[Blueprint server-o-monitoring] Improve monitoring for the Server

Serge Hallyn serge.hallyn at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 24 20:34:39 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Serge Hallyn:

Whiteboard changed:
  Work Items for oneiric-alpha-2:
  [clint-fewbar] Drop libhal-dev in collectd: TODO
  [gandelman-a] MIR for liboping-dev for collectd: TODO
- [serge-hallyn] MIR for protobuf-c for collectd: INPROGRESS
+ [serge-hallyn] MIR for protobuf-c for collectd: DONE
  [smoser] MIR for libtokyocabinet-dev for collectd: TODO
  [smoser] MIR for libtokyotyrant-dev for collectd: TODO
  [clint-fewbar] MIR for libyajl-dev for collectd: TODO
  [davewalker] MIR for collectd for collectd: BLOCKED
  [andreserl] MIR for libganglia1-dev for collectd: DONE
  [andreserl] MIR for libconfuse-dev (Build-Dep for ganglia): DONE
  Package collectd-web plugin: TODO
  Work Items:
  Add nagios restart trigger: TODO
  Write base plugin for nagios mcollective plugin: TODO
  Add Ubuntu Cloud support to nagios mcollective plugin: TODO
  Add UEC support to nagios mcollective plugin: TODO
  Add DNS stack support to nagios mcollective plugin: TODO
  Add LAMP stack support to nagios mcollective plugin: TODO
  Add mail stack support to nagios mcollective plugin: TODO
  Add postgres to nagios mcollective plugin: TODO
  Add cups stack to nagios mcollective plugin: TODO
  Add samba stack to nagios mcollective plugin: TODO
  Add Tomcat stack to nagios mcollective plugin: TODO

Improve monitoring for the Server

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