[Blueprint servercloud-p-juju-charm-apparmor-policies] Juju: Using AppArmor with Charms

Robbie Williamson robbie.williamson at canonical.com
Thu Dec 22 16:24:22 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Robbie Williamson:

Whiteboard changed:
  Status: lightweight "first steps" work items identified.
+ Work Items for precise-alpha-2:
+ [jdstrand] rewrite aa-complain and aa-enable/etc. in python and make sure they are installed in base installs: TODO
  Work Items:
  [clint-fewbar] document how to generate profiles from complain logs in charms: TODO
  [clint-fewbar] write helper scripts for charms to install/include charms easily: TODO
  [clint-fewbar] write an example profile embedded in a charm: TODO
- [jdstrand] rewrite aa-complain and aa-enable/etc. in python and make sure they are installed in base installs: TODO
  aa-logprof aa-genprof
  aa-complain, aa-enable, etc should be rewritten in python and in package
  with aa-status
  update charm-tools to generate apparmor templates (?)
    - can we get this from packages (like metadata description)?
  already part of charm review
  augment juju debug logs to include aa complaints (?)
    - helps generate profiles for charms
    - deploy charm in learning mode
  autodiscovery of complaints... set profiles on all ami's in ec2 in complain mode... mine this
  (anonymized somehow?)
  this might even be useful outside of the context of charms
  What about strengthening the container itself?  as we move to containers everywhere (separate conversation)
  security team working to get apparmor stacking working for lxc containers
  Two problems:
   - profiles for services within the containers
   - containers themselves

Juju: Using AppArmor with Charms

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