Новая версия игры X-Moto 0.1.14 для Ubuntu 5.10

Иванов Сергей rus_patriot на inbox.ru
Сб Май 20 20:39:41 BST 2006

Скачать её можно от сюда http://www.ertt.fatal.ru

X-Moto 0.1.14 (alpha) 2006-05-19
  * New version numbering policy: If the last number is even it's
    a stable X-Moto release, otherwise it's an unstable development
    version (from CVS).
  * Major bug in the player head/entity collision detection code fixed.
  * Level files are now cached for much faster loading time.
  * Integration with Nicolas Adenis-Lamarre's website; World records
    can now be seen inside the game, and new levels can be downloaded
  * New (optional) library dependency: libcurl. If library isn't found
    by ./configure, the online high-score system is disabled, so please
    install libcurl (version 3) before upgrading to X-Moto 0.1.14.
    (This does not affect X-Moto on Windows, libcurl is included with
    the game there).
  * Slight physics adjustment: It should no longer be possible to fall
    through the ground when standing still. Stay calm, this should NOT
    affect the gameplay.
  * Alpha-testing enabled for sprites; which are less fuzzy looking
    now. Also looks better with anti-aliasing.
  * Lots of new UI stuff, including context help.
  * It's now possible to see what level you're playing.
  * Less retarded usage of SDL_Delay(), UI more responsive.
  * Fixed bug that made it difficult to click tabs in level info
  * "Next Level" button also for external levels now.
  * 8 new built-in levels, including 4 by Torben Green, and one by
    Thomas Kjaerulff.
  * More control over playback of replays: Up/down to increase/decrease
    speed and space to pause.
  * External levels ordered alphabetically.
  * Automatic replay naming.
  * Various minor changes and several other small bugs fixed.
  * Windows specific: Upgraded to SDL 1.2.10 and SDL_mixer 1.2.7.
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