[Blueprint servercloud-p-cloud-image-testing] Ubuntu Server Cloud Image Testing

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 7 09:23:22 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by James Page:

Whiteboard changed:
  Scope: Official ec2 images for Ubuntu Server across all regions for amd64 and i386
    All regions
    All zones
    All types
      default (no use of metadata service)
   a) Verification that ec2 images boot, reboot and shutdown OK
   b) Verification that cloud-unit is working OK in images
  Method: ubuntu-server-ec2-testing project
  Current Frequency: Candidates for Development Milestones only.
  [james-page] We should be performing a daily test of ec2 images across all regions during development
  [james-page] We published new AMI's for most existing Ubuntu releases - but they don't get verified as good
  [james-page] Reporting of results is currently awkward between jenkins and iso tracker - this needs to be automated/easier
  [james-page] We should test the generic cloud image on OpenStack on a daily basis as well.
  Work Items:
+ agree funding of daily AMI testing/cost modelling for justification: TODO
+ setup daily testing for current development release: TODO
+ setup separate mailing list for test notifications: TODO
+ [utlemming] update image promotion process to integrate with Jenkins automated testing: TODO
+ setup smoke testing of previous ubuntu release images: TODO
+ update testing framework to make use of spare ec2 time: TODO
+ investigate options for testing ubuntu cloud images on freecloud/canonistack: TODO
+ investigate options for testing ubuntu cloud images on eucalyptus: TODO
+ investigate/implement automated reporting of test results to iso.qa.ubuntu.com: TODO
+ [james blair] freecloud should get full arm servers and integrate: TODO
+ consider test of arm disk images or arm partition images in LXC: TODO

Ubuntu Server Cloud Image Testing

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