[Bug 456806] Re: mountall vomits a shell onto virtual console when you run vi

artlogic artlogic at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 18:24:35 GMT 2010

Unfortunately I spoke too soon.  It seems like the issue has come back.
After upgrading I verified mountall wasn't still running when I logged
in with "ps -A | grep mountall" and got nothing back.  But today, oddly
enough after flashing the BIOS, the issue seems to have returned.
Unfortunately on reboot I noticed the same issues (mountall interfering
with the shell, arrow keys, and editors).  It's still running and I
verified I'm on mountall 1.0.1.  Once I kill it, normally things go back
to normal - sometimes - once in a while it seems to clobber the terminal
- but I can switch to another virtual terminal (Ctrl-Alt-F2, etc...) and

Not sure if this is related or not - but I am running with encrypted
home directories, and on bootup I always see the message: one or more
mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted.  I'm also running
mdadm RAID 1.  Both things seem to be working fine.

This is a fresh install of 9.10 server 64 bit with fairly small changes
configuration wise.

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mountall vomits a shell onto virtual console when you run vi
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