[Blueprint servercloud-p-complex-deployment-testing] Automated Complex Server Deployment Testing

Dave Walker davewalker at ubuntu.com
Tue Nov 22 13:53:42 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Dave Walker:

Whiteboard changed:
  Summary Objective for Precise:
  1) OpenStack deployment testing in the Ubuntu QA Lab on hardware
  This objective is to get OpenStack deployment testing automated for
  Precise on hardware using Juju and Orchestra.
  2) Other Complex Deployment Testing
  The framework developed through this blueprint in conjunction with
  servercloud-p-juju-charm-testing should also support other complex
  deployment testing.
  Work Items:
  [james-page] Develop juju charm testing framework to support this requirement: INPROGRESS
  [james-page] Setup OpenStack test lab: INPROGRESS
+ Questions:
+ Does this need expanding?  -- Daviey

Automated Complex Server Deployment Testing

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