Contributii la gedit

Dan Damian dand at
Mon Sep 12 17:09:31 CDT 2005


Inaintez acest mesaj celor care doresc sa faca primul pas in programarea
open-source si n-au gasit inca un punct bun de start. Echipa gedit
(editorul text implicit din GNOME) tocmai lucreaza la un rewrite si a
incropit o lista de task-uri, unele destul de simple. Daca aveti timp,
va invit macar sa aruncati o privire.

Daca aveti intrebari de GTK+/C, nu cred ca s-ar supara nimeni sa
discutam si putina programare pe lista :)


Hi GNOME lovers,
       as you may or may not know, a big rework of gedit internals is under
way with the goal of fixing various longstanding issues and improving
the quality of the whole codebase. You can find more info about this
work on

If you want to see this work to succeed, it is time to put your fingers
on the keyboard and help us with this titanic effort.

So, be a gedit lover and take a task from the Love Tasks list on

The most proficuous contributor will get two bottles of Barolo (the most
esteemed Italian wine, or a
3Kg package of Nutella (

Love gedit,
  the gedit team

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