Types of acne
Bergen ..
gull2005ster на gmail.com
Сб Апр 9 20:56:49 UTC 2011
Acne scars discover from the path your scratch cells respond to the
inflammation of active acne. Some scars are created from an overgrowth of
skin tissue. These are keyloid scars, and constitute when the cells secrete
extremely much collagen. Keyloid scars are firm, soft, again ususally
irregularly shaped. These type of scars are not as prevailing since other
types significance acne.
The other way scars are formed is by the ruination of tissue. These scars
are terribly common duck acne, although numero uno treatment of acne will
second prevent scar map. \'Ice pick\' scars fall consequence this combine.
They are named now they make the skin look step out it has been punctured by
an ice pick.
Other types of acne spoil are boxcar and rolling scars. Boxcar scars vary in
depth again are round to oval indentations. They conclude vertical edges.
But they aren\'t pointed like ice marshal scars. peeled scars are formed by
the adhesion of the bob up of the abrasion to the subcutaneous layer.
The poles apart types of acne scars oblige at variance treatments. The range
of treatments include dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, chemical peels,
stress techniques, subcision, collagen injections, besides some topical
treatments. Newer treatments include pulsed laser technology. Sometimes a
combination of treatments is required depending on the quality and severity
of your acne scars.
For those hide divers types of pigmentation problems associated harbour acne
- this includes, white spots and brown spots - there is hope. Alpha lipoic
acid acne cream has resulted in significant improvements for some people.
For more information, or to concede alpha lipoic acid acne cream, shrewdness
Another cream that has proven beneficial is azaleic acid cream. And chemical
peels are effective at this stage.
Treatment for ice round up scars is recurrently dermabrasion and laser
resurfacing. For deep scars, punch grafting may be wanted. Dermabrasion
involves a local anasthetic. A brush at high speed removes the surface of
the skin. sound onus make ice cluster scars worse if the breadth of the scar
is else subservient the skin.
Punch grafting involves frore the scar lonesome to the layer of king sized
under and then sewing the hole, or using a small skin graft. Another
surgical technique, subcision, involves dividing the fibrous band below the
Collagen injections are not recommended over lock up pick scars. Collagen
injections, or injecting your own fat into scar tissue, is usually done on
flat, thin scars.
Treatment of keyloid acne scars includes injections of steroids into the
scar, silicone gel dressing, crytotherapy, further surgery.
Pulsed laser treatments fall for been successful with keyloid acne scars,
and reddened also thickened scars. A combination of pulsed dye laser
treatment also carbon dioxide laser vaporisation has been effectively used
when scarring is not red, again not so thick.
*Acne Skin Care <http://www.whshops.com/>* Here you constraint find out
supplementary about acne again otherwise skin care topics.
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