[Blueprint server-o-cloud-images] improvements to Ubuntu Cloud images and cloud-init

Scott Moser smoser at canonical.com
Wed Jul 13 19:42:32 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Scott Moser:

Whiteboard changed:
  Work Items:
- rename uec-images.ubuntu.com to cloud-images.ubuntu.com: TODO
+ [smoser] rename uec-images.ubuntu.com to cloud-images.ubuntu.com: INPROGRESS
  add chef support to cloud-init: TODO
  support system or static Eucalyptus modes in cloud-init (bug 761847): TODO
  document 'instance-data' hostname and setup in eucalyptus (bug 761847): TODO
  make sure cloud-init works on openstack and lxc (bug 800824) : TODO
  cloud-init fix lxc and resizefs (bug 800856): TODO
  make sure static networking and cloud-init works or fix: TODO
  configure networking through cloud config: TODO
  make cloud-init work on debian: TODO
  investigate ovf 2.0: TODO
  re-investigate use of ovf images on vmware: TODO
  etherpad: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-o-server-o-cloud-images
  etherpad-history: http://pad.ubuntu.com/ep/pad/view/uds-o-server-o-cloud-images/latest

improvements to Ubuntu Cloud images and cloud-init

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