[USN-2706-1] OpenJDK 6 vulnerabilities

Steve Beattie steve.beattie at canonical.com
Thu Aug 6 19:45:10 UTC 2015

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-2706-1
August 06, 2015

openjdk-6 vulnerabilities

A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:

- Ubuntu 12.04 LTS


Several security issues were fixed in OpenJDK 6.

Software Description:
- openjdk-6: Open Source Java implementation


Several vulnerabilities were discovered in the OpenJDK JRE related to
information disclosure, data integrity, and availability. An attacker
could exploit these to cause a denial of service or expose sensitive
data over the network. (CVE-2015-2590, CVE-2015-2628, CVE-2015-4731,
CVE-2015-4732, CVE-2015-4733, CVE-2015-4760, CVE-2015-4748)

Several vulnerabilities were discovered in the cryptographic components
of the OpenJDK JRE. An attacker could exploit these to expose sensitive
data over the network. (CVE-2015-2601, CVE-2015-2808, CVE-2015-4000,
CVE-2015-2625, CVE-2015-2613)

As a security improvement, this update modifies OpenJDK behavior to
disable RC4 TLS/SSL cipher suites by default.

As a security improvement, this update modifies OpenJDK behavior to
reject DH key sizes below 768 bits by default, preventing a possible
downgrade attack.

Several vulnerabilities were discovered in the OpenJDK JRE related
to information disclosure. An attacker could exploit these to expose
sensitive data over the network. (CVE-2015-2621, CVE-2015-2632)

A vulnerability was discovered with how the JNDI component of the
OpenJDK JRE handles DNS resolutions. A remote attacker could exploit
this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2015-4749)

Update instructions:

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following
package versions:

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS:
  icedtea-6-jre-cacao             6b36-1.13.8-0ubuntu1~12.04
  icedtea-6-jre-jamvm             6b36-1.13.8-0ubuntu1~12.04
  openjdk-6-jdk                   6b36-1.13.8-0ubuntu1~12.04
  openjdk-6-jre                   6b36-1.13.8-0ubuntu1~12.04
  openjdk-6-jre-headless          6b36-1.13.8-0ubuntu1~12.04
  openjdk-6-jre-lib               6b36-1.13.8-0ubuntu1~12.04
  openjdk-6-jre-zero              6b36-1.13.8-0ubuntu1~12.04
  openjdk-6-source                6b36-1.13.8-0ubuntu1~12.04

This update uses a new upstream release, which includes additional
bug fixes. After a standard system update you need to restart any
Java applications or applets to make all the necessary changes.

  CVE-2015-2590, CVE-2015-2601, CVE-2015-2621, CVE-2015-2625,
  CVE-2015-2628, CVE-2015-2632, CVE-2015-2808, CVE-2015-4000,
  CVE-2015-4731, CVE-2015-4732, CVE-2015-4733, CVE-2015-4748,
  CVE-2015-4749, CVE-2015-4760

Package Information:

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