[USN-5430-1] GNOME Settings vulnerability

Marc Deslauriers marc.deslauriers at canonical.com
Wed May 18 16:45:15 UTC 2022

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5430-1
May 18, 2022

gnome-control-center vulnerability

A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:

- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS


GNOME Settings could allow unintended access to network services.

Software Description:
- gnome-control-center: utilities to configure the GNOME desktop


It was discovered that GNOME Settings incorrectly handled the remote
desktop sharing configuration. When turning off desktop sharing, it may be
turned on again after rebooting, contrary to expectations.

Update instructions:

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following
package versions:

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS:
  gnome-control-center            1:41.4-1ubuntu13.2

After a standard system update you need to reboot your computer to make all
the necessary changes.


Package Information:
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