[Blueprint servercloud-r-juju-appserver-support] Juju support for application server technologies (Django, JEE, RoR, etc)

Antonio Rosales antonio at canonical.com
Wed Dec 12 22:37:01 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Antonio Rosales:

Whiteboard changed:
  User Stories:
- As a sysop, I want to deploy a web application container on a cloud
- node.
+ As a sysop, I want to deploy a web application container on a cloud node.
  As a developer, I want to create a Juju charm to deploy my web
  application on any compatible container. Example of compatible
  container: Django app => Django container; JEE .war => servlet container
  (e.g. Apache Tomcat) or JEE app server (e.g. JBoss); JEE .ear or .jar =>
  JEE app server (e.g. JBoss)
  As a sysop, I want to deploy a web application onto a compatible
  container node.
  As a sysop, I want to define a named data source in a web app node and
  add a relationship to a database node for that data source.
+ Properly gathering best practices from developer communities, and integrating that knowledge into the framework charm itself.
  Test Plans:
+ CharmTesting should be leveraged here to exercise a framework charm with traditional workloads, and to specifically repeatedly exercise the individual functions of the framework charm. 
- Release Note:
+ Framework charm development will need a base set of application charms
+ to test the functionality of the framework itself. There could also be
+ an “exerciser” framework charm that specifically and exhaustively tests
+ each function of the framework (where a ‘normal’ application charm may
+ not exercise all the functions or do it repeatedly).
+ Release Note: 
+ Release not may not be applicable here, but we should blog about framework charms so folks now they are available to use.
+ --- Discussion at UDS ---
  Why is this important
  - Application servers come before Apps
  - Private/Enterprise apps are more numerous than public apps
  - Deployment needs to be easier/simpler because testing suffers when deployment is difficult
  --- jitsu import/export for above ?
  - Connect named resources to app without app specifically knowing about it
  - Scalability as needed
  PaaSish Ubuntu Juju mailing list:
-   -https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2012-October/001910.html
+   -https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2012-October/001910.html
  Improving framework/infrastructure service charms on Juju mailing list:
-   -https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2012-September/001884.html
+   -https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2012-September/001884.html
  List of possible technologies to take into account:
  Possible implementation options (may not be mutually exclusive):
  # App-by-Subordinate
  juju deploy django
  juju deploy myapp # <---- subordinate
  juju add-relation django myapp
  juju deploy mysql app-db-1
  juju add-relation app-db-1 django # <---- relation handled by django via ORM layer
  juju deploy mongodb
  juju add-relation myapp mongodb # <---- relation handled by the app itself
  # App-by-Config
  juju deploy django --set app-src=git://....
  # App-by-Fork
  bzr branch lp:charms/django myapp

Juju support for application server technologies (Django, JEE, RoR, etc)

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