[Blueprint server-o-cluster-stack] Cluster Stack in Oneiric
Andres Rodriguez
andreserl at ubuntu-pe.org
Wed Jun 22 18:47:45 UTC 2011
Blueprint changed by Andres Rodriguez:
Whiteboard changed:
Work items:
[andreserl] Finish packaging resource-agents: DONE
[andreserl] Finish packaging fence-agents: DONE
[andreserl] Upgrade pacemaker to 1.1.X and submit debian dir to Debian: DONE
[andreserl] Upload fence-agents: DONE
[andreserl] Upload resource-agents: DONE
[andreserl] Keep RHCS for DLM (gfs_controld.pcmk/dlm_controld.pcmk) and gfs2-tools: DONE
[andreserl] Remove installation of resource agents from rgmanager: DONE
[andreserl] Remove installation of fence agents from source: DONE
[andreserl] MIR resource-agents: DONE
[andreserl] Switch dependencies on cluster-agents to resource-agents: INPROGRESS
- [andreserl] Upgrade Heartbeat 3.0.5: INPROGRESS
+ [andreserl] Upgrade Heartbeat 3.0.5: DONE
[andreserl] Upgrade pacemaker to 1.1.5: INPROGRESS
[andreserl] MIR fence-agents: TODO
[andreserl] Request demotion of cluster-agents: TODO
[andreserl] Upgrade DRBD 8.4 if Oneiric Kernel ships it: TODO
[andreserl] Link up with openstack and upstream to compile a list of HA requirements: DONE
[andreserl] Sort out PPAs (ubuntu-ha-maintainers becomes main PPA, all other go away): TODO
[andreserl] Evaluate upgrade path 1 or path 2: TODO
Path 1:
Update RHCS to latest 3.0.X (3.0.17 no longer maintained by upstream): TODO
Path 2:
Evaluate if RHCS should be updated to 3.1 (needs testing for OCFS2/GFS2 with pacemaker+corosync+cman. Heartbeat will no longer be used for GFS2/OCFS): TODO
Upgrade to RHCS 3.1: TODO
Finish packaging gfs2-utils: TODO
Upload gfs2-utils: TODO
MIR gfs2-utils: TODO
Update default Pacemaker configuration to reflect upstream changes: TODO
Upstartify corosync (upstart does not stop correctly stop corosync threads): POSTPONED
Include new RHCS and related packages into natty: POSTPONED
Look into automated deployment with puppet (Simple: VIP/ Advanced: DRBD, CLVM, etc): POSTPONED
Add meta-package/tasksel to install simple cluster and join it: POSTPONED
Document for HA with OCFS2: POSTPONED
Document for CLVM: POSTPONED
Include documentation in Ubuntu Server Guide: POSTPONED
== Agenda ==
* Current Cluster Stack:
- RHCS (3.0.12)
+ dlm_controld.pcmk/gfs_controld.pcmk
- Pacemaker/corosync/heartbeat (1.0.10):
+ RA's handle above.
* Discuss the adoption of the new software versions as there have been several upstream changes, and different distributions are adopting different components.
* RHCS (3.1):
- RHCS (dlm, cman, etc), fence-agents, resource-agents, gfs2-utils
- gfs-pcmk, dlm-pcmk dropped.
* Pacemaker 1.1:
- Pcmk + Corosync + cman (to use dlm_controld/gfs_controld)
* resource-agents
- Linux-HA and RHCS RA's merged in a single source.
* MIR fence-agents
- Cobbler uses it.
* DRBD 8.3.X/DRBD 8.4.X
* Nova Components HA (following discussion from the OpenStack Design Summit)
* Continue with the work on the Ubuntu Cluster Stack to complete previously defined work items.
* Obtain feature requests and discuss the customization of the cluster stack for Ubuntu.
* Cloud HA - Pacemaker Cloud Policy Engine:
== Session Notes ==
== Actions ==
* Move forward with OCFS2 as the supported clustered FS
* Keep RHCS 3.0 for DLM's only.
- dlm_controld.pcmk/gfs_controld.pcmk
- keep shipping gfs2-tools (and make sure it's ok)
- upgrade to latest 3.0.x that contains .pcmk (3.0.17)
* Package fence-agents/resource-agents
* Upgrade pacemaker to 1.1
* Investigate and resolve ARM related issues within OCFS2, test
* Move from cluster-agents to resouce-agents
* Link up with openstack and upstream to compile a list of HA requirements
* DRBD 8.4 if is shipped in mainline kernel Oneiric ships.
* ***Documentation***
* Sort out PPAs (ubuntu-ha-maintainers becomes main PPA, all other go away)
Cluster Stack in Oneiric
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