
Петров Иван ip2010petrov на yandex.ru
Сб Май 8 15:36:58 BST 2010

Efax не хочет принимать ps файлы. Не отправляет их

В общем это описано:

Any attempt to send a postscript file fails with

    efax: 38:50 Error: can't read multi-strip TIFF files
    efax: 38:50 Error: missing offset to TIFF data
    efax: 38:50 done, returning 2 (unrecoverable error)

>From http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.printing.ghostscript.cvs/9046
it seems, that efax doesn't like the tiff files generated by ghostscript
anymore (or deeper: The problem is really that 'efax' is a non-compliant TIFF reader).

The workaround would be for efax to call gs with an additional option


A tiff file manually created with

    gs -q -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -dNOPAUSE -dMaxStripSize=0 \
       -sOutputFile=sample.%03d sample.ps </dev/null

was sent without problems.

Вопрос, как все таки правильно готовить Ps файлы для efax?


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