[Blueprint servercloud-p-openstack] Openstack Next Steps

Scott Moser smoser at ubuntu.com
Tue Nov 15 21:51:00 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Scott Moser:

Whiteboard changed:
+ Etherpad:
+   edit: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-p-servercloud-p-openstack
+   time slider: http://pad.ubuntu.com/ep/pad/view/uds-p-servercloud-p-openstack/latest
  - add some mechanism to promote ubuntu images, options:
    - populate ubuntu images upon glance installation
    - option in dashboard to download/install
  Work Items:
  Package Nova Essex: TODO
  Package Swift Essex: TODO
  Package Glance Essex: TODO
  Package Keystone Essex: TODO
  Package Horizon Essex: TODO
  Package weekly snapshots of Nova: TODO
  Package weekly snapshots of Swift: TODO
  Package weekly snapshots of Glance: TODO
  Package weekly snapshots of Keystone: TODO
  Package weekly snapshots of Horizon: TODO
  Evaluate and package melange for Universe: TODO
  Evaluate and package atlas-lb for Universe: TODO
  Package quantum for Universe: TODO
  MIR for keystone: TODO
  MIR for horizon: TODO
  Enable SSL for Nova: TODO
  Enable SSL for Glance: TODO
  Make sure Nova configuration is sane: TODO
  Make sure Glance configuration is sane: TODO
  Investiage S3 for Glance: TODO
  Make sure all services are using upstart: TODO
  Start Nova EC2 API team: TODO
  Fix keystone to use with EC2: TODO
  Fix EC2 Bugs: TODO
  Solve EC2 ID issue (to allow multiple zones): TODO
  Test ARM/LXC support: TODO
  Fix Openstack Bug #: TODO
  Test IPV6 on Nova: TODO
  Check on Nova auditing and billing: TODO
  Test Nova with a large number of instances: TODO
  Test Nova with a large load: TODO
+ Test Nova with large uptime: TODO
  Fix nova-lxc Bug #: TODO
- Populate ubuntu images upon glance installation: TODO
- option in horizon to download/install Ubuntu Images: TODO
+ Investigate automatic sync/awareness of cloud-images content: TODO
+ Implement horizon awareness of cloud-images content: TODO
+ Implement automatic sync of cloud-images content: TODO
+ Package horizon awareness of cloud-images content: TODO
+ Package automatic sync of cloud-images content: TODO

Openstack Next Steps

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