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t2a chirchik на list.ru
Вс Мар 16 12:19:38 GMT 2008

Кто поможет разобраться вот с этим (сиречь как сие дело установить на Ubuntu, по принципу "делать аз, делать буки,делать веди".)

For using this pre alpha SANE sq930x backend the following files need to be patched/placed:

sane backends (use SANE version 1.0.18 or higher):
placed in backend directory (1.0.18): sq930x.c, sq930x.h and sq930x.conf.in files.
placed in doc/descriptions directory:     sq930x.desc file.
patched in backend directory:             dll.conf.in (add: sq930x)
patched                                   configure.in (add to list BACKENDS: sq930x)

Run:                                      autoconf

patched Makefile.in:                backend/Makefile.in 
                                    add lines after "# We must not build SANE backend libraries ..":
                                    libsane-sq930x.la: ../sanei/sanei_constrain_value.lo
                                    libsane-sq930x.la: ../sanei/sanei_usb.lo
                Check/add by DISTFILES: sq930x.c sq930x.h sq930x.conf.in
Run "./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share",
    "make", and "make install" (as root) as usual.

sane-frontend (use SANE version 1.0.14 or higher):

Use "export SANE_DEBUG_SQ930X=255" to enable debugging.

Check file permisions from (for example 0666): (hotplug) /proc/bus/usb/0xx/0yy or
                                               (udev)    /dev/bus/usb/0xx/0yy
If you want to add your device, just add code until the backend works.

Оригинал - http://gkall.hobby.nl/sq930x.html

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