Kallelse: möte med Jono

Johan liquoricetea at gmail.com
Sat Feb 3 20:14:43 GMT 2007

Kallelse: möte med Jono

Måndag 5 februari kl 21.00 i #ubuntu-se

Det var tidigare okänt om mötet skulle flyttas eller inte men det är nu 
helt bestämt att denna tid gäller.

Jono jobbar för Ubuntu och har till uppgift att vara Lokala 
Ubuntugemenskaper världen över till hjälp.

Det diskuterade kommer på något sätt bli den konflikt som har rått på 
Ubuntu Sverige de senaste veckorna.

Mötet kommer att hållas på engelska.

Vi ses!


-------- Ursprungligt meddelande --------
Ämne: 	Möte den 5/2 kl 21:00
Datum: 	Tue, 30 Jan 2007 19:57:34 +0100
Från: 	Erik Sandström <ratata at brikks.com>
Svar till: 	Ubuntu Sverige <ubuntu-se at lists.ubuntu.com>
Till: 	ubuntu-se at lists.ubuntu.com

Jonos kallelse:

Hi all,

I have had a number of emails recently about problems with ubuntu-se,
and it is time for this madness to stop. I am keen to resolve these
problems as soon as possible.

I have received a number of details about good and bad behaviour going
on in the team, and some of this information is conflicting in different
ways. I am keen to understand the problems, and thankyou to everyone who
has kept me updated.

So, I would like to call an IRC meeting to discuss these problems. I am
expecting everyone involved to attend this meeting, and I will be there
to discuss what is going on. I am also expecting everyone in the
ubuntu-se to accept my guidance and advice to resolve these issues.

I would like to hold the meeting in #ubuntu-se on Monday 5th Feb at 8pm
UTC. Can everyone make it along? I would also like you to post a message
to the ubuntu-se list to invite others.



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