[Blueprint server-o-ensemble-conference-talks] Ensemble Conference Talks

Robbie Williamson robbie.williamson at canonical.com
Tue May 31 16:41:38 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Robbie Williamson:

Whiteboard changed:
  Work Items:
  [bcsaller] Cloud Camp - May 26, 2011 in San Francisco, CA, USA {1}: DONE
  DevOps Day Australia (Taking talk submissions now) - July 22-23rd in Melbourne, Australia{2}: POSTPONED
- HotCloud (Poster submissions are due by Monday, May 30, 2011, at 3:00 p.m. PDT) - June 14–15 in Portland, OR, USA{3}: TODO
+ HotCloud (Poster submissions are due by Monday, May 30, 2011, at 3:00 p.m. PDT) - June 14–15 in Portland, OR, USA{3}: POSTPONED
  DevOps Day Mountain View (Proposal Deadline is 1st of June 2011) - June 17-18th in Mountain View{4}: TODO
  Cloud Camp - June 2, 2011 in Boston (Waltham, MA), USA{5}: TODO
  [robbie.w] Cloud Camp - June 7, 2011 in New York, USA{6}: TODO
  Velocity BoF Session  (Call closes 11:59pm 06/09/2011 PDT) - June 14th-16th in Santa Clara, CA{7}: TODO
  Large Installation System Administration Conference  - (Call closes June 9, 2011, 11:59 p.m. PDT) - December 4–9, 2011, Boston, MA{8}: TODO
  Cloud Connect 2012 - (Call closes August 5th, 2011) - February 13-16, 2012, Silicon Valley, CA{9}: TODO
  Ops Camp - June 13, 2011 in Portland, OR, USA{10}: TODO
  [clint-fewbar] Cloud Camp - June 14, 2011 in San Diego, CA, USA{11}: TODO
  Cloud Camp - June 16, 2011 in Seattle, USA{12}: TODO
  CloudCamp - June 20, 2011 in Cincinnati, OH, USA{13}: TODO
  [clint-fewbar] OSCON BoF Session  (Call closes 11:59pm 07/22/2011 PDT) - July 25-29th in Portland, OR{14}: TODO
  CloudCamp - September 10, 2011 in Munich, Germany{15}: TODO
  CloudCamp - October 9, 2011 in Cloud Track @ Silicon Valley Code Camp, USA{16}: TODO
  {1} http://www.cloudcamp.org/sf/2011-05-26
  {2} http://devopsdownunder.org/
  {3} http://www.usenix.org/events/hotcloud11/
  {4} http://www.devopsdays.org/events/2011-mountainview/proposals/
  {5} http://www.cloudcamp.org/boston/2011-06-02
  {6} http://www.cloudcamp.org/ny/2011-06-07
  {7} http://velocityconf.com/velocity2011/public/cfp/157
  {8} http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa11/
  {9} http://www.cloudconnectevent.com/santaclara/call-for-papers/
  {10} http://www.opscamp.org/
  {11} http://www.cloudcamp.org/sandiego/2011-06-14
  {12} http://www.cloudcamp.org/seattle/2011-06-16
  {13} http://www.cloudcamp.org/cincinnati/2011-06-20
  {14} http://www.oscon.com/oscon2011/public/cfp/164
  {15} http://www.cloudcamp.org/munich/2011-09-10
  {16} http://www.cloudcamp.org/siliconvalley/2011-10-09

Ensemble Conference Talks

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