[Blueprint servercloud-p-iso-install-testing] Ubuntu Server ISO Testing
James Page
james.page at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 7 09:56:56 UTC 2011
Blueprint changed by James Page:
Whiteboard changed:
- Scope: Installation of Ubuntu Server from ISO (amd64 and i386)
- Coverage:
- Default Ubuntu Server
- - LVM Install
- - Non-LVM Install
- - Multi-LVM Install - GAP
- - RAID Install - GAP
- - iSCSI root Install - GAP
- Minimal Virtual Server
- Current Tasksel
- Bind9 Server
- Mail Server
- OpenSSH Server
- PostgreSQL Server
- Print Server
- Samba Server
- Tomcat Server
- Virtualization Host
+ Summary of Objectives for Precise:
- Objective:
- Verifcation that
- a) Single server installs in simple deployments from ISO work OK
- b) Bootstrap deployments in Data Centre deployments work OK
- Method: ubuntu-server-iso-testing project
- Current Frequency: Daily on production of new ISO images for development release
+ 1) Fill gaps in current server ISO testing scope
+ - Multi LVM layout test
+ - RAID tests
+ - iSCSI root tests
- Questions/Proposals:
- [james-page] Should we also be re-testing the released ISO's on a daily basis to ensure that -updates are not breaking installs.
- [james-page] What additional tasks are we going to add in Precise? Orchestra stuff for example would need to be added to the list.
- [james-page] We need to check if failsafe has been triggered across all installs as this is indicative of a bug.
+ 2) Automated testing of preseeded network installations using orchestra
+ - Cover mini.iso testing for all supported releases.
- Work Items:
- Update framework to support missing test cases: TODO
+ 3) Separate ubuntu-server-iso-testing into framework and tests
+ - Easier management of tests without rebuilding packages
+ - Support for multiple releases much easier.
+ 4) Investigate frameworks for testing the actual installation experience
+ Full session notes from UDS-P: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-p-servercloud-p
+ -iso-install-testing
+ Work items precise-alpha-1:
+ Update ubuntu-server-iso-testing framework to support missing test cases: TODO
+ Separate test configuration from framework codebase: TODO
+ Expand manual test cases to cover options presented during install: TODO
+ Work items precise-alpha-2:
Write Multi-LVM test case: TODO
Write RAID test case: TODO
Write iSCSI root test cases: TODO
+ Work items precise-alpha-3:
+ Automated testing of preseed network installations using orchestra: TODO
+ Work items:
+ Investigation into potential frameworks for visual testing of server and desktop installs (speak to QA): TODO
Ubuntu Server ISO Testing
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