Technical contacts for languages, fonts and scripts
Aron Xu
happyaron.xu at
Tue Mar 23 13:08:31 GMT 2010
Updated information about Simplified Chinese, thanks.
Aron Xu
2010/3/23 David Planella <david.planella at>:
> El Di 23 de 03 de 2010 a les 13:53 +0100, en/na David Planella va
> escriure:
>> Hi all,
>> As not everyone has got an area of expertise across all localization
>> subjects and languages, we're trying to create a list with contacts with
>> people or teams who can deal with more technical questions related to a
>> particular language, especially about fonts and scripts.
>> We will use this list to approach the contacts when questions arise on
>> their area of expertise, and if they've got a Launchpad account, we'll
>> assign the related bugs for them to be aware of and provide some input.
>> I've started the list on:
>> Please, add your details there if you think you can be a technical
>> contact for your language, and help us making Ubuntu better for all
>> languages. If you know someone else who could be a contact, please, let
>> them know about this list.
> ... also, I forgot to mention that if you haven't added (or updated)
> your team details in
> now is also a
> good chance to do it as well :)
> I'd like to get rid of this table at some point, and that each team had
> this info on their Launchpad page, but for now it's quite useful to see
> how to contact teams and their coordinators, and for translators to take
> a peek at the other teams' resources :-)
> Regards,
> David.
> --
> David Planella
> Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
> david(dot)planella(at)ubuntu(dot)com
> --
> ubuntu-translators mailing list
> ubuntu-translators at
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