[Blueprint servercloud-q-juju-integration] Juju Integration

Juan L. Negron negronjl at xtremeghost.com
Sun Aug 19 02:53:53 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Juan L. Negron:

Work items changed:
  Work items:
  [mark-mims] charm to deploy chef-server (maybe w sub like clint's puppet sub) : TODO
  [mark-mims] charms that call chef solo recipes : TODO
- [negronjl] "jujustrano" ( Juju Capistrano integration ) : TODO
+ [negronjl] "jujustrano" ( Juju Capistrano integration ) : DONE
  [negronjl] go to town on clint's puppet sub ( puppetforge? ) ( add charm create option for puppet recipes ) : TODO
- [negronjl] define ways that capistrano would need to call Capistrano : TODO
+ [negronjl] define ways that juju would need to call Capistrano : DONE
  [negronjl] jrapi as juju-jitsu subcommand... 'jitsu api' : POSTPONED
  [negronjl] integrate Juju with facter : DONE
  [hazmat] export/import environment into juju-jitsu : TODO
- [negronjl] how to make charms out of puppetforge modules / github cookbooks : TODO
- [negronjl] plugin for chef-search to interface with juju (possibly just chef sub) : TODO
+ [negronjl] how to make charms out of puppetforge modules / github cookbooks : POSTPONED
+ [negronjl] plugin for chef-search to interface with juju (possibly just chef sub) : POSTPONED
  [mike-mcclurg] cloudstack integration : TODO
  [imbrandon] investigate enstratus integration : TODO

Juju Integration

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