[Blueprint server-o-mysql] MySQL has become more than just "MySQL", we should make it easy to integrate all variants

Clint Byrum clint at fewbar.com
Wed Aug 17 23:34:32 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Clint Byrum:

Whiteboard changed:
  Status: Sponsorship of 5.5 into experimental is pending. Time running
  out for an oneiric transition on libmysqlclient.
  Work Items:
  [clint-fewbar] complete MySQL 5.5 packaging for Debian and Ubuntu: DONE
  [clint-fewbar] submit MySQL 5.5 for upload to Debian: DONE
  [clint-fewbar] Review existing packaging of Percona Server for Debian and Ubuntu: TODO
  [clint-fewbar] Review existing packaging of MariaDB for Debian and Ubuntu: TODO
  [clint-fewbar] investigate making it easy for percona/maria to replace mysql server in dependencies on mysql-server: TODO
  [clint-fewbar] Run mysql test suite against percona/mariadb: TODO
- [clint-fewbar] get Percona Server sponsored into Debian: TODO
- [clint-fewbar] get MariaDB sponsored into Debian: TODO
- [clint-fewbar] review/sponsor xtrabackup packaging by Percona from natty cycle: TODO
- promote mysql-5.5 to main: TODO
- remove mysql-5.1: TODO
- mass rebuild all packages that build-depend on libmysqlclient-dev to pickup new client lib: TODO
+ [clint-fewbar] get Percona Server sponsored into Debian: POSTPONED
+ [clint-fewbar] get MariaDB sponsored into Debian: POSTPONED
+ [clint-fewbar] review/sponsor xtrabackup packaging by Percona from natty cycle: POSTPONED
+ promote mysql-5.5 to main: POSTPONED
+ remove mysql-5.1: POSTPONED
+ mass rebuild all packages that build-depend on libmysqlclient-dev to pickup new client lib: POSTPONED
+ revamp mysql-5.5 copyright file to address archive admin rejection: DONE
  = Discussion =
  == Packaging ==
  5.1 in Universe
   - provides safe upgrade path
  5.5 in Main
  == Ideas ==
  - mysql-server depends on mysql_alternative_1 OR mysql_alternative_2 OR ... (requires alternatives to be in Main)
  - unique source package for all alternatives
  - parallel instalation of alternatives
  == ACTIONS ==
  Find a way to package  and MariaDB!
  - MySQL 5.5 into Debian and Oneiric Soon
  - Change mysql-server to a virtual package which depends on     mysql-server-5.5 | percona-server-5.5 | mariadb-server-5.5 ?
  - Drizzle is probably enoug of a fork that it cannot be included in the 'mysql-server' depends
  - libmysqlclient should come from upstream
  - What about plugins like XtraBackup and Handlersocket?
  = Comments =
  * Dont forget to do rebuilds for the newer libmysqlclient16 to

MySQL has become more than just "MySQL", we should make it easy to integrate all variants

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