[Bug 409777] Re: credentials zip file should pack files with permissions 600

Dustin Kirkland dustin.kirkland at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 11:10:10 BST 2009

Looks like it to me:

irkland at x200:/tmp$ mkdir foo
kirkland at x200:/tmp$ cd foo/
kirkland at x200:/tmp/foo$ touch a b c
kirkland at x200:/tmp/foo$ chmod 740 a
kirkland at x200:/tmp/foo$ chmod 700 b
kirkland at x200:/tmp/foo$ chmod 444 c
kirkland at x200:/tmp/foo$ zip foo.zip *
  adding: a (stored 0%)
  adding: b (stored 0%)
  adding: c (stored 0%)
kirkland at x200:/tmp/foo$ cd ..
kirkland at x200:/tmp$ mkdir foo2
kirkland at x200:/tmp$ cd foo2/
kirkland at x200:/tmp/foo2$ unzip ../foo/*zip
Archive:  ../foo/foo.zip
 extracting: a
 extracting: b
 extracting: c
kirkland at x200:/tmp/foo2$ ls -alF
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 kirkland kirkland 100 2009-09-26 03:08 ./
drwxrwxrwt 28 root     root     920 2009-09-26 03:08 ../
-rwxr-----  1 kirkland kirkland   0 2009-09-26 03:08 a*
-rwx------  1 kirkland kirkland   0 2009-09-26 03:08 b*
-r--r--r--  1 kirkland kirkland   0 2009-09-26 03:08 c

credentials zip file should pack files with permissions 600
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