Apache ftp-server for Ubuntu: POSTPONED
  [james-page] Package Hadoop for Ubuntu: POSTPONED
  Work Items:
  [james-page] Active backport packaging post 12.04 release: POSTPONED
  [james-page] Feed back all work to Debian: POSTPONED

Ubuntu Server + Hadoop and Bigdata

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