Ubuntu users cooperation in the Nordic and Baltic countries?

Mattias Axell mattias at digidemlab.org
Fre Mars 29 08:34:44 UTC 2019

Hi Aku,

(Can't post comments on your blog, sorry!)

I remember this conversation although I did not partake. I think the 
idea sounds great although I can't see on the Ubuntu Sweden forums that 
it has been discussed since earlier messages.

I think there could be some great benefits for the Ubuntu / Linux 
community in general if there was a national association. As I 
understand, Svenska Linuxföreningen has become dormant since some years 
back? I work with civictech.se and we see it as part of our work to 
support development Ubuntu/Debian and Linux communities in Sweden.

I definitely think there can be interest for association, at least among 
people I have talked to. Is there a suitable list to continue 
discussion? Maybe https://lists.debian.org/debian-dug-nordic/ ?


On 2019-03-27 13:00, ubuntu-se-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
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> Dagens ämnen:
>     1. Ubuntu users cooperation in the Nordic and Baltic countries?
>        (Aku Talikka)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 06:49:36 +0200
> From: Aku Talikka <aku.talikka at robuntu.fi>
> To: akutalikka at gmail.com
> Subject: Ubuntu users cooperation in the Nordic and Baltic countries?
> Message-ID: <96fb4d49-e4c6-5004-a61d-8ba0c779d844 at robuntu.fi>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> Hello, last year there was some conversation at ubuntu-nordic mailing
> list about establishing an association or some other kind of cooperation
> for Ubuntu users in the Nordic and Baltic countries. In your national
> forums, have you discussed if there is need or use for such an
> association? Denmark has an official national association already. Most
> countries do not, though the communities of course are active.
> I nowadays work part-time in a Finnish association https://coss.fi/en/
> and one part of the job is to explore grassroot-based cooperation
> nationally and towards other nearby countries.
> This message is sent to the national lists fi, se, no, dk, ee, lv, lt
> If you think it is a good idea to establish an association or some less
> official cooperation between specific Linux users in the north let us
> continue in my blog at
> https://aku-opettaa.blogspot.com/2019/03/nordic-and-baltic-ubuntu-users.html
> Linux Mint seems to be almost as popular as Ubuntu and the forums in
> Finland seem to be very active on the LM side also. I wonder if it would
> be good to include Linux Mint in this Ubuntu cooperation discussion.

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