[Blueprint server-o-syslog-information] Thoughts about controlling the syslog firehose for Ubuntu Server

Andres Rodriguez andreserl at ubuntu-pe.org
Tue Aug 23 20:42:06 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Andres Rodriguez:

Whiteboard changed:
  Work Items for oneiric-alpha-2:
  [james-page] File an ITP for octopussy in Debian: DONE
  [gandelman-a] Write puppet module for central rsyslog server: INPROGRESS
  [gandelman-a] Write puppet module for rsyslog "client": INPROGRESS
  Work Items for oneiric-alpha-3:
- Investigate sane defaults for central rsyslog server: TODO
+ Investigate sane defaults for central rsyslog server: DONE
  [james-page] Package octopussy for Ubuntu: INPROGRESS
  [james-page] Upload octopussy for Ubuntu: TODO
  Work Items:
  [james-page] Upload octopussy for Debian: TODO

Thoughts about controlling the syslog firehose for Ubuntu Server

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