☑Re: help me make my decision

Dale Porter 071jn на tut.by
Чт Июл 6 22:00:49 UTC 2017


I wanted to ask you to help me  decide which  phone to  choose, please  see  the options here http://www.eclature.com/warm.php?5150. Thank you!

Rushing, Dale Porter

From: ubuntu-ru [mailto:ubuntu-ru на lists.ubuntu.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 5:00 PM
To: 071jn на tut.by
Subject: tigerlily going full xj9

-Emerald  Drake (Need Blazing, Onyxian, and Azure)

-80  Exalted Reputations  (@72 with  6 somewhat  easy  ones in varying states of completion)

-175  toys, hopefully for  future  meta (153, half  the TCG toys  already)

-Legendary Staff finished (Easy, just  didn't start till  very recently,  19/25 embers)

-Thunderfury Finished (Left  binding  + essence  + 10 bars  done)

-Val'anyr finished on new paladin (11/30 shards)

-Finish old raid  metas (Only the  penitent  etc)

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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