[Bug 806176] [NEW] /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/nova/network/manager.py", line 558, in create_networks

Diego Lalo 806176 at bugs.launchpad.net
Tue Jul 5 20:28:34 UTC 2011

Public bug reported:

This issue appears after I configured everything and I try to create a
network executing the folowing:

nova-manage network create 1 128

this is the trace from nova-manage.log:

2011-07-05 21:09:08,432 DEBUG nova.utils [-] backend <module 'nova.db.sqlalchemy.api' from '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.pyc'> from (pid=28830) __get_backend /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/nova/utils.py:417
2011-07-05 21:09:09,404 CRITICAL nova [-] index out range for address range size!
(nova): TRACE: Traceback (most recent call last):
(nova): TRACE:   File "/usr/bin/nova-manage", line 1276, in <module>
(nova): TRACE:     main()
(nova): TRACE:   File "/usr/bin/nova-manage", line 1265, in main
(nova): TRACE:     fn(*argv)
(nova): TRACE:   File "/usr/bin/nova-manage", line 611, in create
(nova): TRACE:     bridge_interface=bridge_interface)
(nova): TRACE:   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/nova/network/manager.py", line 558, in create_networks
(nova): TRACE:     cidr = '%s/%s' % (fixed_net[start], significant_bits)
(nova): TRACE:   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/netaddr/ip/__init__.py", line 917, in __getitem__
(nova): TRACE:     raise IndexError('index out range for address range size!')
(nova): TRACE: IndexError: index out range for address range size!

Here are the flags of nova.conf:


Output of ifconfig:

root at eucalyptus:~# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:24:8c:88:a2:9d  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::224:8cff:fe88:a29d/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:1774 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:1164 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:165596 (165.5 KB)  TX bytes:406423 (406.4 KB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:64771 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:64771 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:43786660 (43.7 MB)  TX bytes:43786660 (43.7 MB)

virbr0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr f6:49:db:49:78:9a  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Information about the ubuntu version:

LSB Version:	core-2.0-amd64:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-amd64:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-amd64:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-amd64:core-3.2-noarch:core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch:graphics-2.0-amd64:graphics-2.0-noarch:graphics-3.0-amd64:graphics-3.0-noarch:graphics-3.1-amd64:graphics-3.1-noarch:graphics-3.2-amd64:graphics-3.2-noarch:graphics-4.0-amd64:graphics-4.0-noarch

root at eucalyptus:~# lsb_release -rd
Description:	Ubuntu 10.10
Release:	10.10

Version of the nova packages:

ii  nova-api                         2011.3~d3~20110701.1244-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick1              OpenStack Compute - API frontend
ii  nova-common                      2011.3~d3~20110701.1244-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick1              OpenStack Compute - common files
ii  nova-compute                     2011.3~d3~20110701.1244-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick1              OpenStack Compute - compute node
ii  nova-doc                         2011.3~d3~20110701.1244-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick1              OpenStack Compute - documetation
ii  nova-network                     2011.3~d3~20110701.1244-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick1              OpenStack Compute - Network manager
ii  nova-objectstore                 2011.3~d3~20110701.1244-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick1              OpenStack Compute - object store
ii  nova-scheduler                   2011.3~d3~20110701.1244-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick1              OpenStack Compute - virtual machine scheduler
ii  python-nova                      2011.3~d3~20110701.1244-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick1              OpenStack Compute Python libraries
ii  python-novaclient                2.4.2~bzr25-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick3                          client library for OpenStack Compute API

Version of python libraries:
ii  libpython2.6                     2.6.6-5ubuntu1                                              Shared Python runtime library (version 2.6)
ii  python2.6                        2.6.6-5ubuntu1                                              An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.6)
ii  python                           2.6.6-2ubuntu2                                              interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version)
ii  python2.6-minimal                2.6.6-5ubuntu1                                              A minimal subset of the Python language (version 2.6)
ii  python-amqplib                   0.6.1-1                                                     simple non-threaded Python AMQP client library
ii  python-anyjson                   0.2.3-1                                                     Wraps the best available JSON implementation available in a common interface
ii  python-appindicator              0.2.9-0ubuntu1.1                                            Python bindings for libappindicator
ii  python-apt                                                       Python interface to libapt-pkg
ii  python-argparse                  1.1-1                                                       optparse-inspired command-line parsing library
ii  python-boto                      1.9b-1ubuntu3                                               Python interface to Amazon's Web Services
ii  python-cairo                     1.8.8-1                                                     Python bindings for the Cairo vector graphics library
ii  python-carrot                    0.10.5-0ubuntu1~maverick0                                   An AMQP messaging queue framework
ii  python-central                   0.6.15ubuntu2                                               register and build utility for Python packages
ii  python-cheetah                   2.0.1-2ubuntu7                                              text-based template engine and Python code generator
ii  python-daemon                    1.5.5-1                                                     library for making a Unix daemon process
ii  python-dbus                      0.83.0-1ubuntu3                                             simple interprocess messaging system (Python interface)
ii  python-decorator                 3.2.0-1                                                     simplify usage of python decorators by programmers
ii  python-eventlet                  0.9.15-0ubuntu2~maverick4                                   concurrent networking library for Python
ii  python-formencode                1.2.2-1ubuntu5                                              validation and form generation Python package
ii  python-gconf                     2.28.1-1ubuntu2                                             Python bindings for the GConf configuration database system
ii  python-gdbm                      2.6.6-0ubuntu1                                              GNU dbm database support for Python
ii  python-gflags                    1.3-1                                                       Python implementation of the Google command line flags module
ii  python-glade2                    2.21.0-0ubuntu1                                             GTK+ bindings: Glade support
ii  python-glance                    2011.3~d3~20110701.151-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick1               OpenStack Image Registry and Delivery Service - Python library
ii  python-gnome2                    2.28.1-1ubuntu2                                             Python bindings for the GNOME desktop environment
ii  python-gnomecanvas               2.28.1-1ubuntu2                                             Python bindings for gnomecanvas (debug extension)
ii  python-gnupginterface            0.3.2-9.1                                                   Python interface to GnuPG (GPG)
ii  python-gobject                   2.21.5-0ubuntu3                                             Python bindings for the GObject library
ii  python-gobject-cairo             2.21.5-0ubuntu3                                             Python Cairo bindings for the GObject library
ii  python-greenlet                  0.3.1-1ubuntu1                                              Lightweight in-process concurrent programming
ii  python-gtk2                      2.21.0-0ubuntu1                                             Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set
ii  python-gtk-vnc                   0.4.1-3ubuntu2                                              A VNC viewer widget for GTK+ (Python binding)
ii  python-httplib2                  0.6.0-3build1                                               comprehensive HTTP client library written for Python
ii  python-ipy                       1:0.70-1                                                    Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks
ii  python-ldap                      2.3.11-1ubuntu1                                             LDAP interface module for Python
ii  python-libvirt                   0.8.8-1ubuntu3~ppamaverick1                                 libvirt Python bindings
ii  python-libxml2                   2.7.7.dfsg-4ubuntu0.2                                       Python bindings for the GNOME XML library
ii  python-lockfile                  1:0.8-2                                                     file locking library for Python
ii  python-m2crypto                  0.20.1-1ubuntu4                                             a crypto and SSL toolkit for Python
ii  python-migrate                   0.6-4~lucid1                                                Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
ii  python-minimal                   2.6.6-2ubuntu2                                              minimal subset of the Python language (default version)
ii  python-mysqldb                   1.2.2-10build1                                              A Python interface to MySQL
ii  python-netaddr                   0.7.4-1                                                     manipulation of various common network address notations
ii  python-netifaces                 0.5-2                                                       portable network interface information for Python
ii  python-nova                      2011.3~d3~20110701.1244-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick1              OpenStack Compute Python libraries
ii  python-novaclient                2.4.2~bzr25-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick3                          client library for OpenStack Compute API
ii  python-openid                    2.2.4-1build1                                               OpenID support for servers and consumers
ii  python-openssl                   0.10-1                                                      Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library
ii  python-paste                     1.7.4-1                                                     tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
ii  python-pastedeploy               1.3.3-3ubuntu2                                              load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
ii  python-pastescript               1.7.3-6                                                     serving web applications, creating file layouts for Python packages
ii  python-pkg-resources             0.6.14-3ubuntu1                                             Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
ii  python-prettytable               0.5-1                                                       library to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables
ii  python-py                        1.2.1-4                                                     Advanced Python testing tool and networking lib
ii  python-pycurl                    7.19.0-3                                                    Python bindings to libcurl
ii  python-pyorbit                   2.24.0-5ubuntu3                                             A Python language binding for the ORBit2 CORBA implementation
ii  python-routes                    1.12.3-1                                                    Routing Recognition and Generation Tools
ii  python-scgi                      1.13-1                                                      Server-side implementation of the SCGI protocol
ii  python-setuptools                0.6.14-3ubuntu1                                             Python Distutils Enhancements (setuptools compatibility)
ii  python-simplejson                2.1.1-1                                                     simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
ii  python-software-properties       0.76.7                                                      manage the repositories that you install software from
ii  python-sqlalchemy                0.6.3-2                                                     SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for Python
ii  python-sqlalchemy-ext            0.6.3-2                                                     SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for Python - C extension
ii  python-support                   1.0.9ubuntu1                                                automated rebuilding support for Python modules
ii  python-swift                     1.2.0-0ubuntu1~maverick0                                    A distributed virtual object store (python libraries)
ii  python-tempita                   0.4-1                                                       very small text templating language
ii  python-twisted-bin               10.1.0-2                                                    Event-based framework for internet applications
ii  python-twisted-core              10.1.0-2                                                    Event-based framework for internet applications
ii  python-twisted-web               10.1.0-1                                                    An HTTP protocol implementation together with clients and servers
ii  python-urlgrabber                3.1.0-5ubuntu1                                              A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
ii  python-vte                       1:0.26.0-0ubuntu2                                           Python bindings for the VTE widget set
ii  python-webob                     1.0.8-0~ppamaverick2                                        Python module providing WSGI request and response objects
ii  python-xattr                     0.4-5                                                       module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes
ii  python-zope.interface            3.6.1-0ubuntu1                                              Interfaces for Python

** Affects: nova (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

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Server Team, which is subscribed to nova in Ubuntu.

  /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/nova/network/manager.py", line 558, in

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