Вышла новая версия игры X-Moto 0.2.0 для Ubuntu 6.06
Иванов Сергей
rus_patriot на inbox.ru
Чт Авг 10 21:43:54 BST 2006
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X-Moto 0.2.0 (alpha)
* Yet a new version numbering policy: Last number incremented for
bug-fix releases, middle one is even for official releases and
uneven for development (CVS) versions.
* No longer fancy ghost graphics in -ugly mode.
* Ghost now visible on minimap.
* New optional "rversion" <level> attribute, which allows level
designers to specify the X-Moto version required to play a level.
* Bug with in-game ghost information display fixed.
* Player statistics.
* New textures, sprites, and edge effects (RedBricks, GrayBricks,
and BlueBricks).
* You can now keep the up and down arrows of lists pressed to list
the levels.
* Various new script functions (see MotoGameL.cpp for details).
* Added dependency for libbz2 (for web transfer compression).
* Menu music and new sound effects by Jens Erler.
* More graphics.
* Better collision detection. Bike behaviour is affected slightly.
* Custom themes (replacable graphics).
* Press character keys to quickly navigate through level lists.
* Several minor improvements and some bugs fixed.
* Joystick patch by Christoph Sommer applied.
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