[Bug 196749] Re: migrationtools don't work except from their installation directory

Launchpad Bug Tracker 196749 at bugs.launchpad.net
Mon Jun 30 13:30:11 BST 2008

This bug was fixed in the package migrationtools - 47-6ubuntu1

migrationtools (47-6ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low

  * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
    - Install migrate_common.ph into the right sport. (LP: #196749)
    - Update maintainer according to spec.

migrationtools (47-6) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Dummy rerelease, using proper tarball (lost in switch to Git).
  * Keep urgency=medium from release 47.4.

migrationtools (47-5) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Add note about access to shadow passwords to README.Debian.  This
    closes: bug#375007, thanks to James Westby.
  * Keep urgency=medium...

migrationtools (47-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Packaging moved to collab-maint Git at Alioth.  Add VCS-* hints to
  * Only apply access rights to files (not the symlink).  Closes:
    bug#464294, thanks to Lucas Nussbaum.
  * Move Homepage to own field (from pseudo-field in long description)
    in debian/control.
  * Update local cdbs snippets:
    + Update copyright-check.mk to parse licensecheck output using perl:
      + No longer randomly drops newlines
      + More compact hint file (and ordered more like wiki-proposed new
        copyright syntax).
      + No longer ignore files without copyright.
      + Relax to only warn about its discoveries.  This is a potential
        FTBFS (see bug#487065).
    + Drop wget options broken with recent versions of wget in
    + Cosmetic updates to README.cdbs-tweaks.
    + Cleanup duplicate build-dependencies in debian/rules.
  * Update debian/copyright-hints.
  * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 6.
  * Semi-auto-update debian/control to update build-dependencies:
    DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROL=yes fakeroot debian/rules clean
  * Set urgency=medium due to multiple FTBFS bugfixes.

 -- Chuck Short <zulcss at ubuntu.com>   Mon, 30 Jun 2008 02:01:05 +0100

** Changed in: migrationtools (Ubuntu)
       Status: New => Fix Released

migrationtools don't work except from their installation directory
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