One Hundred Paper Cuts

Ciosici Manuel R. manuelrciosici la
Joi Iun 18 19:29:48 BST 2009

Quote de pe arstechnica:

Canonical, the company behind the popular Ubuntu Linux distribution, is
> launching a new project to improve the usability of the platform. The
> developers aim to identify and resolve 100 minor bugs that negatively impact
> the Ubuntu user experience before the release of the next major version in
> October.

Articolul complet pe arstechnica:

Pagina de pe Launchpad a proiectului se găsește la . De pe launchpad:

> Remember, paper cuts are:
>  * bugs that are "ambient" or system-wide (Nautilus, Gnome panel, etc),
> rather than app-specific (F-Spot, OOo, Terminal, etc.)
>  * bugs that impact standard workflows, like connecting to the network,
> copying files, browsing folders, etc.), rather than specialized or corner
> case workflows
>  * bugs that are easy to address, rather that ones that require significant
> development efforts
>  * issues with existing features, rather than requests for new features
Dacă cunoașteți genul respectiv de probleme vă rog să adăugați bug


Manuel R. Ciosici
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