[Bug 350936] Re: Should shut down domains on system shutdown

tomcrus thomas.crusius at online.de
Fri Jun 25 22:50:31 BST 2010

As I'm currently setting up an intranet mail-server for my company
(based on lucid / ebox) in some kvm-guests and there for have exactly
the same problem. Reading all previous posts - and because I need kvm-
guest shutdown as well - I will use something like this:

Add following lines in /etc/init.d/sendsigs just before the sync line:

  # avoid every running kvm (started thru libvirt-bin) from being killed
  for pidfile in /var/run/libvirt/qemu/*.pid; do
		  OMITPIDS="${OMITPIDS:+$OMITPIDS }-o $(cat $pidfile)"

I think this should prevent kvm-guests from being killed on shutdown.
Then in /etc/init/libvirt-bin.conf I would try to add following lines:

  kill timeout 360

  pre-stop script
		  # only shutdown all guests if stopping of task is because of
		  # runlevels 0 (halt) or 6 (reboot)
		  if [ "$RUNLEVEL" = "0" -o "$RUNLEVEL" = "6" ]; then

				  function list_running_vms(){
						  virsh --connect $VIRSH_CONNECT list | grep running | awk '{ print $2 }'

				  # send shutdown to each running vm (they must handle acpi-power-button!)
				  list_running_vms | while read vm; do
						  virsh --connect $VIRSH_CONNECT shutdown $vm

				  # wait until timeout has reached or no running are vms left
				  END_TIME=$(date -d "$TIMEOUT seconds" +%s)
				  while [ $END_TIME -lt $(date +%s) ]; do
						  test -z "$(list_running_vms)" && break
						  sleep 1

				  # if any vms left running destroy them now
				  if [ -n "$(list_running_vms)" ]; then
						  list_running_vms | while read vm; do
								  virsh --connect $VIRSH_CONNECT destroy $vm
				  sleep 3
  end script

I don't know yet if this works, but I will test as soon as possible.
Maybe if somebody else is in the mood to do so please report if it

Should shut down domains on system shutdown
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