[Fwd: [Ubuntu Screencast Request] Virtualization]

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Sun Oct 21 14:41:28 BST 2007

Hi Fred,

On Sat, 2007-10-20 at 14:41 +0200, Fred Saunier wrote:
> Wine is definetely usefull, but can only be used as a partial solution
> - some specific applications do require windows to be fully installed
> to run.

Indeed, this would need to be highlighted in such a screencast.

>  I think that three separate screencasts could be made : Wine, VMWare
> and VirtualBox. 

Would three be enough? 

I can imagine WINE, VMWare, VirtualBox, QEMU (perhaps with a nice
frontend like quemulator), dosbox, dosemu all having a place for
someone. Maybe group them into "Windows under API emulation", "Full
system emulation", "DOS Emulation"?

> The screencasts dedicated to WMWare could show how to embed a Windows
> OS within Ubuntu from scratch, as well as accessing an existing XP
> installation from within Ubuntu. 

Yeah, that's a really cool thing to do and show, having windows apps on
the ubuntu desktop.

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