Новая версия X-Moto 0.1.16 для Ubuntu 5.10

Иванов Сергей rus_patriot на inbox.ru
Вс Июн 18 21:01:02 BST 2006

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X-Moto 0.1.16 (alpha) 2006-06-16
  * Ghost replays while playing.
  * Game should work with AMD64 again now. The long standing corrupted
    fonts in editor-bug on AMD64 has also been fixed.
  * Automatic list of screen resolutions (patch by Emmanuel Gorse).
  * Scripted levels are now recordable.
  * PreDraw() in script is not good because it depends on framerate,
    use Tick() instead.
  * Hitting "return" while playing now restarts the level immediately.
  * A sound is played when you make a new highscore.
  * Optional automatic saving of replays if it's a highscore.
  * Mouse buttons can now be used to control the bike.
  * A button to view a highscore's replay easily, and downloads it if
    it is missing.
  * Updated to support the new Lua 5.1.
  * Faster scanning of replays.
  * Game no longer crashes if a level is using an unknown texture.
  * Some bugs fixed.
  * Editor: Supports use of &lt; and &gt; instead of < and > in
    embedded scripts.
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