[Blueprint server-o-tomcat7-packaging] Package Tomcat 7
James Page
james.page at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 2 16:22:52 UTC 2011
Blueprint changed by James Page:
Whiteboard changed:
Session topics:
Complexity of packaging - good fit with current tomcat6 packaging.
Engagement with debian
Learnings from tomcat6 packaging
- Upstart - refactoring sounds like a good idea.
- authbind - still considered a key part of the package.
- tomcat-user - package still useful.
- security management integrations.
Ease migration,.
Switching tomcat6/tomcat7 in main.
- Defer until next release post review of bugs....
dbcp - look for diff in packages.
osgi wrap to packages
Work items (oneiric-alpha-2):
[james-page] work with debian upstream on packaging: DONE
[james-page] Investigate OSGi wrapping in Jars: DONE
Work items:
- [james-page] address upstart/init co-existence in debian package: TODO
- [james-page] ensemble formula for deploying tomcat7: TODO
+ [james-page] address upstart/init co-existence in debian package: INPROGRESS
+ [james-page] ensemble formula for deploying tomcat7: INPROGRESS
Package Tomcat 7
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