SV: Re: Översättningar som inte registreras...

Daniel Nylander info at
Sön Nov 20 20:23:01 GMT 2005

Thore skrev:
> Hur ska man göra när det gäller buggrapporteringar för "sv_SE"-paketen?

Har faktiskt ingen aning om hur man buggrapporterar till Ubuntu.
Kanske någon e-postlista för det? Debianer använder kommandot "bugreport".

Här är texten jag fått av Debians översättningsansvarige (Christian
Pellier) och skickat
till paketansvariga som har paket som använder "sv_SE" istället för "sv".


This package includes a sv_SE.po file which contains the Swedish translation
of the program strings.

Using a country part in a translation file is a discouraged practice
except in very few cases (such as pt_BR).

Using a sv_SE.po file instead of a sv.po file prevents users of sv_FI,
and all other existing and future locales for
Swedish to benefit from the Swedish translation of the program.

The language does not vary among countries and, again, this is not the
general practice for programs localization.

Please forward this to the upstream author along with this explanation.

You can also mention that the bug probably occurs for other
translations. In general PO files should only be named after the
ISO_639 code of the given language and should not use a country part
with a ISO-3166 code. The only accepted expections to this are:

-pt_BR for Brazilian Portuguese and pt alone for "standard Portuguese"
-zh_CN for "Simplified Chinese" use in mailand China and Singapore
-zh_TW for "Traditional Chinese" used in Taiwan

Lat both are different ways of wrinting Chinese, not to be confused
with Mandarin/Cantonese which are different ways of *speaking*
Chinese....both being written the same way.


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Typ       : text/x-vcard
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