Апплет "установка и удаление программ" стаит не те пакеты.

Kirill Shatalaev kirill на samaranet.info
Сб Июл 11 06:50:08 BST 2009

На это нужно писать багрепорты (если да, кому?) - или это так и задумано 
в качестве фичи?
Примеров довольно много.
Из свежих - игрушка wesnoth

Поставил через апплет, чето ни музыки нет, ни кампаний, работает через 
пень колоду.

Открыл терминал и радостно наблюдаю:

sv на svs:~$ sudo aptitude search wesnoth
p   wesnoth		- fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite 

p   wesnoth-all		- complete campaign suite for Wesnoth - transitional 
p   wesnoth-aoi		- "An Orcish Incursion" official campaign for Wesnoth 

i   wesnoth-core	- fantasy turn-based strategy game 

i A wesnoth-data	- data files for Wesnoth 

p   wesnoth-dbg		- fantasy turn-based strategy game (debugging symbols) 

p   wesnoth-did		- "Descent Into Darkness" official campaign for Wesnoth 

p   wesnoth-editor	- map editor for Wesnoth - transitional package 

p   wesnoth-ei		- "The Eastern Invasion" official campaign for Wesnoth 

i A wesnoth-httt	- "Heir to the Throne" official campaign for Wesnoth 

p   wesnoth-l		- "Liberty" official campaign for Wesnoth 

p   wesnoth-low		- "Legend of Wesmere" official campaign for Wesnoth 

p   wesnoth-music	- music files for Wesnoth 

p   wesnoth-nr		- "Northern Rebirth" official campaign for Wesnoth 

p   wesnoth-server	- multiplayer network server for Wesnoth 

p   wesnoth-sof		- "The Sceptre of Fire" official campaign for Wesnoth 

p   wesnoth-sotbe	- "Son of the Black-Eye" official campaign for Wesnoth 

p   wesnoth-thot	- "The Hammer of Thursagan" official campaign for 
p   wesnoth-tools	- tools for campaign developers for Wesnoth 

p   wesnoth-trow	- "The Rise of Wesnoth" official campaign for Wesnoth 

i A wesnoth-tsg		- "The South Guard" official campaign for Wesnoth 

i A wesnoth-ttb		- "A Tale of Two Brothers" official campaign for 
p   wesnoth-utbs	- "Under the Burning Suns" official campaign for 

Ставит он вовсе не метапэкедж а не пойми что.
Может от древних каких версий остался, пойди разбери.
Ситуация довольно частая.

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