September 2024 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 2 08:40:54 UTC 2024
Ending: Mon Sep 30 16:23:12 UTC 2024
Messages: 4470
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/software-properties:drivers-hang into software-properties:ubuntu/master
Marco Trevisan (Treviño)
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/software-properties:drivers-hang into software-properties:ubuntu/master
Marco Trevisan (Treviño)
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:lp2041831 into update-manager:main
Marco Trevisan (Treviño)
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:lp2041831 into update-manager:main
Marco Trevisan (Treviño)
- [Bug 2063899] Re: [SRU] Users are not initially configured properly for audio in Ubuntu Studio
Timo Aaltonen
- [Bug 2081604] [NEW] pk-debconf-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_loop_run()
- [Bug 2079817] [NEW] Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Tim Andersson
- [Bug 2079817] Re: Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Tim Andersson
- [Bug 2079817] Re: Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Tim Andersson
- [Bug 2079817] Re: Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Tim Andersson
- [Bug 2080581] Re: This is a plain install of Ubuntu Studio 22.04 in a Virtual machine on PROXMOX.
Tim Andersson
- [Bug 2079817] Re: Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Tim Andersson
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:b-proerror into update-manager:ubuntu/bionic
Sebastien Bacher
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:j-proerror into update-manager:ubuntu/jammy
Sebastien Bacher
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:j-proerror into update-manager:ubuntu/jammy
Sebastien Bacher
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:b-proerror into update-manager:ubuntu/bionic
Sebastien Bacher
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:b-proerror into update-manager:ubuntu/bionic
Sebastien Bacher
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:lp2041831 into update-manager:main
Sebastien Bacher
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:lp2041831-noble into update-manager:ubuntu/noble
Sebastien Bacher
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:lp2041831-noble into update-manager:ubuntu/noble
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 2081604] Re: pk-debconf-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in pk_client_helper_copy_stdout_cb()
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 2081604] Re: pk-debconf-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in pk_client_helper_copy_stdout_cb()
Sebastien Bacher
- [Merge] ~utkarsh/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:6-11-apparmor-mismatch into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Thomas Bechtold
- [Bug 2081604] Re: pk-debconf-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in pk_client_helper_copy_stdout_cb()
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:unity-import-crash into update-manager:main
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:lp-2075546 into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:lp-2075546 into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:lp-2078980 into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:lp-2078980 into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~ogayot/ubuntu-seeds:oracular-nvme-cli into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~ogayot/ubuntu-seeds:oracular-nvme-cli into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds:oracular into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel-desktop-flavors into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds:desktop-no-ship-live-kernel into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel-desktop-flavors into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:lp-2080272 into ~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:oracular
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~ubuntustudio-dev/casper:main into casper:main
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds/+git/edubuntu:lp-2080272 into ~edubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/edubuntu:oracular
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntustudio:lp-2080272 into ~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntustudio:oracular
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~ubuntustudio-dev/casper:main into casper:main
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~cpete/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:fix-naive-kdump-config-modification into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~chad.smith/livecd-rootfs:cloud-init-network-nm-override into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~chad.smith/livecd-rootfs:cloud-init-network-nm-override into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~chad.smith/livecd-rootfs:cloud-init-network-nm-override into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~mwhudson/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:update-models into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds:subiquity-track-24.10 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Dan Bungert
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds:subiquity-track-24.10 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Dan Bungert
- [Bug 2078273] Re: Please remove digikam from NBS architectures
Jeremy Bícha
- [Merge] ~r41k0u/ubuntu/+source/apport:fix-teamviewer-crashing-gdb into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/apport:ubuntu/devel
Pragyansh Chaturvedi
- [Merge] ~r41k0u/ubuntu/+source/apport:fix-teamviewer-crashing-gdb into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/apport:ubuntu/devel
Pragyansh Chaturvedi
- [Merge] ~jchittum/livecd-rootfs:oracular-buildd-homedir into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
John Chittum
- [Merge] ~jchittum/livecd-rootfs:noble-buildd-user-homdir into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/noble
John Chittum
- [Merge] ~jchittum/livecd-rootfs:noble-buildd-user-homdir into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/noble
Andrew Cloke
- [Merge] ~jchittum/livecd-rootfs:oracular-buildd-homedir into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Andrew Cloke
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:update-to-core-desktop-24-and-text-installer into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Sergio Costas
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:update-to-core-desktop-24-and-text-installer into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Sergio Costas
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:update-to-core-desktop-24-and-text-installer into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Sergio Costas
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:update-to-core-desktop-24-and-text-installer into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Sergio Costas
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:migrate-core-desktop-as-core-subproject into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Sergio Costas
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:update-to-core-desktop-24-and-text-installer into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Sergio Costas
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:migrate-core-desktop-as-core-subproject into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Sergio Costas
- [Bug 2078751] [NEW] packagekit-offline-update.service is not offline! It wants a network, otherwise fails.
- [Merge] ~jefferyto/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools:ubuntu-core-dev-hibernate-fixes into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools:ubuntu/devel
Benjamin Drung
- [Merge] ~xypron/software-properties:pytest into software-properties:ubuntu/master
Benjamin Drung
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64:amd64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64:amd64
Benjamin Drung
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64:amd64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64:amd64
Benjamin Drung
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-arm64:arm64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-arm64:arm64
Benjamin Drung
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-arm64:arm64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-arm64:arm64
Benjamin Drung
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64:amd64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64:amd64
Benjamin Drung
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-riscv64:riscv64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-riscv64:riscv64
Benjamin Drung
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-riscv64:riscv64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-riscv64:riscv64
Benjamin Drung
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-ppc64el:ppc64el into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-ppc64el:ppc64el
Benjamin Drung
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-ppc64el:ppc64el into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-ppc64el:ppc64el
Benjamin Drung
- [Bug 2078273] Re: Please remove digikam from NBS architectures
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Bug 2078273] Re: Please remove digikam from NBS architectures
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Bug 2079817] Re: Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Merge] ~ubuntustudio-dev/casper:main into casper:main
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Bug 2080581] Re: This is a plain install of Ubuntu Studio 22.04 in a Virtual machine on PROXMOX.
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Bug 2079817] Re: Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Bug 2079817] Re: Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Merge] ~ubuntustudio-dev/casper:main into casper:main
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntustudio:lp-2080272 into ~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntustudio:oracular
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds/+git/edubuntu:lp-2080272 into ~edubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/edubuntu:oracular
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:lp-2080272 into ~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:oracular
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:lp-2080272 into ~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:oracular
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Bug 2081977] Re: Installation of 24.04.1 as Guest in Hyper-V vm stalls during first Boot
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Merge] ~ogayot/ubuntu-seeds:oracular-nvme-cli into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Olivier Gayot
- [Merge] lp:~lanoxx/indicator-keyboard/indicator-keyboard into lp:indicator-keyboard
Sebastian Geiger
- [Bug 2055388] Re: suspected memory leak with indicator-keyboard (causing gnome-session-flashback to freeze after startup)
Sebastian Geiger
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/gce-compute-image-packages:update-bionic-to-20240607.00 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/gce-compute-image-packages:ubuntu/bionic
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/gce-compute-image-packages:update-xenial-to-20240607.00 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/gce-compute-image-packages:ubuntu/xenial
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/google-compute-engine-oslogin:update-bionic-to-20240701.00 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/google-compute-engine-oslogin:ubuntu/bionic
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/google-compute-engine-oslogin:update-xenial-to-20240701.00 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/google-compute-engine-oslogin:ubuntu/xenial
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/google-osconfig-agent:update-bionic-to-20240524.03 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/google-osconfig-agent:ubuntu/bionic
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/google-osconfig-agent:update-bionic-to-20240524.03 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/google-osconfig-agent:ubuntu/bionic
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/google-osconfig-agent:update-xenial-to-20240524.03 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/google-osconfig-agent:ubuntu/xenial
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/google-osconfig-agent:update-xenial-to-20240524.03 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/google-osconfig-agent:ubuntu/xenial
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/google-guest-agent:update-bionic-to-20240716.00 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/google-guest-agent:ubuntu/bionic
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/google-guest-agent:update-xenial-to-20240716.00 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/google-guest-agent:ubuntu/xenial
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Merge] ~utkarsh/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:6-11-apparmor-mismatch into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds:subiquity-track-24.10 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/software-properties:drivers-hang into software-properties:ubuntu/master
Andreas Hasenack
- [Merge] ~tobhe/ubuntu-seeds:snaps into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Tobias Heider
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:lp-2078980 into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:update-to-core-desktop-24-and-text-installer into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:migrate-core-desktop-as-core-subproject into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:migrate-core-desktop-as-core-subproject into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:update-to-core-desktop-24-and-text-installer into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:update-to-core-desktop-24-and-text-installer into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:update-to-core-desktop-24-and-text-installer into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds:oracular into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel-desktop-flavors into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds:desktop-no-ship-live-kernel into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~mwhudson/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:update-models into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~mwhudson/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:update-models into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~jchittum/livecd-rootfs:jammy-cpc-sbom-everywhere into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/jammy
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~jchittum/livecd-rootfs:jammy-cpc-sbom-everywhere into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/jammy
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~jchittum/livecd-rootfs:focal-cpc-sbom-everywhere into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/focal
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Merge] ~utkarsh/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:6-11-apparmor-mismatch into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Gauthier Jolly
- [Merge] ~waveform/meta-release:jammy-point-5-json into meta-release:main
Dave Jones
- [Merge] ~seyeongkim/ubuntu/+source/neutron:lp2072154_bobcat into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/neutron:stable/2023.2
Seyeong Kim
- [Bug 2078639] Re: The update crashes at the same place. I have looked but cannot find any non-Ubuntu apps that may cause a problem
Julian Andres Klode
- [Bug 2076929] Re: [SRU] Rebuild cd-boot-images-{amd64, arm64} against new shim
Julian Andres Klode
- [Bug 2078639] Re: Ubuntu Studio upgrade, pipewire <-> pulseaudio confict
Julian Andres Klode
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/main
Julian Andres Klode
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/main
Julian Andres Klode
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble
Julian Andres Klode
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble
Julian Andres Klode
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble
Julian Andres Klode
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble
Julian Andres Klode
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble
Julian Andres Klode
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble
Julian Andres Klode
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble
Julian Andres Klode
- [Bug 2079817] Re: Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Julian Andres Klode
- [Bug 2079817] Re: Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Julian Andres Klode
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:lp2080501 into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/main
Julian Andres Klode
- [Bug 2079817] Re: Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Julian Andres Klode
- [Merge] ~xypron/software-properties:pytest into software-properties:ubuntu/master
Matthias Klose
- [Merge] ~xypron/software-properties:pytest into software-properties:ubuntu/master
Matthias Klose
- [Bug 2076929] Re: [SRU] Rebuild cd-boot-images-{amd64, arm64} against new shim
Mate Kukri
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-arm64:arm64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-arm64:arm64
Mate Kukri
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64:amd64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64:amd64
Mate Kukri
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-riscv64:riscv64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-riscv64:riscv64
Mate Kukri
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-ppc64el:ppc64el into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-ppc64el:ppc64el
Mate Kukri
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64:amd64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64:amd64
Mate Kukri
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-arm64:arm64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-arm64:arm64
Mate Kukri
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-riscv64:riscv64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-riscv64:riscv64
Mate Kukri
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-ppc64el:ppc64el into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-ppc64el:ppc64el
Mate Kukri
- [Bug 2076929] Re: [SRU] Rebuild cd-boot-images-{amd64, arm64} against new shim
Steve Langasek
- [Merge] ~vorlon/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:no-mate-optimus into ~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:oracular
Steve Langasek
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Steve Langasek
- [Merge] ~vorlon/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:no-mate-optimus into ~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:oracular
Steve Langasek
- [Merge] ~vorlon/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:no-mate-optimus into ~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:oracular
Steve Langasek
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Steve Langasek
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Steve Langasek
- [Merge] ~cpete/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Steve Langasek
- [Merge] ~cpete/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Steve Langasek
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:fix-naive-kdump-config-modification into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Steve Langasek
- [Merge] ~chad.smith/livecd-rootfs:cloud-init-network-nm-override into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 2081977] Re: Installation of 24.04.1 as Guest in Hyper-V vm stalls during first Boot
Steve Langasek
- [Merge] ~tobhe/ubuntu-seeds:snaps into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 2078639] Re: The update crashes at the same place. I have looked but cannot find any non-Ubuntu apps that may cause a problem
Norman LeDonne
- [Bug 2060730] Re: totem cannot install codecs via packagekit
Paride Legovini
- [Bug 2081604] Re: pk-debconf-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in pk_client_helper_copy_stdout_cb()
Zixing Liu
- [Bug 2081604] Re: pk-debconf-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in pk_client_helper_copy_stdout_cb()
Zixing Liu
- [Merge] ~hyask/whoopsie:skia/fix_ftbfs into whoopsie:main
Brian Murray
- [Merge] ~jadonn/ubuntu/+source/aodh:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/aodh:master
Jadon Naas
- [Merge] ~jadonn/ubuntu/+source/ceilometer:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/ceilometer:master
Jadon Naas
- [Merge] ~jadonn/ubuntu/+source/cinder:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/cinder:master
Jadon Naas
- [Merge] ~jadonn/ubuntu/+source/designate:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/designate:master
Jadon Naas
- [Merge] ~utkarsh/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:6-11-apparmor-mismatch into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Ankush Pathak
- [Merge] ~mylesjp/ubuntu/+source/magnum:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/magnum:master
Myles Penner
- [Merge] ~mylesjp/ubuntu/+source/glance:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/glance:master
Myles Penner
- [Merge] ~mylesjp/ubuntu/+source/designate-dashboard:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/designate-dashboard:master
Myles Penner
- [Merge] ~mylesjp/ubuntu/+source/masakari:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/masakari:master
Myles Penner
- [Merge] ~mylesjp/ubuntu/+source/heat-dashboard:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/heat-dashboard:master
Myles Penner
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Chris Peterson
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Chris Peterson
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Chris Peterson
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Chris Peterson
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Chris Peterson
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Chris Peterson
- [Merge] ~cpete/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Chris Peterson
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Chris Peterson
- [Merge] ~cpete/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
Chris Peterson
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:fix-naive-kdump-config-modification into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Chris Peterson
- [Merge] ~jchittum/livecd-rootfs:focal-cpc-sbom-everywhere into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/focal
Simon Poirier
- [Merge] ~utkarsh/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:6-11-apparmor-mismatch into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Simon Poirier
- [Merge] ~utkarsh/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:6-11-apparmor-mismatch into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Simon Poirier
- [Bug 2063895] Re: Multiple plymouth themes display wrong keyboard layout for decryption due to outdated keymap-render.png
Aaron Rainbolt
- [Merge] ~utkarsh/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:6-11-apparmor-mismatch into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Catherine Redfield
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble
Nick Rosbrook
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble
Nick Rosbrook
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:lp2080501 into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/main
Nick Rosbrook
- [Merge] ~xypron/software-properties:pytest into software-properties:ubuntu/master
Heinrich Schuchardt
- [Bug 1384384] Re: memory leak - /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-keyboard-service --use-gtk
Dmitry Shachnev
- [Bug 2055388] Re: suspected memory leak with indicator-keyboard (causing gnome-session-flashback to freeze after startup)
Dmitry Shachnev
- [Bug 2081604] Re: pk-debconf-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in pk_client_helper_copy_stdout_cb()
Ravi Kant Sharma
- [Bug 2081604] Re: pk-debconf-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in pk_client_helper_copy_stdout_cb()
Ravi Kant Sharma
- [Merge] ~hyask/whoopsie:skia/fix_ftbfs into whoopsie:main
- [Merge] ~hyask/whoopsie:skia/fix_ftbfs into whoopsie:main
- [Merge] ~hyask/meta-release:skia/fix_wrong_timestamp into meta-release:main
- [Merge] ~hyask/meta-release:skia/improved_url_checker into meta-release:main
- [Merge] ~chad.smith/livecd-rootfs:cloud-init-network-nm-override into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Chad Smith
- [Merge] ~chad.smith/livecd-rootfs:cloud-init-network-nm-override into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Chad Smith
- [Merge] ~chad.smith/livecd-rootfs:cloud-init-network-nm-override into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Chad Smith
- [Merge] ~chad.smith/livecd-rootfs:cloud-init-network-nm-override into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Chad Smith
- [Merge] ~jchittum/livecd-rootfs:jammy-cpc-sbom-everywhere into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/jammy
Chloé Smith
- [Merge] ~jchittum/livecd-rootfs:focal-cpc-sbom-everywhere into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/focal
Chloé Smith
- [Build #28929921] i386 build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/3997]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929918] amd64 build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/3997]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929924] s390x build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/3997]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929922] ppc64el build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/3997]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929936] i386 build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4980]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929933] amd64 build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4980]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929939] s390x build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4980]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929937] ppc64el build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4980]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929919] arm64 build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/3997]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929923] riscv64 build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/3997]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929920] armhf build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/3997]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929938] riscv64 build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4980]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929935] armhf build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4980]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28929934] arm64 build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4980]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28931669] ppc64el build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4982]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28931665] amd64 build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4982]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28931667] armhf build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4982]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28931667] armhf build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4982]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28931648] armhf build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/3997]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28932140] armhf build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28932140] armhf build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28932140] armhf build of snapd-glib 1.65-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28933542] arm64 build of qtlocation-opensource-src 5.15.15+dfsg-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28934798] arm64 build of qttools-opensource-src 5.15.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #28934802] riscv64 build of qttools-opensource-src 5.15.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087327] ppc64el build of qt5ct 1.8-1build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087326] armhf build of qt5ct 1.8-1build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087325] arm64 build of qt5ct 1.8-1build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087277] arm64 build of fcitx-qt5 1.2.7-3build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087271] arm64 build of fcitx5-qt 5.1.6-1build2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087283] arm64 build of gcin 2.9.0+dfsg1-3build2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087284] armhf build of gcin 2.9.0+dfsg1-3build2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087329] s390x build of qt5ct 1.8-1build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087282] amd64 build of gcin 2.9.0+dfsg1-3build2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087285] ppc64el build of gcin 2.9.0+dfsg1-3build2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087287] s390x build of gcin 2.9.0+dfsg1-3build2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087336] amd64 build of qtpim-opensource-src 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-5build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087328] riscv64 build of qt5ct 1.8-1build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087286] riscv64 build of gcin 2.9.0+dfsg1-3build2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087271] arm64 build of fcitx5-qt 5.1.6-1build2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087277] arm64 build of fcitx-qt5 1.2.7-3build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088387] amd64 build of plasma-wallpaper-dynamic 4.4.1-0ubuntu5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088378] armhf build of lomiri-ui-toolkit 1.3.5100+dfsg-1build3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088388] arm64 build of plasma-wallpaper-dynamic 4.4.1-0ubuntu5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088382] amd64 build of olive-editor 20230614+ds-2build3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088384] ppc64el build of olive-editor 20230614+ds-2build3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088399] amd64 build of texmaker 5.1.3+dfsg-1build9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088392] s390x build of plasma-wallpaper-dynamic 4.4.1-0ubuntu5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088402] ppc64el build of texmaker 5.1.3+dfsg-1build9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088386] s390x build of olive-editor 20230614+ds-2build3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088400] arm64 build of texmaker 5.1.3+dfsg-1build9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088404] s390x build of texmaker 5.1.3+dfsg-1build9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088383] arm64 build of olive-editor 20230614+ds-2build3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088401] armhf build of texmaker 5.1.3+dfsg-1build9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088391] riscv64 build of plasma-wallpaper-dynamic 4.4.1-0ubuntu5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088385] riscv64 build of olive-editor 20230614+ds-2build3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088403] riscv64 build of texmaker 5.1.3+dfsg-1build9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087271] arm64 build of fcitx5-qt 5.1.6-1build2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088389] armhf build of plasma-wallpaper-dynamic 4.4.1-0ubuntu5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29088390] ppc64el build of plasma-wallpaper-dynamic 4.4.1-0ubuntu5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29089558] amd64 build of qgnomeplatform 0.9.2-4build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29089559] arm64 build of qgnomeplatform 0.9.2-4build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29089561] ppc64el build of qgnomeplatform 0.9.2-4build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29089563] s390x build of qgnomeplatform 0.9.2-4build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29089537] riscv64 build of lomiri 0.3.0-2build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29089562] riscv64 build of qgnomeplatform 0.9.2-4build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087277] arm64 build of fcitx-qt5 1.2.7-3build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29089562] riscv64 build of qgnomeplatform 0.9.2-4build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090379] amd64 build of krita 1:5.2.3+dfsg-1build4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090406] amd64 build of qgis 3.34.9+dfsg-2build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090354] s390x build of deepin-terminal 5.9.40+dfsg-2build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090349] amd64 build of deepin-terminal 5.9.40+dfsg-2build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090352] ppc64el build of deepin-terminal 5.9.40+dfsg-2build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090436] amd64 build of tokodon 23.08.5-0ubuntu5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090441] s390x build of tokodon 23.08.5-0ubuntu5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090437] arm64 build of tokodon 23.08.5-0ubuntu5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090438] armhf build of tokodon 23.08.5-0ubuntu5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090439] ppc64el build of tokodon 23.08.5-0ubuntu5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090351] armhf build of deepin-terminal 5.9.40+dfsg-2build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090350] arm64 build of deepin-terminal 5.9.40+dfsg-2build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090353] riscv64 build of deepin-terminal 5.9.40+dfsg-2build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29090440] riscv64 build of tokodon 23.08.5-0ubuntu5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29087277] arm64 build of fcitx-qt5 1.2.7-3build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29092698] amd64 build of deepin-terminal 5.9.40+dfsg-2ubuntu1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29092703] s390x build of deepin-terminal 5.9.40+dfsg-2ubuntu1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29092700] armhf build of deepin-terminal 5.9.40+dfsg-2ubuntu1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29092701] ppc64el build of deepin-terminal 5.9.40+dfsg-2ubuntu1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29092699] arm64 build of deepin-terminal 5.9.40+dfsg-2ubuntu1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29092702] riscv64 build of deepin-terminal 5.9.40+dfsg-2ubuntu1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4979]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110110] amd64 build of djinn 2014.9.7-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110113] ppc64el build of djinn 2014.9.7-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110111] arm64 build of djinn 2014.9.7-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110115] s390x build of djinn 2014.9.7-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110112] armhf build of djinn 2014.9.7-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110487] amd64 build of haskell-failure in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110547] amd64 build of haskell-geniplate-mirror 0.7.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110541] amd64 build of haskell-generic-trie 0.3.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110595] amd64 build of haskell-harp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110655] amd64 build of haskell-hsp 0.10.0-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110490] ppc64el build of haskell-failure in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110544] ppc64el build of haskell-generic-trie 0.3.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110598] ppc64el build of haskell-harp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110550] ppc64el build of haskell-geniplate-mirror 0.7.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110658] ppc64el build of haskell-hsp 0.10.0-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29111320] amd64 build of haskell-tagshare 0.0-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110114] riscv64 build of djinn 2014.9.7-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110542] arm64 build of haskell-generic-trie 0.3.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110549] armhf build of haskell-geniplate-mirror 0.7.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110548] arm64 build of haskell-geniplate-mirror 0.7.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110543] armhf build of haskell-generic-trie 0.3.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110546] s390x build of haskell-generic-trie 0.3.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29111323] ppc64el build of haskell-tagshare 0.0-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110552] s390x build of haskell-geniplate-mirror 0.7.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110596] arm64 build of haskell-harp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110600] s390x build of haskell-harp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110597] armhf build of haskell-harp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110488] arm64 build of haskell-failure in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110489] armhf build of haskell-failure in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110492] s390x build of haskell-failure in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110660] s390x build of haskell-hsp 0.10.0-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110657] armhf build of haskell-hsp 0.10.0-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110656] arm64 build of haskell-hsp 0.10.0-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29111325] s390x build of haskell-tagshare 0.0-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110288] riscv64 build of haskell-charsetdetect-ae in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29111321] arm64 build of haskell-tagshare 0.0-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29111322] armhf build of haskell-tagshare 0.0-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110491] riscv64 build of haskell-failure in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110545] riscv64 build of haskell-generic-trie 0.3.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110551] riscv64 build of haskell-geniplate-mirror 0.7.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110599] riscv64 build of haskell-harp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110659] riscv64 build of haskell-hsp 0.10.0-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112313] amd64 build of kf6-kiconthemes 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112319] amd64 build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112324] s390x build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112316] ppc64el build of kf6-kiconthemes 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112322] ppc64el build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112348] s390x build of kf6-kxmlgui 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112349] amd64 build of kf6-qqc2-desktop-style 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112343] amd64 build of kf6-kxmlgui 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112315] armhf build of kf6-kiconthemes 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112351] armhf build of kf6-qqc2-desktop-style 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112320] arm64 build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112321] armhf build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112310] ppc64el build of kf6-kdbusaddons 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112318] s390x build of kf6-kiconthemes 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112346] ppc64el build of kf6-kxmlgui 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112354] s390x build of kf6-qqc2-desktop-style 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112314] arm64 build of kf6-kiconthemes 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112350] arm64 build of kf6-qqc2-desktop-style 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112344] arm64 build of kf6-kxmlgui 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112345] armhf build of kf6-kxmlgui 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112352] ppc64el build of kf6-qqc2-desktop-style 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112317] riscv64 build of kf6-kiconthemes 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112323] riscv64 build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112347] riscv64 build of kf6-kxmlgui 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112353] riscv64 build of kf6-qqc2-desktop-style 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29111324] riscv64 build of haskell-tagshare 0.0-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29110288] riscv64 build of haskell-charsetdetect-ae in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112716] amd64 build of haskell-concurrent-supply 0.1.8-8 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112722] amd64 build of haskell-constraints 0.13.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112727] s390x build of haskell-constraints 0.13.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112721] s390x build of haskell-concurrent-supply 0.1.8-8 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112719] ppc64el build of haskell-concurrent-supply 0.1.8-8 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112778] amd64 build of haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112725] ppc64el build of haskell-constraints 0.13.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112781] ppc64el build of haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112780] armhf build of haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112349] amd64 build of kf6-qqc2-desktop-style 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112783] s390x build of haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112319] amd64 build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112343] amd64 build of kf6-kxmlgui 6.6.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112723] arm64 build of haskell-constraints 0.13.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112717] arm64 build of haskell-concurrent-supply 0.1.8-8 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112718] armhf build of haskell-concurrent-supply 0.1.8-8 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112724] armhf build of haskell-constraints 0.13.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112779] arm64 build of haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112989] amd64 build of haskell-onetuple 0.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112925] armhf build of haskell-libbf 0.6.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113041] ppc64el build of haskell-psqueues in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113010] ppc64el build of haskell-ordered-containers 0.2.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112928] s390x build of haskell-libbf 0.6.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112992] ppc64el build of haskell-onetuple 0.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113004] ppc64el build of haskell-options in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113137] ppc64el build of haskell-static-hash 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113083] ppc64el build of haskell-resource-pool in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113044] amd64 build of haskell-punycode 2.0-14 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113001] amd64 build of haskell-options in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113038] amd64 build of haskell-psqueues in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113134] amd64 build of haskell-static-hash 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113194] amd64 build of haskell-time-compat in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113080] amd64 build of haskell-resource-pool in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113047] ppc64el build of haskell-punycode 2.0-14 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113236] amd64 build of haskell-wide-word in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113260] amd64 build of haskell-xcb-types 0.13.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112990] arm64 build of haskell-onetuple 0.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113197] ppc64el build of haskell-time-compat in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112924] arm64 build of haskell-libbf 0.6.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112991] armhf build of haskell-onetuple 0.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112720] riscv64 build of haskell-concurrent-supply 0.1.8-8 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113008] arm64 build of haskell-ordered-containers 0.2.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113239] ppc64el build of haskell-wide-word in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113002] arm64 build of haskell-options in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113009] armhf build of haskell-ordered-containers 0.2.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113039] arm64 build of haskell-psqueues in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113040] armhf build of haskell-psqueues in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113003] armhf build of haskell-options in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113263] ppc64el build of haskell-xcb-types 0.13.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113045] arm64 build of haskell-punycode 2.0-14 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113046] armhf build of haskell-punycode 2.0-14 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113081] arm64 build of haskell-resource-pool in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112726] riscv64 build of haskell-constraints 0.13.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112994] s390x build of haskell-onetuple 0.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113082] armhf build of haskell-resource-pool in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113012] s390x build of haskell-ordered-containers 0.2.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113006] s390x build of haskell-options in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113135] arm64 build of haskell-static-hash 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113136] armhf build of haskell-static-hash 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113147] arm64 build of haskell-store-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113043] s390x build of haskell-psqueues in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113160] armhf build of haskell-system-fileio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113049] s390x build of haskell-punycode 2.0-14 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113148] armhf build of haskell-store-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113196] armhf build of haskell-time-compat in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113195] arm64 build of haskell-time-compat in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113238] armhf build of haskell-wide-word in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113237] arm64 build of haskell-wide-word in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113085] s390x build of haskell-resource-pool in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113261] arm64 build of haskell-xcb-types 0.13.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113262] armhf build of haskell-xcb-types 0.13.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113199] s390x build of haskell-time-compat in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112782] riscv64 build of haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113139] s390x build of haskell-static-hash 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113241] s390x build of haskell-wide-word in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113265] s390x build of haskell-xcb-types 0.13.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112927] riscv64 build of haskell-libbf 0.6.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112993] riscv64 build of haskell-onetuple 0.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113011] riscv64 build of haskell-ordered-containers 0.2.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112321] armhf build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113005] riscv64 build of haskell-options in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113042] riscv64 build of haskell-psqueues in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113084] riscv64 build of haskell-resource-pool in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112321] armhf build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113048] riscv64 build of haskell-punycode 2.0-14 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29112321] armhf build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113138] riscv64 build of haskell-static-hash 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113428] armhf build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113198] riscv64 build of haskell-time-compat in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113479] armhf build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113240] riscv64 build of haskell-wide-word in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113512] armhf build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113515] s390x build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113510] amd64 build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113513] ppc64el build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113511] arm64 build of kf6-kio 6.6.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29113264] riscv64 build of haskell-xcb-types 0.13.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114074] ppc64el build of kscreen 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114089] amd64 build of kwin 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114071] amd64 build of kscreen 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114059] amd64 build of kde-spectacle 24.05.2-1ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114077] amd64 build of kscreenlocker 6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114128] amd64 build of plasma-desktop 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114062] ppc64el build of kde-spectacle 24.05.2-1ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114170] amd64 build of yakuake 24.08.1-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114140] amd64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114158] amd64 build of xdg-desktop-portal-kde 6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114080] ppc64el build of kscreenlocker 6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114149] ppc64el build of powerdevil 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114131] ppc64el build of plasma-desktop 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114092] ppc64el build of kwin 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114146] amd64 build of powerdevil 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114173] ppc64el build of yakuake 24.08.1-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114161] ppc64el build of xdg-desktop-portal-kde 6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114143] ppc64el build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114155] ppc64el build of wacomtablet 6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114059] amd64 build of kde-spectacle 24.05.2-1ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114071] amd64 build of kscreen 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114091] armhf build of kwin 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114090] arm64 build of kwin 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114129] arm64 build of plasma-desktop 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114130] armhf build of plasma-desktop 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114064] s390x build of kde-spectacle 24.05.2-1ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114067] armhf build of kglobalacceld 6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114141] arm64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114063] riscv64 build of kde-spectacle 24.05.2-1ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114132] riscv64 build of plasma-desktop 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114093] riscv64 build of kwin 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114067] armhf build of kglobalacceld 6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114157] s390x build of wacomtablet 6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114133] s390x build of plasma-desktop 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114144] riscv64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114182] s390x build of qcoro 0.10.0-3ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114067] armhf build of kglobalacceld 6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114157] s390x build of wacomtablet 6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114140] amd64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114089] amd64 build of kwin 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114128] amd64 build of plasma-desktop 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114146] amd64 build of powerdevil 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114151] s390x build of powerdevil 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114147] arm64 build of powerdevil 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114150] riscv64 build of powerdevil 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29114140] amd64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115961] ppc64el build of haskell-base-compat-batteries 0.13.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115970] amd64 build of haskell-byte-order in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115958] amd64 build of haskell-base-compat-batteries 0.13.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115960] armhf build of haskell-base-compat-batteries 0.13.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115959] arm64 build of haskell-base-compat-batteries 0.13.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115991] amd64 build of haskell-constraints-extras in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115973] ppc64el build of haskell-byte-order in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115971] arm64 build of haskell-byte-order in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115994] ppc64el build of haskell-constraints-extras in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116076] amd64 build of haskell-hsemail 2.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116070] amd64 build of haskell-hashtables 1.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115993] armhf build of haskell-constraints-extras in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116118] amd64 build of haskell-lucid 2.11.20230408-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116073] ppc64el build of haskell-hashtables 1.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116121] ppc64el build of haskell-lucid 2.11.20230408-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116226] amd64 build of haskell-snap-templates in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116214] amd64 build of haskell-regexpr 0.5.4-17 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116274] amd64 build of haskell-these 1.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116292] amd64 build of haskell-tuple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116217] ppc64el build of haskell-regexpr 0.5.4-17 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116229] ppc64el build of haskell-snap-templates in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116295] ppc64el build of haskell-tuple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115975] s390x build of haskell-byte-order in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116277] ppc64el build of haskell-these 1.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115996] s390x build of haskell-constraints-extras in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115992] arm64 build of haskell-constraints-extras in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115962] riscv64 build of haskell-base-compat-batteries 0.13.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116071] arm64 build of haskell-hashtables 1.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116072] armhf build of haskell-hashtables 1.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116077] arm64 build of haskell-hsemail 2.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115974] riscv64 build of haskell-byte-order in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116119] arm64 build of haskell-lucid 2.11.20230408-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116120] armhf build of haskell-lucid 2.11.20230408-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29115995] riscv64 build of haskell-constraints-extras in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116075] s390x build of haskell-hashtables 1.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116216] armhf build of haskell-regexpr 0.5.4-17 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116081] s390x build of haskell-hsemail 2.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116228] armhf build of haskell-snap-templates in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116227] arm64 build of haskell-snap-templates in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116215] arm64 build of haskell-regexpr 0.5.4-17 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116293] arm64 build of haskell-tuple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116276] armhf build of haskell-these 1.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116294] armhf build of haskell-tuple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116074] riscv64 build of haskell-hashtables 1.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116080] riscv64 build of haskell-hsemail 2.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116122] riscv64 build of haskell-lucid 2.11.20230408-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116219] s390x build of haskell-regexpr 0.5.4-17 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116231] s390x build of haskell-snap-templates in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116279] s390x build of haskell-these 1.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116255] s390x build of haskell-temporary 1.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116297] s390x build of haskell-tuple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116218] riscv64 build of haskell-regexpr 0.5.4-17 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116230] riscv64 build of haskell-snap-templates in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116278] riscv64 build of haskell-these 1.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116296] riscv64 build of haskell-tuple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116132] armhf build of haskell-memory 0.18.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116681] amd64 build of calibre 7.16.0+ds-3ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116727] amd64 build of lxqt-qtplugin 2.0.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116682] arm64 build of calibre 7.16.0+ds-3ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116757] amd64 build of xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt 1.0.2-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116730] ppc64el build of lxqt-qtplugin 2.0.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116763] amd64 build of zeal 1:0.7.1-1ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116751] amd64 build of qtcreator 13.0.2-1ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116760] ppc64el build of xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt 1.0.2-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116683] armhf build of calibre 7.16.0+ds-3ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116754] ppc64el build of qtcreator 13.0.2-1ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116758] arm64 build of xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt 1.0.2-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116729] armhf build of lxqt-qtplugin 2.0.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116752] arm64 build of qtcreator 13.0.2-1ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116765] armhf build of zeal 1:0.7.1-1ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116764] arm64 build of zeal 1:0.7.1-1ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116759] armhf build of xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt 1.0.2-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116732] s390x build of lxqt-qtplugin 2.0.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116756] s390x build of qtcreator 13.0.2-1ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116731] riscv64 build of lxqt-qtplugin 2.0.0-0ubuntu3~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116762] s390x build of xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt 1.0.2-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116761] riscv64 build of xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt 1.0.2-0ubuntu2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116755] riscv64 build of qtcreator 13.0.2-1ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117171] arm64 build of jacktrip 2.3.0+ds-1build1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117409] amd64 build of haskell-dependent-sum in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117473] amd64 build of haskell-kvitable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117476] ppc64el build of haskell-kvitable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117493] ppc64el build of haskell-lucid-svg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117502] amd64 build of haskell-monad-journal 0.8.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117490] amd64 build of haskell-lucid-svg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117412] ppc64el build of haskell-dependent-sum in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117505] ppc64el build of haskell-monad-journal 0.8.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117414] s390x build of haskell-dependent-sum in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117622] amd64 build of haskell-test-framework in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117410] arm64 build of haskell-dependent-sum in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117411] armhf build of haskell-dependent-sum in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117656] amd64 build of lhs2tex 1.24-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117659] ppc64el build of lhs2tex 1.24-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117495] s390x build of haskell-lucid-svg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117478] s390x build of haskell-kvitable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117474] arm64 build of haskell-kvitable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117491] arm64 build of haskell-lucid-svg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117507] s390x build of haskell-monad-journal 0.8.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117492] armhf build of haskell-lucid-svg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117475] armhf build of haskell-kvitable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117503] arm64 build of haskell-monad-journal 0.8.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117504] armhf build of haskell-monad-journal 0.8.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117539] arm64 build of haskell-prettyprinter-ansi-terminal 1.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117588] armhf build of haskell-securemem 0.1.10-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117617] arm64 build of haskell-strict 0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117623] arm64 build of haskell-test-framework in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117624] armhf build of haskell-test-framework in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117657] arm64 build of lhs2tex 1.24-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117413] riscv64 build of haskell-dependent-sum in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117658] armhf build of lhs2tex 1.24-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117621] s390x build of haskell-strict 0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117627] s390x build of haskell-test-framework in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117477] riscv64 build of haskell-kvitable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117661] s390x build of lhs2tex 1.24-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117494] riscv64 build of haskell-lucid-svg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117506] riscv64 build of haskell-monad-journal 0.8.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117620] riscv64 build of haskell-strict 0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117626] riscv64 build of haskell-test-framework in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117213] riscv64 build of nheko 0.12.0+~0.10.0+~1.0.0+~0.3.1-1build2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117660] riscv64 build of lhs2tex 1.24-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117213] riscv64 build of nheko 0.12.0+~0.10.0+~1.0.0+~0.3.1-1build2~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4983]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117539] arm64 build of haskell-prettyprinter-ansi-terminal 1.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116132] armhf build of haskell-memory 0.18.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117588] armhf build of haskell-securemem 0.1.10-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117539] arm64 build of haskell-prettyprinter-ansi-terminal 1.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29117588] armhf build of haskell-securemem 0.1.10-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29116132] armhf build of haskell-memory 0.18.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118709] amd64 build of gtk2hs-buildtools in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118740] amd64 build of haskell-configfile 1.1.4-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118764] amd64 build of haskell-dependent-map in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118752] amd64 build of haskell-crypto-random 0.0.9-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118714] s390x build of gtk2hs-buildtools in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118711] armhf build of gtk2hs-buildtools in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118710] arm64 build of gtk2hs-buildtools in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118852] amd64 build of haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint 1.1.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118839] amd64 build of haskell-mueval 0.9.3-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118766] armhf build of haskell-dependent-map in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118793] ppc64el build of haskell-hclip in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118767] ppc64el build of haskell-dependent-map in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118870] amd64 build of haskell-test-framework-hunit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118876] amd64 build of haskell-test-framework-quickcheck2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118790] amd64 build of haskell-hclip in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118858] amd64 build of haskell-prim-uniq 0.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118765] arm64 build of haskell-dependent-map in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118879] ppc64el build of haskell-test-framework-quickcheck2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118873] ppc64el build of haskell-test-framework-hunit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118861] ppc64el build of haskell-prim-uniq 0.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118755] ppc64el build of haskell-crypto-random 0.0.9-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118745] s390x build of haskell-configfile 1.1.4-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118742] armhf build of haskell-configfile 1.1.4-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118741] arm64 build of haskell-configfile 1.1.4-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118855] ppc64el build of haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint 1.1.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118743] ppc64el build of haskell-configfile 1.1.4-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118842] ppc64el build of haskell-mueval 0.9.3-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118748] armhf build of haskell-crypto-cipher-types 0.0.9-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118792] armhf build of haskell-hclip in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118791] arm64 build of haskell-hclip in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118753] arm64 build of haskell-crypto-random 0.0.9-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118757] s390x build of haskell-crypto-random 0.0.9-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118769] s390x build of haskell-dependent-map in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118754] armhf build of haskell-crypto-random 0.0.9-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118795] s390x build of haskell-hclip in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118713] riscv64 build of gtk2hs-buildtools in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118828] arm64 build of haskell-lumberjack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118854] armhf build of haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint 1.1.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118847] arm64 build of haskell-optparse-applicative in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118853] arm64 build of haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint 1.1.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118859] arm64 build of haskell-prim-uniq 0.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118841] armhf build of haskell-mueval 0.9.3-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118840] arm64 build of haskell-mueval 0.9.3-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118860] armhf build of haskell-prim-uniq 0.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118844] s390x build of haskell-mueval 0.9.3-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118872] armhf build of haskell-test-framework-hunit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118877] arm64 build of haskell-test-framework-quickcheck2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118871] arm64 build of haskell-test-framework-hunit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118878] armhf build of haskell-test-framework-quickcheck2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118857] s390x build of haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint 1.1.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118863] s390x build of haskell-prim-uniq 0.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118881] s390x build of haskell-test-framework-quickcheck2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118875] s390x build of haskell-test-framework-hunit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118768] riscv64 build of haskell-dependent-map in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118794] riscv64 build of haskell-hclip in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118744] riscv64 build of haskell-configfile 1.1.4-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118756] riscv64 build of haskell-crypto-random 0.0.9-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118856] riscv64 build of haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint 1.1.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118862] riscv64 build of haskell-prim-uniq 0.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118874] riscv64 build of haskell-test-framework-hunit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118843] riscv64 build of haskell-mueval 0.9.3-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29118880] riscv64 build of haskell-test-framework-quickcheck2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119886] amd64 build of haskell-async 2.2.4-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119892] amd64 build of haskell-base64-bytestring in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119899] amd64 build of haskell-bloomfilter in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119896] ppc64el build of haskell-base64-bytestring in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119903] ppc64el build of haskell-bloomfilter in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119889] ppc64el build of haskell-async 2.2.4-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119898] s390x build of haskell-base64-bytestring in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119905] s390x build of haskell-bloomfilter in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119891] s390x build of haskell-async 2.2.4-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119967] ppc64el build of haskell-data-hash in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119950] ppc64el build of haskell-curve25519 0.2.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120029] amd64 build of haskell-language-glsl 0.3.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119988] amd64 build of haskell-edit-distance in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119943] ppc64el build of haskell-crypto-cipher-tests 0.0.11-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119934] ppc64el build of haskell-copilot-core 4.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119977] ppc64el build of haskell-deepseq-generics in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119981] amd64 build of haskell-double-conversion in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120001] amd64 build of haskell-glib in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119984] ppc64el build of haskell-double-conversion in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120032] ppc64el build of haskell-language-glsl 0.3.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120058] ppc64el build of haskell-numbers 3000.2.0.2-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120036] amd64 build of haskell-minimorph in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120043] amd64 build of haskell-monad-memo 0.5.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119991] ppc64el build of haskell-edit-distance in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119931] amd64 build of haskell-copilot-core 4.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119915] amd64 build of haskell-cairo in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120098] ppc64el build of shelltestrunner in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119918] ppc64el build of haskell-cairo in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120039] ppc64el build of haskell-minimorph in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120046] ppc64el build of haskell-monad-memo 0.5.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120083] ppc64el build of haskell-terminal-progress-bar 0.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120090] ppc64el build of haskell-text-icu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119974] amd64 build of haskell-deepseq-generics in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119940] amd64 build of haskell-crypto-cipher-tests 0.0.11-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119995] amd64 build of haskell-exception-transformers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119964] amd64 build of haskell-data-hash in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119947] amd64 build of haskell-curve25519 0.2.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119998] ppc64el build of haskell-exception-transformers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120004] ppc64el build of haskell-glib in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120055] amd64 build of haskell-numbers 3000.2.0.2-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120080] amd64 build of haskell-terminal-progress-bar 0.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120095] amd64 build of shelltestrunner in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120064] amd64 build of haskell-pem 0.2.4-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120087] amd64 build of haskell-text-icu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120067] ppc64el build of haskell-pem 0.2.4-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119920] s390x build of haskell-cairo in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119936] s390x build of haskell-copilot-core 4.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119945] s390x build of haskell-crypto-cipher-tests 0.0.11-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119887] arm64 build of haskell-async 2.2.4-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119893] arm64 build of haskell-base64-bytestring in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119888] armhf build of haskell-async 2.2.4-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119900] arm64 build of haskell-bloomfilter in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119952] s390x build of haskell-curve25519 0.2.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119895] armhf build of haskell-base64-bytestring in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119969] s390x build of haskell-data-hash in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119979] s390x build of haskell-deepseq-generics in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119901] armhf build of haskell-bloomfilter in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119986] s390x build of haskell-double-conversion in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119932] arm64 build of haskell-copilot-core 4.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119941] arm64 build of haskell-crypto-cipher-tests 0.0.11-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119890] riscv64 build of haskell-async 2.2.4-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119933] armhf build of haskell-copilot-core 4.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119916] arm64 build of haskell-cairo in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119917] armhf build of haskell-cairo in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119993] s390x build of haskell-edit-distance in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119942] armhf build of haskell-crypto-cipher-tests 0.0.11-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120006] s390x build of haskell-glib in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120000] s390x build of haskell-exception-transformers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119948] arm64 build of haskell-curve25519 0.2.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119949] armhf build of haskell-curve25519 0.2.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119966] armhf build of haskell-data-hash in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119897] riscv64 build of haskell-base64-bytestring in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120034] s390x build of haskell-language-glsl 0.3.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120041] s390x build of haskell-minimorph in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119965] arm64 build of haskell-data-hash in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120060] s390x build of haskell-numbers 3000.2.0.2-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120048] s390x build of haskell-monad-memo 0.5.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119976] armhf build of haskell-deepseq-generics in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119975] arm64 build of haskell-deepseq-generics in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119904] riscv64 build of haskell-bloomfilter in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119983] armhf build of haskell-double-conversion in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119982] arm64 build of haskell-double-conversion in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119919] riscv64 build of haskell-cairo in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119996] arm64 build of haskell-exception-transformers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119990] armhf build of haskell-edit-distance in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120069] s390x build of haskell-pem 0.2.4-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119997] armhf build of haskell-exception-transformers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120003] armhf build of haskell-glib in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119989] arm64 build of haskell-edit-distance in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120085] s390x build of haskell-terminal-progress-bar 0.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120002] arm64 build of haskell-glib in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120100] s390x build of shelltestrunner in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120092] s390x build of haskell-text-icu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119935] riscv64 build of haskell-copilot-core 4.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120030] arm64 build of haskell-language-glsl 0.3.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119944] riscv64 build of haskell-crypto-cipher-tests 0.0.11-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119951] riscv64 build of haskell-curve25519 0.2.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120031] armhf build of haskell-language-glsl 0.3.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120037] arm64 build of haskell-minimorph in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119968] riscv64 build of haskell-data-hash in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120038] armhf build of haskell-minimorph in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120044] arm64 build of haskell-monad-memo 0.5.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120045] armhf build of haskell-monad-memo 0.5.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120056] arm64 build of haskell-numbers 3000.2.0.2-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119978] riscv64 build of haskell-deepseq-generics in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119985] riscv64 build of haskell-double-conversion in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120066] armhf build of haskell-pem 0.2.4-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120065] arm64 build of haskell-pem 0.2.4-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119992] riscv64 build of haskell-edit-distance in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120057] armhf build of haskell-numbers 3000.2.0.2-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29119999] riscv64 build of haskell-exception-transformers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120005] riscv64 build of haskell-glib in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120082] armhf build of haskell-terminal-progress-bar 0.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120081] arm64 build of haskell-terminal-progress-bar 0.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120089] armhf build of haskell-text-icu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120088] arm64 build of haskell-text-icu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120033] riscv64 build of haskell-language-glsl 0.3.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120097] armhf build of shelltestrunner in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120096] arm64 build of shelltestrunner in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120040] riscv64 build of haskell-minimorph in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120059] riscv64 build of haskell-numbers 3000.2.0.2-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120047] riscv64 build of haskell-monad-memo 0.5.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120068] riscv64 build of haskell-pem 0.2.4-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120084] riscv64 build of haskell-terminal-progress-bar 0.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120091] riscv64 build of haskell-text-icu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120099] riscv64 build of shelltestrunner in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120753] amd64 build of haskell-barbies in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120759] amd64 build of haskell-blaze-markup in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120765] amd64 build of haskell-cabal-install-solver in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120764] s390x build of haskell-blaze-markup in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120774] ppc64el build of haskell-comonad 5.0.8-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120762] ppc64el build of haskell-blaze-markup in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120756] ppc64el build of haskell-barbies in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120776] s390x build of haskell-comonad 5.0.8-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120771] amd64 build of haskell-comonad 5.0.8-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120758] s390x build of haskell-barbies in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120760] arm64 build of haskell-blaze-markup in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120770] s390x build of haskell-cabal-install-solver in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120773] armhf build of haskell-comonad 5.0.8-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120767] armhf build of haskell-cabal-install-solver in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120768] ppc64el build of haskell-cabal-install-solver in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120766] arm64 build of haskell-cabal-install-solver in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120755] armhf build of haskell-barbies in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120772] arm64 build of haskell-comonad 5.0.8-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120783] amd64 build of haskell-cryptohash-md5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120794] s390x build of haskell-cryptohash-sha1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120784] arm64 build of haskell-cryptohash-md5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120788] s390x build of haskell-cryptohash-md5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120798] ppc64el build of haskell-cryptohash-sha256 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120785] armhf build of haskell-cryptohash-md5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120786] ppc64el build of haskell-cryptohash-md5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120802] amd64 build of haskell-crypton 0.34-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120795] amd64 build of haskell-cryptohash-sha256 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120808] amd64 build of haskell-cryptonite 0.30-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120789] amd64 build of haskell-cryptohash-sha1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120754] arm64 build of haskell-barbies in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120761] armhf build of haskell-blaze-markup in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120792] ppc64el build of haskell-cryptohash-sha1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120814] amd64 build of haskell-data-functor-logistic 0.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120820] amd64 build of haskell-fast-logger 3.2.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120823] ppc64el build of haskell-fast-logger 3.2.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120807] s390x build of haskell-crypton 0.34-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120813] s390x build of haskell-cryptonite 0.30-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120800] s390x build of haskell-cryptohash-sha256 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120819] s390x build of haskell-data-functor-logistic 0.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120817] ppc64el build of haskell-data-functor-logistic 0.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120835] ppc64el build of haskell-fgl-visualize in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120841] ppc64el build of haskell-filtrable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120829] ppc64el build of haskell-fgl-arbitrary in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120805] ppc64el build of haskell-crypton 0.34-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120811] ppc64el build of haskell-cryptonite 0.30-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120844] amd64 build of haskell-finite-field 0.10.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120826] amd64 build of haskell-fgl-arbitrary in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120832] amd64 build of haskell-fgl-visualize in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120838] amd64 build of haskell-filtrable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120850] amd64 build of haskell-fsnotify in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120862] amd64 build of haskell-ghc-typelits-natnormalise 0.7.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120856] amd64 build of haskell-genvalidity-property in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120847] ppc64el build of haskell-finite-field 0.10.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120868] amd64 build of haskell-graphviz 2999.20.2.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120871] ppc64el build of haskell-graphviz 2999.20.2.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120901] ppc64el build of haskell-idna 0.3.0-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120859] ppc64el build of haskell-genvalidity-property in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120865] ppc64el build of haskell-ghc-typelits-natnormalise 0.7.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120889] ppc64el build of haskell-hjsmin 0.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120853] ppc64el build of haskell-fsnotify in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120883] ppc64el build of haskell-gtk3 0.15.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120877] ppc64el build of haskell-gtk 0.15.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120895] ppc64el build of haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120825] s390x build of haskell-fast-logger 3.2.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120928] amd64 build of haskell-integer-roots in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120904] amd64 build of haskell-infer-license 0.2.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120922] amd64 build of haskell-integer-logarithms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120880] amd64 build of haskell-gtk3 0.15.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120892] amd64 build of haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120916] amd64 build of haskell-infinite-list 0.1.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120898] amd64 build of haskell-idna 0.3.0-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120886] amd64 build of haskell-hjsmin 0.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120874] amd64 build of haskell-gtk 0.15.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120934] amd64 build of haskell-intervals 0.9.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120943] ppc64el build of haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.5.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120925] ppc64el build of haskell-integer-logarithms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120919] ppc64el build of haskell-infinite-list 0.1.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120955] ppc64el build of haskell-lukko in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120949] ppc64el build of haskell-lua 2.3.3+ds1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120937] ppc64el build of haskell-intervals 0.9.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120907] ppc64el build of haskell-infer-license 0.2.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120961] ppc64el build of haskell-lzma in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120967] ppc64el build of haskell-mockery 0.3.5-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120973] ppc64el build of haskell-monad-loops 0.4.3-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120931] ppc64el build of haskell-integer-roots in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120979] ppc64el build of haskell-network-control 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120940] amd64 build of haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.5.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120964] amd64 build of haskell-mockery 0.3.5-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120970] amd64 build of haskell-monad-loops 0.4.3-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120952] amd64 build of haskell-lukko in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121024] amd64 build of haskell-text-manipulate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121018] amd64 build of haskell-tasty-hspec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121006] amd64 build of haskell-shelly 1.12.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121042] amd64 build of haskell-th-orphans 0.13.14-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121060] amd64 build of haskell-uuid-types in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121000] amd64 build of haskell-resolv in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120958] amd64 build of haskell-lzma in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121054] amd64 build of haskell-unliftio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120982] amd64 build of haskell-network-uri in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121048] amd64 build of haskell-unicode-transforms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121057] ppc64el build of haskell-unliftio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121021] ppc64el build of haskell-tasty-hspec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121009] ppc64el build of haskell-shelly 1.12.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121015] ppc64el build of haskell-tasty-golden 2.3.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121063] ppc64el build of haskell-uuid-types in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120997] ppc64el build of haskell-quote-quot in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121039] ppc64el build of haskell-th-env 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121033] ppc64el build of haskell-text-short 0.1.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121069] ppc64el build of haskell-wl-pprint-annotated in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121051] ppc64el build of haskell-unicode-transforms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120991] ppc64el build of haskell-pqueue in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120985] ppc64el build of haskell-network-uri in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120837] s390x build of haskell-fgl-visualize in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120831] s390x build of haskell-fgl-arbitrary in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120804] armhf build of haskell-crypton 0.34-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120803] arm64 build of haskell-crypton 0.34-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120796] arm64 build of haskell-cryptohash-sha256 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120809] arm64 build of haskell-cryptonite 0.30-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120810] armhf build of haskell-cryptonite 0.30-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120994] amd64 build of haskell-quote-quot in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121036] amd64 build of haskell-th-env 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121003] ppc64el build of haskell-resolv in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121066] amd64 build of haskell-wl-pprint-annotated in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121030] amd64 build of haskell-text-short 0.1.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120946] amd64 build of haskell-lua 2.3.3+ds1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120976] amd64 build of haskell-network-control 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121012] amd64 build of haskell-tasty-golden 2.3.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120988] amd64 build of haskell-pqueue in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120843] s390x build of haskell-filtrable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121027] ppc64el build of haskell-text-manipulate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121045] ppc64el build of haskell-th-orphans 0.13.14-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120849] s390x build of haskell-finite-field 0.10.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120790] arm64 build of haskell-cryptohash-sha1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120791] armhf build of haskell-cryptohash-sha1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120797] armhf build of haskell-cryptohash-sha256 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120816] armhf build of haskell-data-functor-logistic 0.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120815] arm64 build of haskell-data-functor-logistic 0.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120757] riscv64 build of haskell-barbies in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120855] s390x build of haskell-fsnotify in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120867] s390x build of haskell-ghc-typelits-natnormalise 0.7.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120861] s390x build of haskell-genvalidity-property in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120879] s390x build of haskell-gtk 0.15.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120873] s390x build of haskell-graphviz 2999.20.2.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120885] s390x build of haskell-gtk3 0.15.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120827] arm64 build of haskell-fgl-arbitrary in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120821] arm64 build of haskell-fast-logger 3.2.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120822] armhf build of haskell-fast-logger 3.2.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120833] arm64 build of haskell-fgl-visualize in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120839] arm64 build of haskell-filtrable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120828] armhf build of haskell-fgl-arbitrary in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120840] armhf build of haskell-filtrable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120834] armhf build of haskell-fgl-visualize in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120763] riscv64 build of haskell-blaze-markup in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120845] arm64 build of haskell-finite-field 0.10.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120846] armhf build of haskell-finite-field 0.10.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120921] s390x build of haskell-infinite-list 0.1.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120927] s390x build of haskell-integer-logarithms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120891] s390x build of haskell-hjsmin 0.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120909] s390x build of haskell-infer-license 0.2.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120903] s390x build of haskell-idna 0.3.0-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120852] armhf build of haskell-fsnotify in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120897] s390x build of haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120857] arm64 build of haskell-genvalidity-property in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120851] arm64 build of haskell-fsnotify in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120858] armhf build of haskell-genvalidity-property in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120863] arm64 build of haskell-ghc-typelits-natnormalise 0.7.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120864] armhf build of haskell-ghc-typelits-natnormalise 0.7.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120875] arm64 build of haskell-gtk 0.15.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120870] armhf build of haskell-graphviz 2999.20.2.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120869] arm64 build of haskell-graphviz 2999.20.2.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120876] armhf build of haskell-gtk 0.15.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120881] arm64 build of haskell-gtk3 0.15.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120769] riscv64 build of haskell-cabal-install-solver in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120882] armhf build of haskell-gtk3 0.15.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120887] arm64 build of haskell-hjsmin 0.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120893] arm64 build of haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120775] riscv64 build of haskell-comonad 5.0.8-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120933] s390x build of haskell-integer-roots in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120888] armhf build of haskell-hjsmin 0.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120894] armhf build of haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120939] s390x build of haskell-intervals 0.9.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120899] arm64 build of haskell-idna 0.3.0-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120951] s390x build of haskell-lua 2.3.3+ds1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120945] s390x build of haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.5.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120957] s390x build of haskell-lukko in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120963] s390x build of haskell-lzma in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120900] armhf build of haskell-idna 0.3.0-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120905] arm64 build of haskell-infer-license 0.2.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120917] arm64 build of haskell-infinite-list 0.1.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120906] armhf build of haskell-infer-license 0.2.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120918] armhf build of haskell-infinite-list 0.1.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120923] arm64 build of haskell-integer-logarithms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120924] armhf build of haskell-integer-logarithms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120941] arm64 build of haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.5.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120929] arm64 build of haskell-integer-roots in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120969] s390x build of haskell-mockery 0.3.5-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120936] armhf build of haskell-intervals 0.9.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120930] armhf build of haskell-integer-roots in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120981] s390x build of haskell-network-control 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120975] s390x build of haskell-monad-loops 0.4.3-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120935] arm64 build of haskell-intervals 0.9.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120948] armhf build of haskell-lua 2.3.3+ds1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120954] armhf build of haskell-lukko in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120999] s390x build of haskell-quote-quot in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121005] s390x build of haskell-resolv in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120987] s390x build of haskell-network-uri in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120993] s390x build of haskell-pqueue in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120953] arm64 build of haskell-lukko in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121017] s390x build of haskell-tasty-golden 2.3.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121011] s390x build of haskell-shelly 1.12.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120942] armhf build of haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.5.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120959] arm64 build of haskell-lzma in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120947] arm64 build of haskell-lua 2.3.3+ds1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120965] arm64 build of haskell-mockery 0.3.5-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120787] riscv64 build of haskell-cryptohash-md5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120960] armhf build of haskell-lzma in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120971] arm64 build of haskell-monad-loops 0.4.3-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120966] armhf build of haskell-mockery 0.3.5-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120972] armhf build of haskell-monad-loops 0.4.3-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120978] armhf build of haskell-network-control 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120990] armhf build of haskell-pqueue in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120977] arm64 build of haskell-network-control 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120989] arm64 build of haskell-pqueue in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121023] s390x build of haskell-tasty-hspec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120983] arm64 build of haskell-network-uri in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120984] armhf build of haskell-network-uri in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120995] arm64 build of haskell-quote-quot in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121029] s390x build of haskell-text-manipulate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121041] s390x build of haskell-th-env 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121002] armhf build of haskell-resolv in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120996] armhf build of haskell-quote-quot in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121001] arm64 build of haskell-resolv in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121008] armhf build of haskell-shelly 1.12.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121059] s390x build of haskell-unliftio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121047] s390x build of haskell-th-orphans 0.13.14-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121053] s390x build of haskell-unicode-transforms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121065] s390x build of haskell-uuid-types in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121035] s390x build of haskell-text-short 0.1.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121007] arm64 build of haskell-shelly 1.12.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121013] arm64 build of haskell-tasty-golden 2.3.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121014] armhf build of haskell-tasty-golden 2.3.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121071] s390x build of haskell-wl-pprint-annotated in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121019] arm64 build of haskell-tasty-hspec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121020] armhf build of haskell-tasty-hspec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120799] riscv64 build of haskell-cryptohash-sha256 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120793] riscv64 build of haskell-cryptohash-sha1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121025] arm64 build of haskell-text-manipulate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121031] arm64 build of haskell-text-short 0.1.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121026] armhf build of haskell-text-manipulate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121037] arm64 build of haskell-th-env 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121032] armhf build of haskell-text-short 0.1.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121038] armhf build of haskell-th-env 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121043] arm64 build of haskell-th-orphans 0.13.14-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120812] riscv64 build of haskell-cryptonite 0.30-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120806] riscv64 build of haskell-crypton 0.34-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121049] arm64 build of haskell-unicode-transforms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121050] armhf build of haskell-unicode-transforms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121044] armhf build of haskell-th-orphans 0.13.14-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121055] arm64 build of haskell-unliftio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121067] arm64 build of haskell-wl-pprint-annotated in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121056] armhf build of haskell-unliftio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121062] armhf build of haskell-uuid-types in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121061] arm64 build of haskell-uuid-types in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121068] armhf build of haskell-wl-pprint-annotated in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120818] riscv64 build of haskell-data-functor-logistic 0.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120824] riscv64 build of haskell-fast-logger 3.2.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120830] riscv64 build of haskell-fgl-arbitrary in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120836] riscv64 build of haskell-fgl-visualize in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120842] riscv64 build of haskell-filtrable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120848] riscv64 build of haskell-finite-field 0.10.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120854] riscv64 build of haskell-fsnotify in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120860] riscv64 build of haskell-genvalidity-property in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120866] riscv64 build of haskell-ghc-typelits-natnormalise 0.7.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120872] riscv64 build of haskell-graphviz 2999.20.2.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120884] riscv64 build of haskell-gtk3 0.15.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120878] riscv64 build of haskell-gtk 0.15.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120890] riscv64 build of haskell-hjsmin 0.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120896] riscv64 build of haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120902] riscv64 build of haskell-idna 0.3.0-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120908] riscv64 build of haskell-infer-license 0.2.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120926] riscv64 build of haskell-integer-logarithms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120920] riscv64 build of haskell-infinite-list 0.1.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120938] riscv64 build of haskell-intervals 0.9.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120932] riscv64 build of haskell-integer-roots in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120950] riscv64 build of haskell-lua 2.3.3+ds1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120944] riscv64 build of haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.5.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120968] riscv64 build of haskell-mockery 0.3.5-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120962] riscv64 build of haskell-lzma in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120956] riscv64 build of haskell-lukko in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120974] riscv64 build of haskell-monad-loops 0.4.3-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121004] riscv64 build of haskell-resolv in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120980] riscv64 build of haskell-network-control 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120986] riscv64 build of haskell-network-uri in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120992] riscv64 build of haskell-pqueue in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121010] riscv64 build of haskell-shelly 1.12.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29120998] riscv64 build of haskell-quote-quot in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121016] riscv64 build of haskell-tasty-golden 2.3.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121028] riscv64 build of haskell-text-manipulate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121022] riscv64 build of haskell-tasty-hspec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121052] riscv64 build of haskell-unicode-transforms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121046] riscv64 build of haskell-th-orphans 0.13.14-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121040] riscv64 build of haskell-th-env 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121034] riscv64 build of haskell-text-short 0.1.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121058] riscv64 build of haskell-unliftio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121070] riscv64 build of haskell-wl-pprint-annotated in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121064] riscv64 build of haskell-uuid-types in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121766] amd64 build of bustle 0.8.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121769] ppc64el build of bustle 0.8.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121787] ppc64el build of haskell-base64 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121781] ppc64el build of haskell-asn1-types 0.3.4-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121767] arm64 build of bustle 0.8.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121775] ppc64el build of haskell-argon2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121783] s390x build of haskell-asn1-types 0.3.4-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121773] arm64 build of haskell-argon2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121828] armhf build of haskell-commonmark 0.2.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121821] arm64 build of haskell-clientsession in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121804] armhf build of haskell-blaze-svg 0.3.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121822] armhf build of haskell-clientsession in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121833] arm64 build of haskell-cryptohash 0.11.9-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121823] ppc64el build of haskell-clientsession in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121815] arm64 build of haskell-cgi 3001.5.0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121797] arm64 build of haskell-blaze-html in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121847] ppc64el build of haskell-doclayout in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121853] ppc64el build of haskell-file-location in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121810] armhf build of haskell-bz2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121835] ppc64el build of haskell-cryptohash 0.11.9-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121809] arm64 build of haskell-bz2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121839] arm64 build of haskell-cryptohash-cryptoapi 0.1.4-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121780] armhf build of haskell-asn1-types 0.3.4-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121827] arm64 build of haskell-commonmark 0.2.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121819] s390x build of haskell-cgi 3001.5.0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121795] s390x build of haskell-bifunctors 5.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121801] s390x build of haskell-blaze-html in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121807] s390x build of haskell-blaze-svg 0.3.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121813] s390x build of haskell-bz2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121994] amd64 build of phybin 0.3-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121946] amd64 build of haskell-scientific in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121982] amd64 build of haskell-uri-encode in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121988] amd64 build of haskell-uuid 1.3.15-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121952] amd64 build of haskell-src-meta 0.8.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121976] amd64 build of haskell-unicode-collation in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121940] amd64 build of haskell-say in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121964] amd64 build of haskell-th-utilities in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121958] amd64 build of haskell-th-desugar 1.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121784] amd64 build of haskell-base64 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121772] amd64 build of haskell-argon2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121970] amd64 build of haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121844] amd64 build of haskell-doclayout in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121892] amd64 build of haskell-http 1:4000.4.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121868] amd64 build of haskell-githash in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121898] amd64 build of haskell-hxt in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121826] amd64 build of haskell-commonmark 0.2.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121862] amd64 build of haskell-ghc-typelits-knownnat 0.7.12-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121850] amd64 build of haskell-file-location in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121934] amd64 build of haskell-regex-applicative 0.3.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121904] amd64 build of haskell-lpeg 1.0.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121928] amd64 build of haskell-rank2classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121922] amd64 build of haskell-random-fu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121874] amd64 build of haskell-gsasl 0.3.7-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121880] amd64 build of haskell-gtk-traymanager 1.0.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121820] amd64 build of haskell-clientsession in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121838] amd64 build of haskell-cryptohash-cryptoapi 0.1.4-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121808] amd64 build of haskell-bz2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121916] amd64 build of haskell-nonce 1.0.7-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121798] armhf build of haskell-blaze-html in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121979] ppc64el build of haskell-unicode-collation in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121985] ppc64el build of haskell-uri-encode in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121973] ppc64el build of haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121845] arm64 build of haskell-doclayout in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121816] armhf build of haskell-cgi 3001.5.0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121846] armhf build of haskell-doclayout in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121991] ppc64el build of haskell-uuid 1.3.15-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121832] amd64 build of haskell-cryptohash 0.11.9-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121814] amd64 build of haskell-cgi 3001.5.0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121910] amd64 build of haskell-lua-arbitrary in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121882] armhf build of haskell-gtk-traymanager 1.0.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121771] s390x build of bustle 0.8.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121791] arm64 build of haskell-bifunctors 5.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121875] arm64 build of haskell-gsasl 0.3.7-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121864] armhf build of haskell-ghc-typelits-knownnat 0.7.12-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121876] armhf build of haskell-gsasl 0.3.7-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121843] s390x build of haskell-cryptohash-cryptoapi 0.1.4-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121777] s390x build of haskell-argon2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121911] arm64 build of haskell-lua-arbitrary in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121858] armhf build of haskell-genvalidity-hspec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121837] s390x build of haskell-cryptohash 0.11.9-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121881] arm64 build of haskell-gtk-traymanager 1.0.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121893] arm64 build of haskell-http 1:4000.4.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121831] s390x build of haskell-commonmark 0.2.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121855] s390x build of haskell-file-location in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121900] armhf build of haskell-hxt in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121849] s390x build of haskell-doclayout in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121899] arm64 build of haskell-hxt in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121905] arm64 build of haskell-lpeg 1.0.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121877] ppc64el build of haskell-gsasl 0.3.7-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121852] armhf build of haskell-file-location in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121851] arm64 build of haskell-file-location in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121869] arm64 build of haskell-githash in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121870] armhf build of haskell-githash in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121887] arm64 build of haskell-hedgehog 1.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121894] armhf build of haskell-http 1:4000.4.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121792] armhf build of haskell-bifunctors 5.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121857] arm64 build of haskell-genvalidity-hspec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121997] ppc64el build of phybin 0.3-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121863] arm64 build of haskell-ghc-typelits-knownnat 0.7.12-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121888] armhf build of haskell-hedgehog 1.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121918] armhf build of haskell-nonce 1.0.7-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121912] armhf build of haskell-lua-arbitrary in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121906] armhf build of haskell-lpeg 1.0.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121930] armhf build of haskell-rank2classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121929] arm64 build of haskell-rank2classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121917] arm64 build of haskell-nonce 1.0.7-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121924] armhf build of haskell-random-fu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121923] arm64 build of haskell-random-fu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121861] s390x build of haskell-genvalidity-hspec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121936] armhf build of haskell-regex-applicative 0.3.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121941] arm64 build of haskell-say in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121935] arm64 build of haskell-regex-applicative 0.3.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121942] armhf build of haskell-say in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121891] s390x build of haskell-hedgehog 1.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121885] s390x build of haskell-gtk-traymanager 1.0.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121873] s390x build of haskell-githash in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121959] arm64 build of haskell-th-desugar 1.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121867] s390x build of haskell-ghc-typelits-knownnat 0.7.12-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121954] armhf build of haskell-src-meta 0.8.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121953] arm64 build of haskell-src-meta 0.8.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121879] s390x build of haskell-gsasl 0.3.7-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121960] armhf build of haskell-th-desugar 1.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121948] armhf build of haskell-scientific in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121971] arm64 build of haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121947] arm64 build of haskell-scientific in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121965] arm64 build of haskell-th-utilities in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121978] armhf build of haskell-unicode-collation in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121983] arm64 build of haskell-uri-encode in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121972] armhf build of haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121977] arm64 build of haskell-unicode-collation in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121984] armhf build of haskell-uri-encode in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121966] armhf build of haskell-th-utilities in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121996] armhf build of phybin 0.3-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121990] armhf build of haskell-uuid 1.3.15-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121989] arm64 build of haskell-uuid 1.3.15-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121995] arm64 build of phybin 0.3-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121897] s390x build of haskell-http 1:4000.4.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121903] s390x build of haskell-hxt in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121909] s390x build of haskell-lpeg 1.0.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121921] s390x build of haskell-nonce 1.0.7-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121915] s390x build of haskell-lua-arbitrary in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121927] s390x build of haskell-random-fu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121933] s390x build of haskell-rank2classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121770] riscv64 build of bustle 0.8.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121782] riscv64 build of haskell-asn1-types 0.3.4-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121776] riscv64 build of haskell-argon2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121794] riscv64 build of haskell-bifunctors 5.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121951] s390x build of haskell-scientific in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121945] s390x build of haskell-say in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121939] s390x build of haskell-regex-applicative 0.3.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121788] riscv64 build of haskell-base64 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121957] s390x build of haskell-src-meta 0.8.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121963] s390x build of haskell-th-desugar 1.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121969] s390x build of haskell-th-utilities in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121818] riscv64 build of haskell-cgi 3001.5.0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121812] riscv64 build of haskell-bz2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121800] riscv64 build of haskell-blaze-html in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121981] s390x build of haskell-unicode-collation in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121993] s390x build of haskell-uuid 1.3.15-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121806] riscv64 build of haskell-blaze-svg 0.3.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121987] s390x build of haskell-uri-encode in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121824] riscv64 build of haskell-clientsession in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121999] s390x build of phybin 0.3-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121830] riscv64 build of haskell-commonmark 0.2.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121836] riscv64 build of haskell-cryptohash 0.11.9-11 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121848] riscv64 build of haskell-doclayout in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121842] riscv64 build of haskell-cryptohash-cryptoapi 0.1.4-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121854] riscv64 build of haskell-file-location in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121860] riscv64 build of haskell-genvalidity-hspec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121866] riscv64 build of haskell-ghc-typelits-knownnat 0.7.12-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121872] riscv64 build of haskell-githash in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121884] riscv64 build of haskell-gtk-traymanager 1.0.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121878] riscv64 build of haskell-gsasl 0.3.7-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121890] riscv64 build of haskell-hedgehog 1.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121902] riscv64 build of haskell-hxt in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121896] riscv64 build of haskell-http 1:4000.4.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121908] riscv64 build of haskell-lpeg 1.0.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121914] riscv64 build of haskell-lua-arbitrary in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121920] riscv64 build of haskell-nonce 1.0.7-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121926] riscv64 build of haskell-random-fu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121932] riscv64 build of haskell-rank2classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121944] riscv64 build of haskell-say in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121938] riscv64 build of haskell-regex-applicative 0.3.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121950] riscv64 build of haskell-scientific in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121956] riscv64 build of haskell-src-meta 0.8.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121962] riscv64 build of haskell-th-desugar 1.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121968] riscv64 build of haskell-th-utilities in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121980] riscv64 build of haskell-unicode-collation in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121974] riscv64 build of haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121986] riscv64 build of haskell-uri-encode in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121998] riscv64 build of phybin 0.3-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121992] riscv64 build of haskell-uuid 1.3.15-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122123] amd64 build of haskell-ghc-typelits-extra 0.4.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122117] amd64 build of haskell-genvalidity-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122110] s390x build of haskell-dice 0.1.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122128] s390x build of haskell-ghc-typelits-extra 0.4.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122116] s390x build of haskell-formatting 7.2.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122122] s390x build of haskell-genvalidity-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122096] ppc64el build of haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122152] s390x build of haskell-hspec-hedgehog in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122112] arm64 build of haskell-formatting 7.2.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122119] armhf build of haskell-genvalidity-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122095] armhf build of haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122125] armhf build of haskell-ghc-typelits-extra 0.4.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122146] s390x build of haskell-here 1.2.14-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122140] s390x build of haskell-happstack-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122098] s390x build of haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122134] s390x build of haskell-gridtables in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122114] ppc64el build of haskell-formatting 7.2.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122156] ppc64el build of haskell-hsx2hs in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122120] ppc64el build of haskell-genvalidity-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122150] ppc64el build of haskell-hspec-hedgehog in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122130] arm64 build of haskell-gridtables in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122143] armhf build of haskell-here 1.2.14-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122149] armhf build of haskell-hspec-hedgehog in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122131] armhf build of haskell-gridtables in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122144] ppc64el build of haskell-here 1.2.14-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122154] arm64 build of haskell-hsx2hs in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122136] arm64 build of haskell-happstack-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122132] ppc64el build of haskell-gridtables in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122148] arm64 build of haskell-hspec-hedgehog in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122126] ppc64el build of haskell-ghc-typelits-extra 0.4.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122137] armhf build of haskell-happstack-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122142] arm64 build of haskell-here 1.2.14-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122138] ppc64el build of haskell-happstack-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122118] arm64 build of haskell-genvalidity-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122107] armhf build of haskell-dice 0.1.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122124] arm64 build of haskell-ghc-typelits-extra 0.4.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122106] arm64 build of haskell-dice 0.1.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122113] armhf build of haskell-formatting 7.2.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122225] amd64 build of haskell-profunctors 5.6.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122201] amd64 build of haskell-misfortune in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122135] amd64 build of haskell-happstack-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122177] amd64 build of haskell-hxt-tagsoup 9.1.4-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122171] amd64 build of haskell-hxt-relaxng in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122165] amd64 build of haskell-hxt-http in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122159] amd64 build of haskell-hxt-curl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122243] amd64 build of haskell-regex-applicative-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122093] amd64 build of haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122237] amd64 build of haskell-recaptcha in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122105] amd64 build of haskell-dice 0.1.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122255] amd64 build of haskell-xmlgen in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122189] amd64 build of haskell-lambdabot-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122153] amd64 build of haskell-hsx2hs in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122141] amd64 build of haskell-here 1.2.14-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122213] amd64 build of haskell-oeis 0.3.10-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122111] amd64 build of haskell-formatting 7.2.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122147] amd64 build of haskell-hspec-hedgehog in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122249] amd64 build of haskell-tasty-hedgehog in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122207] amd64 build of haskell-network-run 0.2.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122195] amd64 build of haskell-language-c-quote in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122183] amd64 build of haskell-js-flot 0.8.3-12 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122231] amd64 build of haskell-pwstore-fast 2.4.4-12 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122219] amd64 build of haskell-optparse-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122129] amd64 build of haskell-gridtables in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122240] ppc64el build of haskell-recaptcha in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122252] ppc64el build of haskell-tasty-hedgehog in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122222] ppc64el build of haskell-optparse-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122162] ppc64el build of haskell-hxt-curl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122210] ppc64el build of haskell-network-run 0.2.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122180] ppc64el build of haskell-hxt-tagsoup 9.1.4-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122196] arm64 build of haskell-language-c-quote in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122174] ppc64el build of haskell-hxt-relaxng in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122108] ppc64el build of haskell-dice 0.1.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122204] ppc64el build of haskell-misfortune in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122216] ppc64el build of haskell-oeis 0.3.10-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122192] ppc64el build of haskell-lambdabot-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122198] ppc64el build of haskell-language-c-quote in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122094] arm64 build of haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122161] armhf build of haskell-hxt-curl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122184] arm64 build of haskell-js-flot 0.8.3-12 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122166] arm64 build of haskell-hxt-http in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122186] ppc64el build of haskell-js-flot 0.8.3-12 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122168] ppc64el build of haskell-hxt-http in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122179] armhf build of haskell-hxt-tagsoup 9.1.4-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122185] armhf build of haskell-js-flot 0.8.3-12 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122160] arm64 build of haskell-hxt-curl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122208] arm64 build of haskell-network-run 0.2.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122202] arm64 build of haskell-misfortune in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122167] armhf build of haskell-hxt-http in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122220] arm64 build of haskell-optparse-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122197] armhf build of haskell-language-c-quote in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122155] armhf build of haskell-hsx2hs in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122214] arm64 build of haskell-oeis 0.3.10-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122172] arm64 build of haskell-hxt-relaxng in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122203] armhf build of haskell-misfortune in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122215] armhf build of haskell-oeis 0.3.10-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122178] arm64 build of haskell-hxt-tagsoup 9.1.4-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122209] armhf build of haskell-network-run 0.2.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122190] arm64 build of haskell-lambdabot-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122191] armhf build of haskell-lambdabot-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122234] ppc64el build of haskell-pwstore-fast 2.4.4-12 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122221] armhf build of haskell-optparse-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122258] ppc64el build of haskell-xmlgen in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122246] ppc64el build of haskell-regex-applicative-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122228] ppc64el build of haskell-profunctors 5.6.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122173] armhf build of haskell-hxt-relaxng in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122182] s390x build of haskell-hxt-tagsoup 9.1.4-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122176] s390x build of haskell-hxt-relaxng in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122200] s390x build of haskell-language-c-quote in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122170] s390x build of haskell-hxt-http in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122194] s390x build of haskell-lambdabot-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122158] s390x build of haskell-hsx2hs in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122251] armhf build of haskell-tasty-hedgehog in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122257] armhf build of haskell-xmlgen in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122227] armhf build of haskell-profunctors 5.6.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122245] armhf build of haskell-regex-applicative-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122256] arm64 build of haskell-xmlgen in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122239] armhf build of haskell-recaptcha in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122244] arm64 build of haskell-regex-applicative-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122226] arm64 build of haskell-profunctors 5.6.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122233] armhf build of haskell-pwstore-fast 2.4.4-12 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122232] arm64 build of haskell-pwstore-fast 2.4.4-12 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122238] arm64 build of haskell-recaptcha in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122250] arm64 build of haskell-tasty-hedgehog in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122206] s390x build of haskell-misfortune in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122188] s390x build of haskell-js-flot 0.8.3-12 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122164] s390x build of haskell-hxt-curl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122212] s390x build of haskell-network-run 0.2.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122218] s390x build of haskell-oeis 0.3.10-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122224] s390x build of haskell-optparse-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122236] s390x build of haskell-pwstore-fast 2.4.4-12 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122242] s390x build of haskell-recaptcha in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122230] s390x build of haskell-profunctors 5.6.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122097] riscv64 build of haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122260] s390x build of haskell-xmlgen in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122254] s390x build of haskell-tasty-hedgehog in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122248] s390x build of haskell-regex-applicative-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122109] riscv64 build of haskell-dice 0.1.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122115] riscv64 build of haskell-formatting 7.2.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122121] riscv64 build of haskell-genvalidity-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122127] riscv64 build of haskell-ghc-typelits-extra 0.4.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122133] riscv64 build of haskell-gridtables in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122139] riscv64 build of haskell-happstack-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122145] riscv64 build of haskell-here 1.2.14-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122151] riscv64 build of haskell-hspec-hedgehog in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122157] riscv64 build of haskell-hsx2hs in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122163] riscv64 build of haskell-hxt-curl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122169] riscv64 build of haskell-hxt-http in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122175] riscv64 build of haskell-hxt-relaxng in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122187] riscv64 build of haskell-js-flot 0.8.3-12 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122181] riscv64 build of haskell-hxt-tagsoup 9.1.4-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122193] riscv64 build of haskell-lambdabot-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122199] riscv64 build of haskell-language-c-quote in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122205] riscv64 build of haskell-misfortune in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122211] riscv64 build of haskell-network-run 0.2.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122217] riscv64 build of haskell-oeis 0.3.10-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122229] riscv64 build of haskell-profunctors 5.6.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122223] riscv64 build of haskell-optparse-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122235] riscv64 build of haskell-pwstore-fast 2.4.4-12 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122241] riscv64 build of haskell-recaptcha in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122247] riscv64 build of haskell-regex-applicative-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122253] riscv64 build of haskell-tasty-hedgehog in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122259] riscv64 build of haskell-xmlgen in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122384] amd64 build of haskell-generic-lens in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122378] amd64 build of haskell-crypto-pubkey-types 0.4.3-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122372] amd64 build of haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122375] ppc64el build of haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122383] s390x build of haskell-crypto-pubkey-types 0.4.3-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122381] ppc64el build of haskell-crypto-pubkey-types 0.4.3-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122407] s390x build of haskell-lambdabot-misc-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122373] arm64 build of haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122401] s390x build of haskell-lambdabot-irc-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122374] armhf build of haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122377] s390x build of haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122398] armhf build of haskell-lambdabot-irc-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122395] s390x build of haskell-happstack-hsp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122379] arm64 build of haskell-crypto-pubkey-types 0.4.3-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122386] armhf build of haskell-generic-lens in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122391] arm64 build of haskell-happstack-hsp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122413] s390x build of haskell-lambdabot-novelty-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122380] armhf build of haskell-crypto-pubkey-types 0.4.3-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122399] ppc64el build of haskell-lambdabot-irc-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122417] ppc64el build of haskell-lambdabot-reference-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122447] ppc64el build of haskell-zenc 0.1.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122432] amd64 build of haskell-nothunks 0.1.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122396] amd64 build of haskell-lambdabot-irc-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122420] amd64 build of haskell-lambdabot-social-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122390] amd64 build of haskell-happstack-hsp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122438] amd64 build of haskell-retry in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122408] amd64 build of haskell-lambdabot-novelty-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122426] amd64 build of haskell-lambdabot-trusted in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122402] amd64 build of haskell-lambdabot-misc-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122414] amd64 build of haskell-lambdabot-reference-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122444] amd64 build of haskell-zenc 0.1.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122419] s390x build of haskell-lambdabot-reference-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122405] ppc64el build of haskell-lambdabot-misc-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122392] armhf build of haskell-happstack-hsp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122422] armhf build of haskell-lambdabot-social-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122385] arm64 build of haskell-generic-lens in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122389] s390x build of haskell-generic-lens in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122434] armhf build of haskell-nothunks 0.1.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122421] arm64 build of haskell-lambdabot-social-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122440] armhf build of haskell-retry in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122393] ppc64el build of haskell-happstack-hsp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122403] arm64 build of haskell-lambdabot-misc-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122387] ppc64el build of haskell-generic-lens in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122411] ppc64el build of haskell-lambdabot-novelty-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122404] armhf build of haskell-lambdabot-misc-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122428] armhf build of haskell-lambdabot-trusted in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122423] ppc64el build of haskell-lambdabot-social-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122441] ppc64el build of haskell-retry in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122435] ppc64el build of haskell-nothunks 0.1.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122433] arm64 build of haskell-nothunks 0.1.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122416] armhf build of haskell-lambdabot-reference-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122397] arm64 build of haskell-lambdabot-irc-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122410] armhf build of haskell-lambdabot-novelty-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122427] arm64 build of haskell-lambdabot-trusted in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122445] arm64 build of haskell-zenc 0.1.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122409] arm64 build of haskell-lambdabot-novelty-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122439] arm64 build of haskell-retry in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122446] armhf build of haskell-zenc 0.1.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122415] arm64 build of haskell-lambdabot-reference-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122429] ppc64el build of haskell-lambdabot-trusted in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122425] s390x build of haskell-lambdabot-social-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122431] s390x build of haskell-lambdabot-trusted in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122437] s390x build of haskell-nothunks 0.1.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122449] s390x build of haskell-zenc 0.1.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122443] s390x build of haskell-retry in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122376] riscv64 build of haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122382] riscv64 build of haskell-crypto-pubkey-types 0.4.3-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122388] riscv64 build of haskell-generic-lens in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122394] riscv64 build of haskell-happstack-hsp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122400] riscv64 build of haskell-lambdabot-irc-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122406] riscv64 build of haskell-lambdabot-misc-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122412] riscv64 build of haskell-lambdabot-novelty-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122418] riscv64 build of haskell-lambdabot-reference-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122436] riscv64 build of haskell-nothunks 0.1.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122424] riscv64 build of haskell-lambdabot-social-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122430] riscv64 build of haskell-lambdabot-trusted in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122442] riscv64 build of haskell-retry in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122448] riscv64 build of haskell-zenc 0.1.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122523] s390x build of haskell-generic-data in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122517] s390x build of haskell-crypton-x509 1.7.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122530] amd64 build of haskell-unordered-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122536] amd64 build of haskell-x509 1.7.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122512] amd64 build of haskell-crypton-x509 1.7.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122518] amd64 build of haskell-generic-data in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122524] amd64 build of haskell-rsa 2.4.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122538] armhf build of haskell-x509 1.7.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122531] arm64 build of haskell-unordered-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122520] armhf build of haskell-generic-data in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122526] armhf build of haskell-rsa 2.4.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122535] s390x build of haskell-unordered-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122533] ppc64el build of haskell-unordered-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122541] s390x build of haskell-x509 1.7.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122529] s390x build of haskell-rsa 2.4.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122519] arm64 build of haskell-generic-data in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122513] arm64 build of haskell-crypton-x509 1.7.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122514] armhf build of haskell-crypton-x509 1.7.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122537] arm64 build of haskell-x509 1.7.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122515] ppc64el build of haskell-crypton-x509 1.7.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122525] arm64 build of haskell-rsa 2.4.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122539] ppc64el build of haskell-x509 1.7.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122532] armhf build of haskell-unordered-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122521] ppc64el build of haskell-generic-data in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122527] ppc64el build of haskell-rsa 2.4.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122522] riscv64 build of haskell-generic-data in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122516] riscv64 build of haskell-crypton-x509 1.7.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122528] riscv64 build of haskell-rsa 2.4.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122534] riscv64 build of haskell-unordered-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122540] riscv64 build of haskell-x509 1.7.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122857] amd64 build of haskell-data-reify 0.6.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122845] amd64 build of haskell-charset 0.3.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122851] amd64 build of haskell-crypton-x509-store 1.6.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122875] amd64 build of haskell-git-mediate 1.0.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122893] amd64 build of haskell-isomorphism-class in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122869] amd64 build of haskell-expiring-cache-map in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122863] amd64 build of haskell-dynamic-state 0.3.1-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122853] armhf build of haskell-crypton-x509-store 1.6.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122880] s390x build of haskell-git-mediate 1.0.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122878] ppc64el build of haskell-git-mediate 1.0.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122868] s390x build of haskell-dynamic-state 0.3.1-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122858] arm64 build of haskell-data-reify 0.6.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122925] armhf build of haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122876] arm64 build of haskell-git-mediate 1.0.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122919] armhf build of haskell-safecopy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122874] s390x build of haskell-expiring-cache-map in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122886] s390x build of haskell-intern 0.9.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122862] s390x build of haskell-data-reify 0.6.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122889] armhf build of haskell-invariant 0.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122892] s390x build of haskell-invariant 0.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122866] ppc64el build of haskell-dynamic-state 0.3.1-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122871] armhf build of haskell-expiring-cache-map in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122902] ppc64el build of haskell-microlens-platform in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122884] ppc64el build of haskell-intern 0.9.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122924] arm64 build of haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122908] ppc64el build of haskell-protobuf in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122906] arm64 build of haskell-protobuf in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122901] armhf build of haskell-microlens-platform in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122883] armhf build of haskell-intern 0.9.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122848] ppc64el build of haskell-charset 0.3.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122860] ppc64el build of haskell-data-reify 0.6.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122907] armhf build of haskell-protobuf in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122854] ppc64el build of haskell-crypton-x509-store 1.6.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122971] amd64 build of haskell-xmlhtml in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122865] armhf build of haskell-dynamic-state 0.3.1-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122852] arm64 build of haskell-crypton-x509-store 1.6.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122840] arm64 build of haskell-basic-prelude 0.7.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122948] arm64 build of haskell-svg-builder 0.1.1-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122870] arm64 build of haskell-expiring-cache-map in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122847] armhf build of haskell-charset 0.3.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122859] armhf build of haskell-data-reify 0.6.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122943] armhf build of haskell-shake 0.19.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122961] armhf build of haskell-vault in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122937] armhf build of haskell-semirings 0.6-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122930] arm64 build of haskell-semigroups 0.20-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122864] arm64 build of haskell-dynamic-state 0.3.1-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122841] armhf build of haskell-basic-prelude 0.7.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122932] ppc64el build of haskell-semigroups 0.20-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122900] arm64 build of haskell-microlens-platform in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122912] arm64 build of haskell-rio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122872] ppc64el build of haskell-expiring-cache-map in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122913] armhf build of haskell-rio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122894] arm64 build of haskell-isomorphism-class in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122877] armhf build of haskell-git-mediate 1.0.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122882] arm64 build of haskell-intern 0.9.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122918] arm64 build of haskell-safecopy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122895] armhf build of haskell-isomorphism-class in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122888] arm64 build of haskell-invariant 0.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122896] ppc64el build of haskell-isomorphism-class in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122890] ppc64el build of haskell-invariant 0.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122917] amd64 build of haskell-safecopy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122923] amd64 build of haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122905] amd64 build of haskell-protobuf in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122911] amd64 build of haskell-rio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122899] amd64 build of haskell-microlens-platform in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122955] armhf build of haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122965] amd64 build of haskell-x509-store 1.6.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122947] amd64 build of haskell-svg-builder 0.1.1-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122941] amd64 build of haskell-shake 0.19.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122929] amd64 build of haskell-semigroups 0.20-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122938] ppc64el build of haskell-semirings 0.6-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122956] ppc64el build of haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122846] arm64 build of haskell-charset 0.3.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122920] ppc64el build of haskell-safecopy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122944] ppc64el build of haskell-shake 0.19.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122950] ppc64el build of haskell-svg-builder 0.1.1-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122962] ppc64el build of haskell-vault in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122942] arm64 build of haskell-shake 0.19.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122968] ppc64el build of haskell-x509-store 1.6.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122926] ppc64el build of haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122974] ppc64el build of haskell-xmlhtml in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122842] ppc64el build of haskell-basic-prelude 0.7.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122914] ppc64el build of haskell-rio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122935] amd64 build of haskell-semirings 0.6-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122959] amd64 build of haskell-vault in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122953] amd64 build of haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122972] arm64 build of haskell-xmlhtml in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122973] armhf build of haskell-xmlhtml in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122967] armhf build of haskell-x509-store 1.6.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122960] arm64 build of haskell-vault in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122954] arm64 build of haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122931] armhf build of haskell-semigroups 0.20-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122966] arm64 build of haskell-x509-store 1.6.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122949] armhf build of haskell-svg-builder 0.1.1-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122936] arm64 build of haskell-semirings 0.6-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122844] s390x build of haskell-basic-prelude 0.7.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122850] s390x build of haskell-charset 0.3.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122898] s390x build of haskell-isomorphism-class in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122910] s390x build of haskell-protobuf in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122856] s390x build of haskell-crypton-x509-store 1.6.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122904] s390x build of haskell-microlens-platform in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122916] s390x build of haskell-rio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122922] s390x build of haskell-safecopy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122946] s390x build of haskell-shake 0.19.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122928] s390x build of haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122934] s390x build of haskell-semigroups 0.20-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122952] s390x build of haskell-svg-builder 0.1.1-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122940] s390x build of haskell-semirings 0.6-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122958] s390x build of haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122964] s390x build of haskell-vault in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122970] s390x build of haskell-x509-store 1.6.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122976] s390x build of haskell-xmlhtml in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122843] riscv64 build of haskell-basic-prelude 0.7.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122849] riscv64 build of haskell-charset 0.3.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122855] riscv64 build of haskell-crypton-x509-store 1.6.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122861] riscv64 build of haskell-data-reify 0.6.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122873] riscv64 build of haskell-expiring-cache-map in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122867] riscv64 build of haskell-dynamic-state 0.3.1-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122879] riscv64 build of haskell-git-mediate 1.0.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122885] riscv64 build of haskell-intern 0.9.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122891] riscv64 build of haskell-invariant 0.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122897] riscv64 build of haskell-isomorphism-class in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122903] riscv64 build of haskell-microlens-platform in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122909] riscv64 build of haskell-protobuf in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122921] riscv64 build of haskell-safecopy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122915] riscv64 build of haskell-rio in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122927] riscv64 build of haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122933] riscv64 build of haskell-semigroups 0.20-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122939] riscv64 build of haskell-semirings 0.6-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122945] riscv64 build of haskell-shake 0.19.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122951] riscv64 build of haskell-svg-builder 0.1.1-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122957] riscv64 build of haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122963] riscv64 build of haskell-vault in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122969] riscv64 build of haskell-x509-store 1.6.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29122975] riscv64 build of haskell-xmlhtml in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121975] s390x build of haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123181] amd64 build of haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123193] amd64 build of haskell-case-insensitive in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123174] amd64 build of dh-runit 2.16.3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123175] amd64 build of haskell-acid-state in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123217] amd64 build of haskell-dlist-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123205] amd64 build of haskell-crypton-x509-system 1.6.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123199] amd64 build of haskell-chunked-data 0.3.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123187] amd64 build of haskell-boomerang 1.4.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123211] amd64 build of haskell-crypton-x509-validation 1.6.12-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123229] amd64 build of haskell-foldl 1.4.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123223] amd64 build of haskell-either 5.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123235] amd64 build of haskell-free 5.1.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123269] amd64 build of haskell-hstringtemplate 0.8.8-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123251] amd64 build of haskell-glob 0.10.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123257] amd64 build of haskell-hi-file-parser in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123263] amd64 build of haskell-hmatrix 0.20.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123192] s390x build of haskell-boomerang 1.4.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123195] armhf build of haskell-case-insensitive in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123266] ppc64el build of haskell-hmatrix 0.20.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123231] armhf build of haskell-foldl 1.4.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123188] arm64 build of haskell-boomerang 1.4.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123242] arm64 build of haskell-ghc-lib-parser-ex in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123213] armhf build of haskell-crypton-x509-validation 1.6.12-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123237] armhf build of haskell-free 5.1.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123236] arm64 build of haskell-free 5.1.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123198] s390x build of haskell-case-insensitive in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123204] s390x build of haskell-chunked-data 0.3.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123224] arm64 build of haskell-either 5.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123200] arm64 build of haskell-chunked-data 0.3.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123278] ppc64el build of haskell-ixset-typed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123260] ppc64el build of haskell-hi-file-parser in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123189] armhf build of haskell-boomerang 1.4.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123207] armhf build of haskell-crypton-x509-system 1.6.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123308] ppc64el build of haskell-netwire 5.0.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123183] armhf build of haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123272] ppc64el build of haskell-hstringtemplate 0.8.8-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123243] armhf build of haskell-ghc-lib-parser-ex in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123290] ppc64el build of haskell-mod in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123194] arm64 build of haskell-case-insensitive in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123219] armhf build of haskell-dlist-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123218] arm64 build of haskell-dlist-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123296] ppc64el build of haskell-monad-chronicle 1.0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123225] armhf build of haskell-either 5.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123212] arm64 build of haskell-crypton-x509-validation 1.6.12-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123230] arm64 build of haskell-foldl 1.4.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123302] ppc64el build of haskell-monoid-extras 0.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123363] amd64 build of haskell-x509-validation 1.6.12-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123381] amd64 build of hasktags 0.72.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123305] amd64 build of haskell-netwire 5.0.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123339] amd64 build of haskell-storable-record 0.0.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123345] amd64 build of haskell-strict-list in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123369] amd64 build of haskell-yi-language 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123384] ppc64el build of hasktags 0.72.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123206] arm64 build of haskell-crypton-x509-system 1.6.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123244] ppc64el build of haskell-ghc-lib-parser-ex in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123320] ppc64el build of haskell-reducers 3.12.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123201] armhf build of haskell-chunked-data 0.3.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123252] arm64 build of haskell-glob 0.10.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123254] ppc64el build of haskell-glob 0.10.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123253] armhf build of haskell-glob 0.10.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123354] ppc64el build of haskell-swish in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123314] ppc64el build of haskell-reactive-banana in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123387] amd64 build of haxml 1:1.25.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123327] amd64 build of haskell-reform in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123299] amd64 build of haskell-monoid-extras 0.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123357] amd64 build of haskell-x509-system 1.6.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123293] amd64 build of haskell-monad-chronicle 1.0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123311] amd64 build of haskell-reactive-banana in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123378] ppc64el build of haskell-zeromq4-haskell 0.8.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123238] ppc64el build of haskell-free 5.1.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123360] ppc64el build of haskell-x509-system 1.6.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123390] ppc64el build of haxml 1:1.25.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123330] ppc64el build of haskell-reform in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123372] ppc64el build of haskell-yi-language 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123348] ppc64el build of haskell-strict-list in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123366] ppc64el build of haskell-x509-validation 1.6.12-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123275] amd64 build of haskell-ixset-typed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123281] amd64 build of haskell-listlike in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123177] armhf build of haskell-acid-state in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123178] ppc64el build of haskell-acid-state in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123180] s390x build of haskell-acid-state in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123176] arm64 build of haskell-acid-state in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123182] arm64 build of haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123333] amd64 build of haskell-sbv 10.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123287] amd64 build of haskell-mod in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123375] amd64 build of haskell-zeromq4-haskell 0.8.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123351] amd64 build of haskell-swish in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123317] amd64 build of haskell-reducers 3.12.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123259] armhf build of haskell-hi-file-parser in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123258] arm64 build of haskell-hi-file-parser in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123342] ppc64el build of haskell-storable-record 0.0.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123186] s390x build of haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123264] arm64 build of haskell-hmatrix 0.20.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123265] armhf build of haskell-hmatrix 0.20.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123210] s390x build of haskell-crypton-x509-system 1.6.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123222] s390x build of haskell-dlist-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123216] s390x build of haskell-crypton-x509-validation 1.6.12-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123289] armhf build of haskell-mod in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123271] armhf build of haskell-hstringtemplate 0.8.8-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123295] armhf build of haskell-monad-chronicle 1.0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123288] arm64 build of haskell-mod in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123270] arm64 build of haskell-hstringtemplate 0.8.8-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123294] arm64 build of haskell-monad-chronicle 1.0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123277] armhf build of haskell-ixset-typed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123276] arm64 build of haskell-ixset-typed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123335] armhf build of haskell-sbv 10.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123307] armhf build of haskell-netwire 5.0.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123334] arm64 build of haskell-sbv 10.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123300] arm64 build of haskell-monoid-extras 0.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123328] arm64 build of haskell-reform in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123313] armhf build of haskell-reactive-banana in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123319] armhf build of haskell-reducers 3.12.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123329] armhf build of haskell-reform in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123306] arm64 build of haskell-netwire 5.0.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123318] arm64 build of haskell-reducers 3.12.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123301] armhf build of haskell-monoid-extras 0.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123341] armhf build of haskell-storable-record 0.0.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123346] arm64 build of haskell-strict-list in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123228] s390x build of haskell-either 5.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123312] arm64 build of haskell-reactive-banana in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123347] armhf build of haskell-strict-list in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123352] arm64 build of haskell-swish in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123340] arm64 build of haskell-storable-record 0.0.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123234] s390x build of haskell-foldl 1.4.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123353] armhf build of haskell-swish in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123358] arm64 build of haskell-x509-system 1.6.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123247] s390x build of haskell-ghc-lib-parser-ex in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123359] armhf build of haskell-x509-system 1.6.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123240] s390x build of haskell-free 5.1.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123365] armhf build of haskell-x509-validation 1.6.12-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123256] s390x build of haskell-glob 0.10.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123364] arm64 build of haskell-x509-validation 1.6.12-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123388] arm64 build of haxml 1:1.25.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123197] riscv64 build of haskell-case-insensitive in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123389] armhf build of haxml 1:1.25.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123382] arm64 build of hasktags 0.72.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123203] riscv64 build of haskell-chunked-data 0.3.1-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123377] armhf build of haskell-zeromq4-haskell 0.8.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123370] arm64 build of haskell-yi-language 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123383] armhf build of hasktags 0.72.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123268] s390x build of haskell-hmatrix 0.20.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123376] arm64 build of haskell-zeromq4-haskell 0.8.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123262] s390x build of haskell-hi-file-parser in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123280] s390x build of haskell-ixset-typed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123274] s390x build of haskell-hstringtemplate 0.8.8-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123179] riscv64 build of haskell-acid-state in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123371] armhf build of haskell-yi-language 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123185] riscv64 build of haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123191] riscv64 build of haskell-boomerang 1.4.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123298] s390x build of haskell-monad-chronicle 1.0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123304] s390x build of haskell-monoid-extras 0.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123292] s390x build of haskell-mod in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123310] s390x build of haskell-netwire 5.0.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123215] riscv64 build of haskell-crypton-x509-validation 1.6.12-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123227] riscv64 build of haskell-either 5.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123209] riscv64 build of haskell-crypton-x509-system 1.6.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123221] riscv64 build of haskell-dlist-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123233] riscv64 build of haskell-foldl 1.4.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123245] riscv64 build of haskell-ghc-lib-parser-ex in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123239] riscv64 build of haskell-free 5.1.10-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123332] s390x build of haskell-reform in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123322] s390x build of haskell-reducers 3.12.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123338] s390x build of haskell-sbv 10.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123316] s390x build of haskell-reactive-banana in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123344] s390x build of haskell-storable-record 0.0.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123350] s390x build of haskell-strict-list in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123368] s390x build of haskell-x509-validation 1.6.12-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123362] s390x build of haskell-x509-system 1.6.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123356] s390x build of haskell-swish in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123374] s390x build of haskell-yi-language 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123261] riscv64 build of haskell-hi-file-parser in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123380] s390x build of haskell-zeromq4-haskell 0.8.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123392] s390x build of haxml 1:1.25.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123386] s390x build of hasktags 0.72.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123273] riscv64 build of haskell-hstringtemplate 0.8.8-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123267] riscv64 build of haskell-hmatrix 0.20.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123279] riscv64 build of haskell-ixset-typed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123291] riscv64 build of haskell-mod in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123303] riscv64 build of haskell-monoid-extras 0.6.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123297] riscv64 build of haskell-monad-chronicle 1.0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123309] riscv64 build of haskell-netwire 5.0.3-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123315] riscv64 build of haskell-reactive-banana in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123321] riscv64 build of haskell-reducers 3.12.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123331] riscv64 build of haskell-reform in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123343] riscv64 build of haskell-storable-record 0.0.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123337] riscv64 build of haskell-sbv 10.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123255] riscv64 build of haskell-glob 0.10.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123361] riscv64 build of haskell-x509-system 1.6.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123355] riscv64 build of haskell-swish in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123349] riscv64 build of haskell-strict-list in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123367] riscv64 build of haskell-x509-validation 1.6.12-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123373] riscv64 build of haskell-yi-language 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123379] riscv64 build of haskell-zeromq4-haskell 0.8.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123385] riscv64 build of hasktags 0.72.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123391] riscv64 build of haxml 1:1.25.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123506] amd64 build of git-repair 1.20230814-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123512] amd64 build of haskell-adjunctions 4.4.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123517] s390x build of haskell-adjunctions 4.4.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123529] s390x build of haskell-bytestring-conversion 0.3.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123507] arm64 build of git-repair 1.20230814-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123553] s390x build of haskell-css-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123535] s390x build of haskell-configurator in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123537] arm64 build of haskell-cracknum 3.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123520] armhf build of haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123525] arm64 build of haskell-bytestring-conversion 0.3.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123531] arm64 build of haskell-configurator in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123523] s390x build of haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123551] ppc64el build of haskell-css-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123539] ppc64el build of haskell-cracknum 3.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123519] arm64 build of haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123559] s390x build of haskell-deque 0.4.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123532] armhf build of haskell-configurator in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123617] ppc64el build of haskell-http-common in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123611] ppc64el build of haskell-hspec-attoparsec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123587] ppc64el build of haskell-from-sum in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123508] armhf build of git-repair 1.20230814-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123575] ppc64el build of haskell-dual-tree in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123593] ppc64el build of haskell-ghc-exactprint in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123599] ppc64el build of haskell-hmatrix-gsl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123557] ppc64el build of haskell-deque 0.4.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123581] ppc64el build of haskell-email-validate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123538] armhf build of haskell-cracknum 3.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123513] arm64 build of haskell-adjunctions 4.4.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123526] armhf build of haskell-bytestring-conversion 0.3.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123514] armhf build of haskell-adjunctions 4.4.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123547] s390x build of haskell-cryptostore in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123541] s390x build of haskell-cracknum 3.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123605] ppc64el build of haskell-hookup 0.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123527] ppc64el build of haskell-bytestring-conversion 0.3.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123545] ppc64el build of haskell-cryptostore in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123533] ppc64el build of haskell-configurator in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123569] ppc64el build of haskell-doctest-parallel in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123515] ppc64el build of haskell-adjunctions 4.4.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123563] ppc64el build of haskell-dns 4.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123646] armhf build of haskell-irc in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123550] armhf build of haskell-css-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123604] armhf build of haskell-hookup 0.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123592] armhf build of haskell-ghc-exactprint in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123616] armhf build of haskell-http-common in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123628] armhf build of haskell-http-media in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123511] s390x build of git-repair 1.20230814-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123610] armhf build of haskell-hspec-attoparsec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123640] armhf build of haskell-io-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123622] armhf build of haskell-http-date 0.0.11-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123530] amd64 build of haskell-configurator in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123584] amd64 build of haskell-from-sum in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123674] amd64 build of haskell-openpgp-asciiarmor 0.1.2-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123572] amd64 build of haskell-dual-tree in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123554] amd64 build of haskell-deque 0.4.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123662] amd64 build of haskell-libmpd in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123716] amd64 build of haskell-reform-happstack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123644] amd64 build of haskell-irc in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123734] amd64 build of haskell-tls 1.8.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123728] amd64 build of haskell-tasty-discover 5.0.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123704] amd64 build of haskell-quickcheck-instances 0.3.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123536] amd64 build of haskell-cracknum 3.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123578] amd64 build of haskell-email-validate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123722] amd64 build of haskell-storable-tuple 0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123566] amd64 build of haskell-doctest-parallel in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123590] amd64 build of haskell-ghc-exactprint in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123524] amd64 build of haskell-bytestring-conversion 0.3.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123698] amd64 build of haskell-process-extras 0.7.4-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123632] amd64 build of haskell-ini 0.4.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123656] amd64 build of haskell-keys 3.12.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123758] amd64 build of haskell-xdg-desktop-entry in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123650] amd64 build of haskell-irc-core 2.12-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123638] amd64 build of haskell-io-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123560] amd64 build of haskell-dns 4.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123686] amd64 build of haskell-pipes-group 1.0.12-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123740] amd64 build of haskell-uri-bytestring in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123668] amd64 build of haskell-megaparsec 9.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123746] amd64 build of haskell-websockets in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123620] amd64 build of haskell-http-date 0.0.11-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123542] amd64 build of haskell-cryptostore in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123614] amd64 build of haskell-http-common in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123680] amd64 build of haskell-pipes-attoparsec 0.6.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123548] amd64 build of haskell-css-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123626] amd64 build of haskell-http-media in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123518] amd64 build of haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123752] amd64 build of haskell-x509-util 1.6.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123710] amd64 build of haskell-recursion-schemes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123692] amd64 build of haskell-pretty-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123671] ppc64el build of haskell-megaparsec 9.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123627] arm64 build of haskell-http-media in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123580] armhf build of haskell-email-validate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123647] ppc64el build of haskell-irc in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123641] ppc64el build of haskell-io-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123556] armhf build of haskell-deque 0.4.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123574] armhf build of haskell-dual-tree in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123579] arm64 build of haskell-email-validate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123695] ppc64el build of haskell-pretty-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123562] armhf build of haskell-dns 4.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123701] ppc64el build of haskell-process-extras 0.7.4-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123689] ppc64el build of haskell-pipes-group 1.0.12-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123677] ppc64el build of haskell-openpgp-asciiarmor 0.1.2-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123597] arm64 build of haskell-hmatrix-gsl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123586] armhf build of haskell-from-sum in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123615] arm64 build of haskell-http-common in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123568] armhf build of haskell-doctest-parallel in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123603] arm64 build of haskell-hookup 0.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123573] arm64 build of haskell-dual-tree in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123555] arm64 build of haskell-deque 0.4.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123609] arm64 build of haskell-hspec-attoparsec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123635] ppc64el build of haskell-ini 0.4.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123565] s390x build of haskell-dns 4.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123629] ppc64el build of haskell-http-media in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123653] ppc64el build of haskell-irc-core 2.12-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123585] arm64 build of haskell-from-sum in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123549] arm64 build of haskell-css-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123634] armhf build of haskell-ini 0.4.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123659] ppc64el build of haskell-keys 3.12.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123561] arm64 build of haskell-dns 4.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123544] armhf build of haskell-cryptostore in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123665] ppc64el build of haskell-libmpd in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123633] arm64 build of haskell-ini 0.4.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123543] arm64 build of haskell-cryptostore in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123639] arm64 build of haskell-io-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123598] armhf build of haskell-hmatrix-gsl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123645] arm64 build of haskell-irc in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123683] ppc64el build of haskell-pipes-attoparsec 0.6.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123596] amd64 build of haskell-hmatrix-gsl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123521] ppc64el build of haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123509] ppc64el build of git-repair 1.20230814-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123623] ppc64el build of haskell-http-date 0.0.11-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123602] amd64 build of haskell-hookup 0.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123608] amd64 build of haskell-hspec-attoparsec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123713] ppc64el build of haskell-recursion-schemes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123719] ppc64el build of haskell-reform-happstack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123749] ppc64el build of haskell-websockets in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123743] ppc64el build of haskell-uri-bytestring in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123571] s390x build of haskell-doctest-parallel in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123567] arm64 build of haskell-doctest-parallel in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123621] arm64 build of haskell-http-date 0.0.11-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123591] arm64 build of haskell-ghc-exactprint in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123755] ppc64el build of haskell-x509-util 1.6.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123761] ppc64el build of haskell-xdg-desktop-entry in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123725] ppc64el build of haskell-storable-tuple 0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123731] ppc64el build of haskell-tasty-discover 5.0.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123707] ppc64el build of haskell-quickcheck-instances 0.3.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123737] ppc64el build of haskell-tls 1.8.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123577] s390x build of haskell-dual-tree in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123589] s390x build of haskell-from-sum in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123601] s390x build of haskell-hmatrix-gsl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123595] s390x build of haskell-ghc-exactprint in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123583] s390x build of haskell-email-validate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123652] armhf build of haskell-irc-core 2.12-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123651] arm64 build of haskell-irc-core 2.12-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123669] arm64 build of haskell-megaparsec 9.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123607] s390x build of haskell-hookup 0.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123664] armhf build of haskell-libmpd in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123663] arm64 build of haskell-libmpd in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123675] arm64 build of haskell-openpgp-asciiarmor 0.1.2-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123657] arm64 build of haskell-keys 3.12.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123658] armhf build of haskell-keys 3.12.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123670] armhf build of haskell-megaparsec 9.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123687] arm64 build of haskell-pipes-group 1.0.12-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123693] arm64 build of haskell-pretty-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123676] armhf build of haskell-openpgp-asciiarmor 0.1.2-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123682] armhf build of haskell-pipes-attoparsec 0.6.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123681] arm64 build of haskell-pipes-attoparsec 0.6.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123712] armhf build of haskell-recursion-schemes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123699] arm64 build of haskell-process-extras 0.7.4-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123694] armhf build of haskell-pretty-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123711] arm64 build of haskell-recursion-schemes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123688] armhf build of haskell-pipes-group 1.0.12-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123723] arm64 build of haskell-storable-tuple 0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123724] armhf build of haskell-storable-tuple 0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123706] armhf build of haskell-quickcheck-instances 0.3.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123717] arm64 build of haskell-reform-happstack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123718] armhf build of haskell-reform-happstack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123729] arm64 build of haskell-tasty-discover 5.0.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123613] s390x build of haskell-hspec-attoparsec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123705] arm64 build of haskell-quickcheck-instances 0.3.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123735] arm64 build of haskell-tls 1.8.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123700] armhf build of haskell-process-extras 0.7.4-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123741] arm64 build of haskell-uri-bytestring in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123742] armhf build of haskell-uri-bytestring in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123747] arm64 build of haskell-websockets in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123736] armhf build of haskell-tls 1.8.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123730] armhf build of haskell-tasty-discover 5.0.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123748] armhf build of haskell-websockets in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123631] s390x build of haskell-http-media in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123619] s390x build of haskell-http-common in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123625] s390x build of haskell-http-date 0.0.11-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123649] s390x build of haskell-irc in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123643] s390x build of haskell-io-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123637] s390x build of haskell-ini 0.4.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123655] s390x build of haskell-irc-core 2.12-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123754] armhf build of haskell-x509-util 1.6.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123760] armhf build of haskell-xdg-desktop-entry in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123753] arm64 build of haskell-x509-util 1.6.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123759] arm64 build of haskell-xdg-desktop-entry in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123661] s390x build of haskell-keys 3.12.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123673] s390x build of haskell-megaparsec 9.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123667] s390x build of haskell-libmpd in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123522] riscv64 build of haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123516] riscv64 build of haskell-adjunctions 4.4.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123510] riscv64 build of git-repair 1.20230814-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123679] s390x build of haskell-openpgp-asciiarmor 0.1.2-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123685] s390x build of haskell-pipes-attoparsec 0.6.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123691] s390x build of haskell-pipes-group 1.0.12-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123697] s390x build of haskell-pretty-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123703] s390x build of haskell-process-extras 0.7.4-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123709] s390x build of haskell-quickcheck-instances 0.3.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123715] s390x build of haskell-recursion-schemes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123727] s390x build of haskell-storable-tuple 0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123733] s390x build of haskell-tasty-discover 5.0.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123721] s390x build of haskell-reform-happstack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123739] s390x build of haskell-tls 1.8.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123745] s390x build of haskell-uri-bytestring in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123751] s390x build of haskell-websockets in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123763] s390x build of haskell-xdg-desktop-entry in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123757] s390x build of haskell-x509-util 1.6.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123528] riscv64 build of haskell-bytestring-conversion 0.3.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123534] riscv64 build of haskell-configurator in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123540] riscv64 build of haskell-cracknum 3.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123546] riscv64 build of haskell-cryptostore in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123558] riscv64 build of haskell-deque 0.4.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123552] riscv64 build of haskell-css-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123564] riscv64 build of haskell-dns 4.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123576] riscv64 build of haskell-dual-tree in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123570] riscv64 build of haskell-doctest-parallel in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123582] riscv64 build of haskell-email-validate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123588] riscv64 build of haskell-from-sum in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123594] riscv64 build of haskell-ghc-exactprint in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123612] riscv64 build of haskell-hspec-attoparsec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123600] riscv64 build of haskell-hmatrix-gsl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123606] riscv64 build of haskell-hookup 0.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123618] riscv64 build of haskell-http-common in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123624] riscv64 build of haskell-http-date 0.0.11-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123636] riscv64 build of haskell-ini 0.4.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123630] riscv64 build of haskell-http-media in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123642] riscv64 build of haskell-io-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123648] riscv64 build of haskell-irc in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123654] riscv64 build of haskell-irc-core 2.12-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123660] riscv64 build of haskell-keys 3.12.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123666] riscv64 build of haskell-libmpd in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123672] riscv64 build of haskell-megaparsec 9.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123678] riscv64 build of haskell-openpgp-asciiarmor 0.1.2-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123684] riscv64 build of haskell-pipes-attoparsec 0.6.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123690] riscv64 build of haskell-pipes-group 1.0.12-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123696] riscv64 build of haskell-pretty-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123702] riscv64 build of haskell-process-extras 0.7.4-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123708] riscv64 build of haskell-quickcheck-instances 0.3.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123714] riscv64 build of haskell-recursion-schemes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123720] riscv64 build of haskell-reform-happstack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123726] riscv64 build of haskell-storable-tuple 0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123732] riscv64 build of haskell-tasty-discover 5.0.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123738] riscv64 build of haskell-tls 1.8.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123744] riscv64 build of haskell-uri-bytestring in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123750] riscv64 build of haskell-websockets in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123762] riscv64 build of haskell-xdg-desktop-entry in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123756] riscv64 build of haskell-x509-util 1.6.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123863] armhf build of haskell-chimera in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123872] s390x build of haskell-config-ini in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123869] armhf build of haskell-config-ini in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123854] s390x build of haskell-binary-orphans in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123866] s390x build of haskell-chimera in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123851] armhf build of haskell-binary-orphans in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123884] s390x build of haskell-deferred-folds in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123856] arm64 build of haskell-cassava in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123857] armhf build of haskell-cassava in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123870] ppc64el build of haskell-config-ini in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123864] ppc64el build of haskell-chimera in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123881] armhf build of haskell-deferred-folds in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123886] arm64 build of haskell-futhark-data in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123887] armhf build of haskell-futhark-data in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123893] armhf build of haskell-hedis 0.15.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123888] ppc64el build of haskell-futhark-data in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123880] arm64 build of haskell-deferred-folds in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123868] arm64 build of haskell-config-ini in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123882] ppc64el build of haskell-deferred-folds in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123858] ppc64el build of haskell-cassava in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123875] armhf build of haskell-connection 0.3.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123862] arm64 build of haskell-chimera in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123892] arm64 build of haskell-hedis 0.15.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123874] arm64 build of haskell-connection 0.3.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123850] arm64 build of haskell-binary-orphans in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123876] ppc64el build of haskell-connection 0.3.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123878] s390x build of haskell-connection 0.3.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123860] s390x build of haskell-cassava in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123890] s390x build of haskell-futhark-data in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123961] amd64 build of haskell-parsers 0.12.11-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123967] amd64 build of haskell-pipes-bytestring 2.1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124005] amd64 build of haskell-vector-hashtables in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124011] amd64 build of haskell-versions 6.0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123979] amd64 build of haskell-string-interpolate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123949] amd64 build of haskell-neat-interpolation in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124017] amd64 build of haskell-xss-sanitize in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123991] amd64 build of haskell-tls-session-manager 0.0.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123997] amd64 build of haskell-unixutils 1.54.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123885] amd64 build of haskell-futhark-data in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123955] amd64 build of haskell-openssl-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123973] amd64 build of haskell-snap-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123985] amd64 build of haskell-text-show 3.10.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123905] armhf build of haskell-hspec-megaparsec 2.2.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123910] arm64 build of haskell-http-types 0.12.3-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123912] ppc64el build of haskell-http-types 0.12.3-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123911] armhf build of haskell-http-types 0.12.3-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123934] ppc64el build of haskell-io-streams-haproxy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123849] amd64 build of haskell-binary-orphans in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123926] ppc64el build of haskell-interpolate 0.2.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123906] ppc64el build of haskell-hspec-megaparsec 2.2.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123899] armhf build of haskell-hslua-core 2.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123904] arm64 build of haskell-hspec-megaparsec 2.2.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123898] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-core 2.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123918] ppc64el build of haskell-indexed-traversable-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123852] ppc64el build of haskell-binary-orphans in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123894] ppc64el build of haskell-hedis 0.15.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123909] amd64 build of haskell-http-types 0.12.3-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123943] amd64 build of haskell-natural-transformation 0.4-8 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123937] amd64 build of haskell-kan-extensions 5.2.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123891] amd64 build of haskell-hedis 0.15.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123903] amd64 build of haskell-hspec-megaparsec 2.2.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123879] amd64 build of haskell-deferred-folds in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123931] amd64 build of haskell-io-streams-haproxy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123923] amd64 build of haskell-interpolate 0.2.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123855] amd64 build of haskell-cassava in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124023] amd64 build of haskell-yi-rope 0.11-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123897] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-core 2.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123915] amd64 build of haskell-indexed-traversable-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123933] armhf build of haskell-io-streams-haproxy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123908] s390x build of haskell-hspec-megaparsec 2.2.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123925] armhf build of haskell-interpolate 0.2.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123970] ppc64el build of haskell-pipes-bytestring 2.1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124026] ppc64el build of haskell-yi-rope 0.11-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123902] s390x build of haskell-hslua-core 2.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123896] s390x build of haskell-hedis 0.15.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123958] ppc64el build of haskell-openssl-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123932] arm64 build of haskell-io-streams-haproxy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123994] ppc64el build of haskell-tls-session-manager 0.0.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124020] ppc64el build of haskell-xss-sanitize in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124000] ppc64el build of haskell-unixutils 1.54.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123952] ppc64el build of haskell-neat-interpolation in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123946] ppc64el build of haskell-natural-transformation 0.4-8 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123940] ppc64el build of haskell-kan-extensions 5.2.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123938] arm64 build of haskell-kan-extensions 5.2.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124008] ppc64el build of haskell-vector-hashtables in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123976] ppc64el build of haskell-snap-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123988] ppc64el build of haskell-text-show 3.10.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123964] ppc64el build of haskell-parsers 0.12.11-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124014] ppc64el build of haskell-versions 6.0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123924] arm64 build of haskell-interpolate 0.2.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123916] arm64 build of haskell-indexed-traversable-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123982] ppc64el build of haskell-string-interpolate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123917] armhf build of haskell-indexed-traversable-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123948] s390x build of haskell-natural-transformation 0.4-8 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123936] s390x build of haskell-io-streams-haproxy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123920] s390x build of haskell-indexed-traversable-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123928] s390x build of haskell-interpolate 0.2.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123914] s390x build of haskell-http-types 0.12.3-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123942] s390x build of haskell-kan-extensions 5.2.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123951] armhf build of haskell-neat-interpolation in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123939] armhf build of haskell-kan-extensions 5.2.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123957] armhf build of haskell-openssl-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123950] arm64 build of haskell-neat-interpolation in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123945] armhf build of haskell-natural-transformation 0.4-8 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123956] arm64 build of haskell-openssl-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123944] arm64 build of haskell-natural-transformation 0.4-8 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123963] armhf build of haskell-parsers 0.12.11-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123968] arm64 build of haskell-pipes-bytestring 2.1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123969] armhf build of haskell-pipes-bytestring 2.1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123975] armhf build of haskell-snap-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123980] arm64 build of haskell-string-interpolate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123954] s390x build of haskell-neat-interpolation in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123966] s390x build of haskell-parsers 0.12.11-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123987] armhf build of haskell-text-show 3.10.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123960] s390x build of haskell-openssl-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123962] arm64 build of haskell-parsers 0.12.11-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123981] armhf build of haskell-string-interpolate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123986] arm64 build of haskell-text-show 3.10.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123974] arm64 build of haskell-snap-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123992] arm64 build of haskell-tls-session-manager 0.0.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123999] armhf build of haskell-unixutils 1.54.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123998] arm64 build of haskell-unixutils 1.54.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124013] armhf build of haskell-versions 6.0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124012] arm64 build of haskell-versions 6.0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124019] armhf build of haskell-xss-sanitize in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123993] armhf build of haskell-tls-session-manager 0.0.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124007] armhf build of haskell-vector-hashtables in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124024] arm64 build of haskell-yi-rope 0.11-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124006] arm64 build of haskell-vector-hashtables in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124018] arm64 build of haskell-xss-sanitize in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123996] s390x build of haskell-tls-session-manager 0.0.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123972] s390x build of haskell-pipes-bytestring 2.1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124002] s390x build of haskell-unixutils 1.54.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123990] s390x build of haskell-text-show 3.10.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123984] s390x build of haskell-string-interpolate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123978] s390x build of haskell-snap-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124025] armhf build of haskell-yi-rope 0.11-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124022] s390x build of haskell-xss-sanitize in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124016] s390x build of haskell-versions 6.0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124010] s390x build of haskell-vector-hashtables in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124028] s390x build of haskell-yi-rope 0.11-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123865] riscv64 build of haskell-chimera in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123853] riscv64 build of haskell-binary-orphans in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123859] riscv64 build of haskell-cassava in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123871] riscv64 build of haskell-config-ini in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123877] riscv64 build of haskell-connection 0.3.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123895] riscv64 build of haskell-hedis 0.15.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123883] riscv64 build of haskell-deferred-folds in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123901] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-core 2.3.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123907] riscv64 build of haskell-hspec-megaparsec 2.2.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123913] riscv64 build of haskell-http-types 0.12.3-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123919] riscv64 build of haskell-indexed-traversable-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123941] riscv64 build of haskell-kan-extensions 5.2.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123935] riscv64 build of haskell-io-streams-haproxy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123927] riscv64 build of haskell-interpolate 0.2.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123947] riscv64 build of haskell-natural-transformation 0.4-8 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123953] riscv64 build of haskell-neat-interpolation in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123959] riscv64 build of haskell-openssl-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123995] riscv64 build of haskell-tls-session-manager 0.0.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123965] riscv64 build of haskell-parsers 0.12.11-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123971] riscv64 build of haskell-pipes-bytestring 2.1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123983] riscv64 build of haskell-string-interpolate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123989] riscv64 build of haskell-text-show 3.10.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123977] riscv64 build of haskell-snap-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124001] riscv64 build of haskell-unixutils 1.54.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124009] riscv64 build of haskell-vector-hashtables in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124015] riscv64 build of haskell-versions 6.0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124021] riscv64 build of haskell-xss-sanitize in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124027] riscv64 build of haskell-yi-rope 0.11-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29123889] riscv64 build of haskell-futhark-data in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124125] amd64 build of haskell-brick 1.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124127] armhf build of haskell-brick 1.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124126] arm64 build of haskell-brick 1.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124133] armhf build of haskell-bytes 0.17.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124132] arm64 build of haskell-bytes 0.17.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124134] ppc64el build of haskell-bytes 0.17.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124128] ppc64el build of haskell-brick 1.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124130] s390x build of haskell-brick 1.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124146] ppc64el build of haskell-config-schema in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124140] ppc64el build of haskell-cassava-megaparsec 2.0.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124136] s390x build of haskell-bytes 0.17.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124148] s390x build of haskell-config-schema in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124160] s390x build of haskell-hslua-marshalling 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124172] s390x build of haskell-http-api-data 0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124205] armhf build of haskell-prettyprinter-interp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124180] arm64 build of haskell-inline-c in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124150] arm64 build of haskell-futhark-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124163] armhf build of haskell-hslua-repl 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124181] armhf build of haskell-inline-c in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124151] armhf build of haskell-futhark-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124145] armhf build of haskell-config-schema in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124184] s390x build of haskell-inline-c in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124166] s390x build of haskell-hslua-repl 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124178] s390x build of haskell-http-client 0.7.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124157] armhf build of haskell-hslua-marshalling 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124162] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-repl 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124182] ppc64el build of haskell-inline-c in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124204] arm64 build of haskell-prettyprinter-interp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124188] ppc64el build of haskell-input-parsers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124186] arm64 build of haskell-input-parsers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124206] ppc64el build of haskell-prettyprinter-interp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124144] arm64 build of haskell-config-schema in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124169] armhf build of haskell-http-api-data 0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124193] armhf build of haskell-lens 5.2.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124187] armhf build of haskell-input-parsers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124156] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-marshalling 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124199] armhf build of haskell-pointed 5.0.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124174] arm64 build of haskell-http-client 0.7.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124198] arm64 build of haskell-pointed 5.0.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124212] ppc64el build of haskell-semialign 1.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124200] ppc64el build of haskell-pointed 5.0.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124192] arm64 build of haskell-lens 5.2.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124168] arm64 build of haskell-http-api-data 0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124194] ppc64el build of haskell-lens 5.2.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124175] armhf build of haskell-http-client 0.7.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124176] ppc64el build of haskell-http-client 0.7.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124139] armhf build of haskell-cassava-megaparsec 2.0.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124170] ppc64el build of haskell-http-api-data 0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124335] amd64 build of haskell-web-routes-happstack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124143] amd64 build of haskell-config-schema in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124185] amd64 build of haskell-input-parsers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124197] amd64 build of haskell-pointed 5.0.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124257] amd64 build of haskell-witherable 0.4.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124191] amd64 build of haskell-lens 5.2.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124281] amd64 build of haskell-linear 1.22-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124275] amd64 build of haskell-lens-action 0.2.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124167] amd64 build of haskell-http-api-data 0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124341] amd64 build of haskell-web-routes-hsp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124365] amd64 build of haskell-yi-keymap-vim 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124371] amd64 build of haskell-yi-misc-modes 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124227] amd64 build of haskell-tasty-hslua 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124329] amd64 build of haskell-web-routes-boomerang in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124377] amd64 build of haskell-yi-mode-haskell 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124203] amd64 build of haskell-prettyprinter-interp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124293] amd64 build of haskell-tasty-lua 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124161] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-repl 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124299] amd64 build of haskell-text-builder 0.6.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124305] amd64 build of haskell-trifecta 2.1.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124353] amd64 build of haskell-yi-frontend-pango 0.19.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124359] amd64 build of haskell-yi-frontend-vty 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124347] amd64 build of haskell-web-routes-th in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124173] amd64 build of haskell-http-client 0.7.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124131] amd64 build of haskell-bytes 0.17.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124155] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-marshalling 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124323] amd64 build of haskell-wai-middleware-static 0.9.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124215] amd64 build of haskell-smtp-mail in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124228] arm64 build of haskell-tasty-hslua 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124241] armhf build of haskell-time-parsers 0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124152] ppc64el build of haskell-futhark-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124253] armhf build of haskell-web-routes 0.27.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124247] armhf build of haskell-wai 3.2.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124240] arm64 build of haskell-time-parsers 0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124217] armhf build of haskell-smtp-mail in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124344] ppc64el build of haskell-web-routes-hsp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124350] ppc64el build of haskell-web-routes-th in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124218] ppc64el build of haskell-smtp-mail in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124332] ppc64el build of haskell-web-routes-boomerang in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124248] ppc64el build of haskell-wai 3.2.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124223] armhf build of haskell-snap-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124211] armhf build of haskell-semialign 1.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124254] ppc64el build of haskell-web-routes 0.27.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124252] arm64 build of haskell-web-routes 0.27.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124386] ppc64el build of haskell-yi-mode-javascript 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124258] arm64 build of haskell-witherable 0.4.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124234] arm64 build of haskell-text-builder-dev in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124356] ppc64el build of haskell-yi-frontend-pango 0.19.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124210] arm64 build of haskell-semialign 1.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124368] ppc64el build of haskell-yi-keymap-vim 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124222] arm64 build of haskell-snap-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124278] ppc64el build of haskell-lens-action 0.2.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124308] ppc64el build of haskell-trifecta 2.1.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124374] ppc64el build of haskell-yi-misc-modes 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124284] ppc64el build of haskell-linear 1.22-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124236] ppc64el build of haskell-text-builder-dev in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124242] ppc64el build of haskell-time-parsers 0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124224] ppc64el build of haskell-snap-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124260] ppc64el build of haskell-witherable 0.4.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124362] ppc64el build of haskell-yi-frontend-vty 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124272] ppc64el build of haskell-incremental-parser in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124326] ppc64el build of haskell-wai-middleware-static 0.9.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124266] ppc64el build of haskell-yi-core 0.19.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124338] ppc64el build of haskell-web-routes-happstack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124302] ppc64el build of haskell-text-builder 0.6.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124314] ppc64el build of haskell-vector-instances 3.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124290] ppc64el build of haskell-log-domain 0.13.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124245] amd64 build of haskell-wai 3.2.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124239] amd64 build of haskell-time-parsers 0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124263] amd64 build of haskell-yi-core 0.19.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124251] amd64 build of haskell-web-routes 0.27.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124233] amd64 build of haskell-text-builder-dev in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124216] arm64 build of haskell-smtp-mail in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124229] armhf build of haskell-tasty-hslua 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124264] arm64 build of haskell-yi-core 0.19.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124235] armhf build of haskell-text-builder-dev in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124246] arm64 build of haskell-wai 3.2.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124380] ppc64el build of haskell-yi-mode-haskell 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124320] ppc64el build of haskell-wai-logger 2.4.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124311] amd64 build of haskell-vector-instances 3.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124287] amd64 build of haskell-log-domain 0.13.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124383] amd64 build of haskell-yi-mode-javascript 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124259] armhf build of haskell-witherable 0.4.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124142] s390x build of haskell-cassava-megaparsec 2.0.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124294] arm64 build of haskell-tasty-lua 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124295] armhf build of haskell-tasty-lua 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124306] arm64 build of haskell-trifecta 2.1.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124300] arm64 build of haskell-text-builder 0.6.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124301] armhf build of haskell-text-builder 0.6.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124307] armhf build of haskell-trifecta 2.1.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124271] armhf build of haskell-incremental-parser in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124282] arm64 build of haskell-linear 1.22-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124265] armhf build of haskell-yi-core 0.19.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124270] arm64 build of haskell-incremental-parser in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124283] armhf build of haskell-linear 1.22-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124276] arm64 build of haskell-lens-action 0.2.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124289] armhf build of haskell-log-domain 0.13.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124312] arm64 build of haskell-vector-instances 3.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124288] arm64 build of haskell-log-domain 0.13.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124277] armhf build of haskell-lens-action 0.2.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124325] armhf build of haskell-wai-middleware-static 0.9.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124319] armhf build of haskell-wai-logger 2.4.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124324] arm64 build of haskell-wai-middleware-static 0.9.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124318] arm64 build of haskell-wai-logger 2.4.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124313] armhf build of haskell-vector-instances 3.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124214] s390x build of haskell-semialign 1.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124190] s390x build of haskell-input-parsers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124196] s390x build of haskell-lens 5.2.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124202] s390x build of haskell-pointed 5.0.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124208] s390x build of haskell-prettyprinter-interp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124330] arm64 build of haskell-web-routes-boomerang in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124331] armhf build of haskell-web-routes-boomerang in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124342] arm64 build of haskell-web-routes-hsp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124337] armhf build of haskell-web-routes-happstack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124348] arm64 build of haskell-web-routes-th in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124349] armhf build of haskell-web-routes-th in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124336] arm64 build of haskell-web-routes-happstack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124354] arm64 build of haskell-yi-frontend-pango 0.19.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124367] armhf build of haskell-yi-keymap-vim 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124343] armhf build of haskell-web-routes-hsp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124220] s390x build of haskell-smtp-mail in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124361] armhf build of haskell-yi-frontend-vty 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124360] arm64 build of haskell-yi-frontend-vty 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124379] armhf build of haskell-yi-mode-haskell 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124373] armhf build of haskell-yi-misc-modes 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124378] arm64 build of haskell-yi-mode-haskell 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124355] armhf build of haskell-yi-frontend-pango 0.19.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124366] arm64 build of haskell-yi-keymap-vim 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124372] arm64 build of haskell-yi-misc-modes 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124384] arm64 build of haskell-yi-mode-javascript 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124385] armhf build of haskell-yi-mode-javascript 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124135] riscv64 build of haskell-bytes 0.17.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124232] s390x build of haskell-tasty-hslua 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124250] s390x build of haskell-wai 3.2.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124244] s390x build of haskell-time-parsers 0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124238] s390x build of haskell-text-builder-dev in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124226] s390x build of haskell-snap-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124256] s390x build of haskell-web-routes 0.27.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124262] s390x build of haskell-witherable 0.4.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124274] s390x build of haskell-incremental-parser in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124286] s390x build of haskell-linear 1.22-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124280] s390x build of haskell-lens-action 0.2.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124268] s390x build of haskell-yi-core 0.19.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124129] riscv64 build of haskell-brick 1.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124292] s390x build of haskell-log-domain 0.13.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124141] riscv64 build of haskell-cassava-megaparsec 2.0.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124298] s390x build of haskell-tasty-lua 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124310] s390x build of haskell-trifecta 2.1.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124304] s390x build of haskell-text-builder 0.6.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124316] s390x build of haskell-vector-instances 3.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124147] riscv64 build of haskell-config-schema in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124322] s390x build of haskell-wai-logger 2.4.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124328] s390x build of haskell-wai-middleware-static 0.9.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124334] s390x build of haskell-web-routes-boomerang in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124346] s390x build of haskell-web-routes-hsp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124340] s390x build of haskell-web-routes-happstack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124352] s390x build of haskell-web-routes-th in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124364] s390x build of haskell-yi-frontend-vty 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124358] s390x build of haskell-yi-frontend-pango 0.19.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124159] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-marshalling 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124370] s390x build of haskell-yi-keymap-vim 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124376] s390x build of haskell-yi-misc-modes 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124165] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-repl 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124382] s390x build of haskell-yi-mode-haskell 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124388] s390x build of haskell-yi-mode-javascript 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124171] riscv64 build of haskell-http-api-data 0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124154] s390x build of haskell-futhark-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124177] riscv64 build of haskell-http-client 0.7.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124183] riscv64 build of haskell-inline-c in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124189] riscv64 build of haskell-input-parsers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124195] riscv64 build of haskell-lens 5.2.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124201] riscv64 build of haskell-pointed 5.0.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124207] riscv64 build of haskell-prettyprinter-interp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124213] riscv64 build of haskell-semialign 1.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124219] riscv64 build of haskell-smtp-mail in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124225] riscv64 build of haskell-snap-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124231] riscv64 build of haskell-tasty-hslua 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124237] riscv64 build of haskell-text-builder-dev in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124243] riscv64 build of haskell-time-parsers 0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124249] riscv64 build of haskell-wai 3.2.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124255] riscv64 build of haskell-web-routes 0.27.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124261] riscv64 build of haskell-witherable 0.4.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124267] riscv64 build of haskell-yi-core 0.19.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124273] riscv64 build of haskell-incremental-parser in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124279] riscv64 build of haskell-lens-action 0.2.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124285] riscv64 build of haskell-linear 1.22-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124291] riscv64 build of haskell-log-domain 0.13.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124297] riscv64 build of haskell-tasty-lua 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124303] riscv64 build of haskell-text-builder 0.6.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124309] riscv64 build of haskell-trifecta 2.1.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124315] riscv64 build of haskell-vector-instances 3.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124321] riscv64 build of haskell-wai-logger 2.4.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124327] riscv64 build of haskell-wai-middleware-static 0.9.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124333] riscv64 build of haskell-web-routes-boomerang in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124339] riscv64 build of haskell-web-routes-happstack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124345] riscv64 build of haskell-web-routes-hsp in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124351] riscv64 build of haskell-web-routes-th in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124357] riscv64 build of haskell-yi-frontend-pango 0.19.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124363] riscv64 build of haskell-yi-frontend-vty 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124369] riscv64 build of haskell-yi-keymap-vim 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124375] riscv64 build of haskell-yi-misc-modes 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124381] riscv64 build of haskell-yi-mode-haskell 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124387] riscv64 build of haskell-yi-mode-javascript 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124153] riscv64 build of haskell-futhark-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124577] s390x build of haskell-hslua-cli 1.4.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124547] s390x build of haskell-authenticate-oauth 1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124571] s390x build of haskell-hslua-classes 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124553] s390x build of haskell-chart 1.9.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124541] s390x build of haskell-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124559] s390x build of haskell-clash-prelude 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124565] s390x build of haskell-debian 4.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124550] armhf build of haskell-chart 1.9.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124556] armhf build of haskell-clash-prelude 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124563] ppc64el build of haskell-debian 4.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124557] ppc64el build of haskell-clash-prelude 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124548] amd64 build of haskell-chart 1.9.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124536] amd64 build of haskell-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124542] amd64 build of haskell-authenticate-oauth 1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124560] amd64 build of haskell-debian 4.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124554] amd64 build of haskell-clash-prelude 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124578] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-typing 0.1.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124572] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-cli 1.4.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124566] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-classes 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124584] amd64 build of haskell-http-client-tls in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124574] armhf build of haskell-hslua-cli 1.4.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124549] arm64 build of haskell-chart 1.9.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124538] armhf build of haskell-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124543] arm64 build of haskell-authenticate-oauth 1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124539] ppc64el build of haskell-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124586] armhf build of haskell-http-client-tls in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124561] arm64 build of haskell-debian 4.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124562] armhf build of haskell-debian 4.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124555] arm64 build of haskell-clash-prelude 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124545] ppc64el build of haskell-authenticate-oauth 1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124551] ppc64el build of haskell-chart 1.9.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124587] ppc64el build of haskell-http-client-tls in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124544] armhf build of haskell-authenticate-oauth 1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124583] s390x build of haskell-hslua-typing 0.1.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124568] armhf build of haskell-hslua-classes 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124567] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-classes 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124573] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-cli 1.4.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124579] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-typing 0.1.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124585] arm64 build of haskell-http-client-tls in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124537] arm64 build of haskell-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124580] armhf build of haskell-hslua-typing 0.1.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124589] s390x build of haskell-http-client-tls in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124540] riscv64 build of haskell-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124546] riscv64 build of haskell-authenticate-oauth 1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124552] riscv64 build of haskell-chart 1.9.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124558] riscv64 build of haskell-clash-prelude 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124564] riscv64 build of haskell-debian 4.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124570] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-classes 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124576] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-cli 1.4.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124582] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-typing 0.1.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124588] riscv64 build of haskell-http-client-tls in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124671] amd64 build of cabal-debian 5.2.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124683] amd64 build of haskell-active in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124695] amd64 build of haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124677] amd64 build of elm-compiler 0.19.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124689] amd64 build of haskell-aeson-extra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124701] amd64 build of haskell-aeson-qq 0.8.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124665] amd64 build of agda 2.6.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124666] arm64 build of agda 2.6.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124707] amd64 build of haskell-attoparsec-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124713] amd64 build of haskell-binary-instances 1.0.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124756] arm64 build of haskell-elm-bridge 0.8.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124764] ppc64el build of haskell-enummapset in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124728] ppc64el build of haskell-chart-cairo 1.9.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124750] arm64 build of haskell-doctemplates 0.11-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124745] armhf build of haskell-diagrams-core 1.5.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124726] arm64 build of haskell-chart-cairo 1.9.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124734] ppc64el build of haskell-criterion-measurement in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124727] armhf build of haskell-chart-cairo 1.9.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124732] arm64 build of haskell-criterion-measurement in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124786] arm64 build of haskell-hedgehog-classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124757] armhf build of haskell-elm-bridge 0.8.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124738] arm64 build of haskell-deriving-aeson 0.2.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124763] armhf build of haskell-enummapset in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124733] armhf build of haskell-criterion-measurement in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124758] ppc64el build of haskell-elm-bridge 0.8.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124762] arm64 build of haskell-enummapset in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124774] arm64 build of haskell-git-lfs 1.2.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124788] ppc64el build of haskell-hedgehog-classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124787] armhf build of haskell-hedgehog-classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124775] armhf build of haskell-git-lfs 1.2.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124670] s390x build of agda 2.6.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124792] arm64 build of haskell-heist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124752] ppc64el build of haskell-doctemplates 0.11-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124744] arm64 build of haskell-diagrams-core 1.5.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124794] ppc64el build of haskell-heist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124751] armhf build of haskell-doctemplates 0.11-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124780] arm64 build of haskell-hackage-security in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124739] armhf build of haskell-deriving-aeson 0.2.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124782] ppc64el build of haskell-hackage-security in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124781] armhf build of haskell-hackage-security in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124740] ppc64el build of haskell-deriving-aeson 0.2.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124776] ppc64el build of haskell-git-lfs 1.2.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124746] ppc64el build of haskell-diagrams-core 1.5.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124770] ppc64el build of haskell-futhark-manifest in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124743] amd64 build of haskell-diagrams-core 1.5.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124929] amd64 build of haskell-yi-keymap-emacs 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124935] amd64 build of uuagc 0.9.55-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124893] amd64 build of haskell-sdl2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124821] amd64 build of haskell-http-client-restricted 0.0.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124917] amd64 build of haskell-twitter-types 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124803] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-list 1.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124899] amd64 build of haskell-servant 0.19.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124779] amd64 build of haskell-hackage-security in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124719] amd64 build of haskell-cborg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124839] amd64 build of haskell-jmacro 0.6.18-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124791] amd64 build of haskell-heist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124773] amd64 build of haskell-git-lfs 1.2.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124863] amd64 build of haskell-microstache in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124833] amd64 build of haskell-ipynb 0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124845] amd64 build of haskell-jwt 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124875] amd64 build of haskell-path 0.9.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124797] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124725] amd64 build of haskell-chart-cairo 1.9.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124827] amd64 build of haskell-http-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124851] amd64 build of haskell-lens-aeson 1.2.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124881] amd64 build of haskell-postgresql-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124731] amd64 build of haskell-criterion-measurement in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124785] amd64 build of haskell-hedgehog-classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124755] amd64 build of haskell-elm-bridge 0.8.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124905] amd64 build of haskell-shakespeare in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124761] amd64 build of haskell-enummapset in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124911] amd64 build of haskell-text-ansi in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124809] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124857] amd64 build of haskell-microlens-aeson 2.5.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124767] amd64 build of haskell-futhark-manifest in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124869] amd64 build of haskell-pandoc-types 1.23.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124749] amd64 build of haskell-doctemplates 0.11-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124923] amd64 build of haskell-uri-bytestring-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124887] amd64 build of haskell-quickcheck-classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124737] amd64 build of haskell-deriving-aeson 0.2.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124674] ppc64el build of cabal-debian 5.2.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124698] ppc64el build of haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124704] ppc64el build of haskell-aeson-qq 0.8.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124680] ppc64el build of elm-compiler 0.19.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124668] ppc64el build of agda 2.6.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124686] ppc64el build of haskell-active in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124692] ppc64el build of haskell-aeson-extra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124710] ppc64el build of haskell-attoparsec-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124708] arm64 build of haskell-attoparsec-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124914] ppc64el build of haskell-text-ansi in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124896] ppc64el build of haskell-sdl2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124697] armhf build of haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124672] arm64 build of cabal-debian 5.2.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124703] armhf build of haskell-aeson-qq 0.8.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124673] armhf build of cabal-debian 5.2.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124902] ppc64el build of haskell-servant 0.19.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124854] ppc64el build of haskell-lens-aeson 1.2.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124690] arm64 build of haskell-aeson-extra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124685] armhf build of haskell-active in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124842] ppc64el build of haskell-jmacro 0.6.18-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124884] ppc64el build of haskell-postgresql-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124866] ppc64el build of haskell-microstache in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124878] ppc64el build of haskell-path 0.9.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124848] ppc64el build of haskell-jwt 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124830] ppc64el build of haskell-http-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124890] ppc64el build of haskell-quickcheck-classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124908] ppc64el build of haskell-shakespeare in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124684] arm64 build of haskell-active in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124824] ppc64el build of haskell-http-client-restricted 0.0.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124716] ppc64el build of haskell-binary-instances 1.0.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124691] armhf build of haskell-aeson-extra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124679] armhf build of elm-compiler 0.19.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124682] s390x build of elm-compiler 0.19.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124709] armhf build of haskell-attoparsec-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124714] arm64 build of haskell-binary-instances 1.0.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124860] ppc64el build of haskell-microlens-aeson 2.5.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124722] ppc64el build of haskell-cborg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124836] ppc64el build of haskell-ipynb 0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124696] arm64 build of haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124678] arm64 build of elm-compiler 0.19.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124872] ppc64el build of haskell-pandoc-types 1.23.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124688] s390x build of haskell-active in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124715] armhf build of haskell-binary-instances 1.0.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124938] ppc64el build of uuagc 0.9.55-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124932] ppc64el build of haskell-yi-keymap-emacs 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124920] ppc64el build of haskell-twitter-types 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124926] ppc64el build of haskell-uri-bytestring-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124700] s390x build of haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124718] s390x build of haskell-binary-instances 1.0.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124712] s390x build of haskell-attoparsec-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124702] arm64 build of haskell-aeson-qq 0.8.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124720] arm64 build of haskell-cborg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124706] s390x build of haskell-aeson-qq 0.8.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124804] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-list 1.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124829] armhf build of haskell-http-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124810] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124834] arm64 build of haskell-ipynb 0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124841] armhf build of haskell-jmacro 0.6.18-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124805] armhf build of haskell-hslua-list 1.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124811] armhf build of haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124835] armhf build of haskell-ipynb 0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124793] armhf build of haskell-heist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124798] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124822] arm64 build of haskell-http-client-restricted 0.0.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124799] armhf build of haskell-hslua-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124828] arm64 build of haskell-http-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124823] armhf build of haskell-http-client-restricted 0.0.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124840] arm64 build of haskell-jmacro 0.6.18-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124730] s390x build of haskell-chart-cairo 1.9.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124724] s390x build of haskell-cborg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124852] arm64 build of haskell-lens-aeson 1.2.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124846] arm64 build of haskell-jwt 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124847] armhf build of haskell-jwt 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124853] armhf build of haskell-lens-aeson 1.2.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124736] s390x build of haskell-criterion-measurement in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124865] armhf build of haskell-microstache in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124859] armhf build of haskell-microlens-aeson 2.5.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124870] arm64 build of haskell-pandoc-types 1.23.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124871] armhf build of haskell-pandoc-types 1.23.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124858] arm64 build of haskell-microlens-aeson 2.5.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124864] arm64 build of haskell-microstache in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124876] arm64 build of haskell-path 0.9.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124742] s390x build of haskell-deriving-aeson 0.2.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124877] armhf build of haskell-path 0.9.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124754] s390x build of haskell-doctemplates 0.11-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124882] arm64 build of haskell-postgresql-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124748] s390x build of haskell-diagrams-core 1.5.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124883] armhf build of haskell-postgresql-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124760] s390x build of haskell-elm-bridge 0.8.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124888] arm64 build of haskell-quickcheck-classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124894] arm64 build of haskell-sdl2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124895] armhf build of haskell-sdl2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124778] s390x build of haskell-git-lfs 1.2.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124889] armhf build of haskell-quickcheck-classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124900] arm64 build of haskell-servant 0.19.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124766] s390x build of haskell-enummapset in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124913] armhf build of haskell-text-ansi in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124925] armhf build of haskell-uri-bytestring-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124912] arm64 build of haskell-text-ansi in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124919] armhf build of haskell-twitter-types 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124901] armhf build of haskell-servant 0.19.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124906] arm64 build of haskell-shakespeare in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124769] armhf build of haskell-futhark-manifest in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124936] arm64 build of uuagc 0.9.55-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124918] arm64 build of haskell-twitter-types 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124924] arm64 build of haskell-uri-bytestring-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124930] arm64 build of haskell-yi-keymap-emacs 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124907] armhf build of haskell-shakespeare in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124931] armhf build of haskell-yi-keymap-emacs 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124937] armhf build of uuagc 0.9.55-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124768] arm64 build of haskell-futhark-manifest in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124790] s390x build of haskell-hedgehog-classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124784] s390x build of haskell-hackage-security in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124796] s390x build of haskell-heist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124802] s390x build of haskell-hslua-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124808] s390x build of haskell-hslua-list 1.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124669] riscv64 build of agda 2.6.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124814] s390x build of haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124832] s390x build of haskell-http-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124826] s390x build of haskell-http-client-restricted 0.0.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124838] s390x build of haskell-ipynb 0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124844] s390x build of haskell-jmacro 0.6.18-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124856] s390x build of haskell-lens-aeson 1.2.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124850] s390x build of haskell-jwt 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124868] s390x build of haskell-microstache in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124862] s390x build of haskell-microlens-aeson 2.5.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124874] s390x build of haskell-pandoc-types 1.23.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124675] riscv64 build of cabal-debian 5.2.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124880] s390x build of haskell-path 0.9.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124687] riscv64 build of haskell-active in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124681] riscv64 build of elm-compiler 0.19.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124886] s390x build of haskell-postgresql-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124892] s390x build of haskell-quickcheck-classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124898] s390x build of haskell-sdl2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124904] s390x build of haskell-servant 0.19.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124910] s390x build of haskell-shakespeare in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124916] s390x build of haskell-text-ansi in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124922] s390x build of haskell-twitter-types 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124928] s390x build of haskell-uri-bytestring-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124940] s390x build of uuagc 0.9.55-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124934] s390x build of haskell-yi-keymap-emacs 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124772] s390x build of haskell-futhark-manifest in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124693] riscv64 build of haskell-aeson-extra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124699] riscv64 build of haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.9-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124705] riscv64 build of haskell-aeson-qq 0.8.4-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124711] riscv64 build of haskell-attoparsec-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124717] riscv64 build of haskell-binary-instances 1.0.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124735] riscv64 build of haskell-criterion-measurement in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124729] riscv64 build of haskell-chart-cairo 1.9.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124741] riscv64 build of haskell-deriving-aeson 0.2.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124723] riscv64 build of haskell-cborg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124747] riscv64 build of haskell-diagrams-core 1.5.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124753] riscv64 build of haskell-doctemplates 0.11-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124759] riscv64 build of haskell-elm-bridge 0.8.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124765] riscv64 build of haskell-enummapset in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124777] riscv64 build of haskell-git-lfs 1.2.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124783] riscv64 build of haskell-hackage-security in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124789] riscv64 build of haskell-hedgehog-classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124795] riscv64 build of haskell-heist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124801] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124807] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-list 1.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124813] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124825] riscv64 build of haskell-http-client-restricted 0.0.5-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124831] riscv64 build of haskell-http-streams in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124837] riscv64 build of haskell-ipynb 0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124843] riscv64 build of haskell-jmacro 0.6.18-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124855] riscv64 build of haskell-lens-aeson 1.2.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124849] riscv64 build of haskell-jwt 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124861] riscv64 build of haskell-microlens-aeson 2.5.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124867] riscv64 build of haskell-microstache in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124873] riscv64 build of haskell-pandoc-types 1.23.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124879] riscv64 build of haskell-path 0.9.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124885] riscv64 build of haskell-postgresql-simple in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124891] riscv64 build of haskell-quickcheck-classes in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124897] riscv64 build of haskell-sdl2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124903] riscv64 build of haskell-servant 0.19.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124909] riscv64 build of haskell-shakespeare in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124915] riscv64 build of haskell-text-ansi in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124921] riscv64 build of haskell-twitter-types 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124927] riscv64 build of haskell-uri-bytestring-aeson in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124933] riscv64 build of haskell-yi-keymap-emacs 0.19.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124939] riscv64 build of uuagc 0.9.55-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29124771] riscv64 build of haskell-futhark-manifest in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125112] ppc64el build of haskell-happstack-jmacro in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125102] s390x build of haskell-commonmark-pandoc in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125098] arm64 build of haskell-commonmark-pandoc in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125154] ppc64el build of haskell-path-io 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125136] ppc64el build of haskell-hsx-jmacro in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125117] armhf build of haskell-haxr 3000.11.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125118] ppc64el build of haskell-haxr 3000.11.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125104] arm64 build of haskell-diagrams-lib 1.4.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125122] arm64 build of haskell-heterocephalus in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125111] armhf build of haskell-happstack-jmacro in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125110] arm64 build of haskell-happstack-jmacro in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125096] s390x build of haskell-cborg-json in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125090] s390x build of haskell-cabal-install in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125108] s390x build of haskell-diagrams-lib 1.4.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125114] s390x build of haskell-happstack-jmacro in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125116] arm64 build of haskell-haxr 3000.11.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125124] ppc64el build of haskell-heterocephalus in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125099] armhf build of haskell-commonmark-pandoc in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125092] arm64 build of haskell-cborg-json in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125148] ppc64el build of haskell-parameterized-utils in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125105] armhf build of haskell-diagrams-lib 1.4.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125142] ppc64el build of haskell-http2 4.1.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125214] ppc64el build of haskell-weigh 0.0.17-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125172] ppc64el build of haskell-sdl2-mixer in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125106] ppc64el build of haskell-diagrams-lib 1.4.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125184] ppc64el build of haskell-serialise in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125208] ppc64el build of haskell-twitter-types-lens 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125082] ppc64el build of haskell-bitvec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125202] ppc64el build of haskell-texmath in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125226] ppc64el build of pandoc-sidenote 0.23.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125088] ppc64el build of haskell-cabal-install in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125166] ppc64el build of haskell-sdl2-image in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125190] ppc64el build of haskell-servant-client-core 0.19-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125094] ppc64el build of haskell-cborg-json in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125160] ppc64el build of haskell-rio-prettyprint in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125100] ppc64el build of haskell-commonmark-pandoc in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125178] ppc64el build of haskell-sdl2-ttf 2.1.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125196] ppc64el build of haskell-snap in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125076] ppc64el build of haskell-arithmoi in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125232] ppc64el build of yi 0.19.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125211] amd64 build of haskell-weigh 0.0.17-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125169] amd64 build of haskell-sdl2-mixer in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125139] amd64 build of haskell-http2 4.1.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125103] amd64 build of haskell-diagrams-lib 1.4.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125127] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-packaging 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125223] amd64 build of pandoc-sidenote 0.23.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125205] amd64 build of haskell-twitter-types-lens 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125133] amd64 build of haskell-hsx-jmacro in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125109] amd64 build of haskell-happstack-jmacro in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125163] amd64 build of haskell-sdl2-image in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125091] amd64 build of haskell-cborg-json in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125151] amd64 build of haskell-path-io 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125073] amd64 build of haskell-arithmoi in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125187] amd64 build of haskell-servant-client-core 0.19-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125157] amd64 build of haskell-rio-prettyprint in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125175] amd64 build of haskell-sdl2-ttf 2.1.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125145] amd64 build of haskell-parameterized-utils in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125079] amd64 build of haskell-bitvec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125121] amd64 build of haskell-heterocephalus in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125085] amd64 build of haskell-cabal-install in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125220] ppc64el build of haskell-wreq in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125074] arm64 build of haskell-arithmoi in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125080] arm64 build of haskell-bitvec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125081] armhf build of haskell-bitvec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125084] s390x build of haskell-bitvec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125132] s390x build of haskell-hslua-packaging 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125120] s390x build of haskell-haxr 3000.11.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125144] s390x build of haskell-http2 4.1.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125126] s390x build of haskell-heterocephalus in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125138] s390x build of haskell-hsx-jmacro in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125123] armhf build of haskell-heterocephalus in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125134] arm64 build of haskell-hsx-jmacro in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125129] armhf build of haskell-hslua-packaging 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125087] armhf build of haskell-cabal-install in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125177] armhf build of haskell-sdl2-ttf 2.1.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125150] s390x build of haskell-parameterized-utils in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125086] arm64 build of haskell-cabal-install in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125140] arm64 build of haskell-http2 4.1.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125128] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-packaging 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125135] armhf build of haskell-hsx-jmacro in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125200] arm64 build of haskell-texmath in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125141] armhf build of haskell-http2 4.1.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125219] armhf build of haskell-wreq in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125218] arm64 build of haskell-wreq in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125147] armhf build of haskell-parameterized-utils in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125159] armhf build of haskell-rio-prettyprint in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125146] arm64 build of haskell-parameterized-utils in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125165] armhf build of haskell-sdl2-image in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125153] armhf build of haskell-path-io 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125170] arm64 build of haskell-sdl2-mixer in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125224] arm64 build of pandoc-sidenote 0.23.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125213] armhf build of haskell-weigh 0.0.17-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125176] arm64 build of haskell-sdl2-ttf 2.1.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125206] arm64 build of haskell-twitter-types-lens 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125188] arm64 build of haskell-servant-client-core 0.19-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125152] arm64 build of haskell-path-io 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125158] arm64 build of haskell-rio-prettyprint in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125171] armhf build of haskell-sdl2-mixer in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125195] armhf build of haskell-snap in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125212] arm64 build of haskell-weigh 0.0.17-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125194] arm64 build of haskell-snap in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125189] armhf build of haskell-servant-client-core 0.19-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125182] arm64 build of haskell-serialise in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125207] armhf build of haskell-twitter-types-lens 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125164] arm64 build of haskell-sdl2-image in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125225] armhf build of pandoc-sidenote 0.23.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125201] armhf build of haskell-texmath in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125230] arm64 build of yi 0.19.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125156] s390x build of haskell-path-io 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125168] s390x build of haskell-sdl2-image in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125162] s390x build of haskell-rio-prettyprint in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125174] s390x build of haskell-sdl2-mixer in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125231] armhf build of yi 0.19.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125180] s390x build of haskell-sdl2-ttf 2.1.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125186] s390x build of haskell-serialise in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125192] s390x build of haskell-servant-client-core 0.19-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125198] s390x build of haskell-snap in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125216] s390x build of haskell-weigh 0.0.17-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125204] s390x build of haskell-texmath in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125210] s390x build of haskell-twitter-types-lens 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125228] s390x build of pandoc-sidenote 0.23.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125234] s390x build of yi 0.19.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125222] s390x build of haskell-wreq in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125077] riscv64 build of haskell-arithmoi in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125083] riscv64 build of haskell-bitvec in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125089] riscv64 build of haskell-cabal-install in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125095] riscv64 build of haskell-cborg-json in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125101] riscv64 build of haskell-commonmark-pandoc in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125113] riscv64 build of haskell-happstack-jmacro in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125107] riscv64 build of haskell-diagrams-lib 1.4.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125119] riscv64 build of haskell-haxr 3000.11.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125125] riscv64 build of haskell-heterocephalus in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125131] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-packaging 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125137] riscv64 build of haskell-hsx-jmacro in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125143] riscv64 build of haskell-http2 4.1.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125149] riscv64 build of haskell-parameterized-utils in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125155] riscv64 build of haskell-path-io 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125161] riscv64 build of haskell-rio-prettyprint in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125167] riscv64 build of haskell-sdl2-image in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125173] riscv64 build of haskell-sdl2-mixer in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125179] riscv64 build of haskell-sdl2-ttf 2.1.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125185] riscv64 build of haskell-serialise in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125197] riscv64 build of haskell-snap in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125191] riscv64 build of haskell-servant-client-core 0.19-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125209] riscv64 build of haskell-twitter-types-lens 0.11.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125203] riscv64 build of haskell-texmath in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125215] riscv64 build of haskell-weigh 0.0.17-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125221] riscv64 build of haskell-wreq in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125233] riscv64 build of yi 0.19.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125227] riscv64 build of pandoc-sidenote 0.23.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125335] amd64 build of hackage-tracker 0.1.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125341] amd64 build of haskell-bv-sized 1.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125343] armhf build of haskell-bv-sized 1.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125340] s390x build of hackage-tracker 0.1.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125346] s390x build of haskell-bv-sized 1.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125337] armhf build of hackage-tracker 0.1.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125352] s390x build of haskell-dhall 1.41.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125354] arm64 build of haskell-diagrams-cairo in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125371] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-module-path 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125413] amd64 build of haskell-ormolu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125449] amd64 build of raincat 1.2.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125425] amd64 build of haskell-src-exts-util 0.2.5-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125342] arm64 build of haskell-bv-sized 1.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125336] arm64 build of hackage-tracker 0.1.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125348] arm64 build of haskell-dhall 1.41.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125338] ppc64el build of hackage-tracker 0.1.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125370] s390x build of haskell-hslua 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125344] ppc64el build of haskell-bv-sized 1.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125358] s390x build of haskell-diagrams-cairo in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125350] ppc64el build of haskell-dhall 1.41.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125355] armhf build of haskell-diagrams-cairo in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125382] s390x build of haskell-hslua-module-system in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125388] s390x build of haskell-hslua-module-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125376] s390x build of haskell-hslua-module-path 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125364] s390x build of haskell-diagrams-svg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125347] amd64 build of haskell-dhall 1.41.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125377] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-module-system in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125389] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-module-version 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125455] amd64 build of xcffib 1.5.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125353] amd64 build of haskell-diagrams-cairo in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125395] amd64 build of haskell-http-link-header 1.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125419] amd64 build of haskell-servant-client 0.19-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125443] amd64 build of propellor 5.17-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125431] amd64 build of haskell-tasty-checklist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125383] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-module-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125359] amd64 build of haskell-diagrams-svg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125437] amd64 build of haskell-vector-algorithms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125407] amd64 build of haskell-lambdahack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125385] armhf build of haskell-hslua-module-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125378] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-module-system in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125390] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-module-version 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125440] ppc64el build of haskell-vector-algorithms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125379] armhf build of haskell-hslua-module-system in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125397] armhf build of haskell-http-link-header 1.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125396] arm64 build of haskell-http-link-header 1.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125391] armhf build of haskell-hslua-module-version 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125384] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-module-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125414] arm64 build of haskell-ormolu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125356] ppc64el build of haskell-diagrams-cairo in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125361] armhf build of haskell-diagrams-svg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125410] ppc64el build of haskell-lambdahack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125360] arm64 build of haskell-diagrams-svg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125373] armhf build of haskell-hslua-module-path 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125422] ppc64el build of haskell-servant-client 0.19-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125409] armhf build of haskell-lambdahack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125367] armhf build of haskell-hslua 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125372] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-module-path 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125408] arm64 build of haskell-lambdahack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125366] arm64 build of haskell-hslua 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125452] ppc64el build of raincat 1.2.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125428] ppc64el build of haskell-src-exts-util 0.2.5-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125434] ppc64el build of haskell-tasty-checklist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125446] ppc64el build of propellor 5.17-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125416] ppc64el build of haskell-ormolu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125415] armhf build of haskell-ormolu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125398] ppc64el build of haskell-http-link-header 1.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125421] armhf build of haskell-servant-client 0.19-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125362] ppc64el build of haskell-diagrams-svg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125420] arm64 build of haskell-servant-client 0.19-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125365] amd64 build of haskell-hslua 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125394] s390x build of haskell-hslua-module-version 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125400] s390x build of haskell-http-link-header 1.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125426] arm64 build of haskell-src-exts-util 0.2.5-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125412] s390x build of haskell-lambdahack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125418] s390x build of haskell-ormolu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125451] armhf build of raincat 1.2.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125450] arm64 build of raincat 1.2.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125436] s390x build of haskell-tasty-checklist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125430] s390x build of haskell-src-exts-util 0.2.5-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125424] s390x build of haskell-servant-client 0.19-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125433] armhf build of haskell-tasty-checklist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125427] armhf build of haskell-src-exts-util 0.2.5-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125442] s390x build of haskell-vector-algorithms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125438] arm64 build of haskell-vector-algorithms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125439] armhf build of haskell-vector-algorithms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125445] armhf build of propellor 5.17-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125432] arm64 build of haskell-tasty-checklist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125444] arm64 build of propellor 5.17-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125454] s390x build of raincat 1.2.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125448] s390x build of propellor 5.17-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29121975] s390x build of haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125339] riscv64 build of hackage-tracker 0.1.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125345] riscv64 build of haskell-bv-sized 1.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125351] riscv64 build of haskell-dhall 1.41.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125363] riscv64 build of haskell-diagrams-svg in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125357] riscv64 build of haskell-diagrams-cairo in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125369] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua 2.3.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125381] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-module-system in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125393] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-module-version 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125399] riscv64 build of haskell-http-link-header 1.2.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125387] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-module-text in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125375] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-module-path 1.1.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125411] riscv64 build of haskell-lambdahack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125417] riscv64 build of haskell-ormolu in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125423] riscv64 build of haskell-servant-client 0.19-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125429] riscv64 build of haskell-src-exts-util 0.2.5-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125435] riscv64 build of haskell-tasty-checklist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125441] riscv64 build of haskell-vector-algorithms in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125447] riscv64 build of propellor 5.17-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125453] riscv64 build of raincat 1.2.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125622] armhf build of haskell-dense-linear-algebra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125631] s390x build of haskell-github in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125652] armhf build of haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal 0.2.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125655] s390x build of haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal 0.2.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125634] armhf build of haskell-hslua-module-doclayout 1.1.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125658] armhf build of haskell-what4 1.5.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125616] armhf build of allure in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125615] arm64 build of allure in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125633] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-module-doclayout 1.1.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125640] armhf build of haskell-hslua-module-zip 1.1.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125621] arm64 build of haskell-dense-linear-algebra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125646] armhf build of haskell-mono-traversable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125643] s390x build of haskell-hslua-module-zip 1.1.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125639] arm64 build of haskell-hslua-module-zip 1.1.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125628] armhf build of haskell-github in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125659] ppc64el build of haskell-what4 1.5.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125627] arm64 build of haskell-github in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125645] arm64 build of haskell-mono-traversable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125619] s390x build of allure in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125649] s390x build of haskell-mono-traversable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125625] s390x build of haskell-dense-linear-algebra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125637] s390x build of haskell-hslua-module-doclayout 1.1.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125623] ppc64el build of haskell-dense-linear-algebra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125617] ppc64el build of allure in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125661] s390x build of haskell-what4 1.5.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125657] arm64 build of haskell-what4 1.5.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125651] arm64 build of haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal 0.2.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125647] ppc64el build of haskell-mono-traversable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125629] ppc64el build of haskell-github in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125620] amd64 build of haskell-dense-linear-algebra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125614] amd64 build of allure in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125656] amd64 build of haskell-what4 1.5.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125650] amd64 build of haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal 0.2.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125632] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-module-doclayout 1.1.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125644] amd64 build of haskell-mono-traversable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125638] amd64 build of haskell-hslua-module-zip 1.1.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125626] amd64 build of haskell-github in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125624] riscv64 build of haskell-dense-linear-algebra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125618] riscv64 build of allure in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125636] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-module-doclayout 1.1.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125648] riscv64 build of haskell-mono-traversable in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125630] riscv64 build of haskell-github in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125642] riscv64 build of haskell-hslua-module-zip 1.1.0-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125654] riscv64 build of haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal 0.2.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29125660] riscv64 build of haskell-what4 1.5.1-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126014] ppc64el build of haskell-conduit 1.3.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126034] s390x build of haskell-focuslist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126047] amd64 build of haskell-statistics in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126035] amd64 build of haskell-mono-traversable-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126029] amd64 build of haskell-focuslist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126053] amd64 build of haskell-store 0.7.18-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126041] amd64 build of haskell-mutable-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126011] amd64 build of haskell-conduit 1.3.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126016] s390x build of haskell-conduit 1.3.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126040] s390x build of haskell-mono-traversable-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126031] armhf build of haskell-focuslist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126026] ppc64el build of haskell-cryptol 3.0.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126056] ppc64el build of haskell-store 0.7.18-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126038] ppc64el build of haskell-mono-traversable-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126012] arm64 build of haskell-conduit 1.3.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126023] amd64 build of haskell-cryptol 3.0.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126046] s390x build of haskell-mutable-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126043] armhf build of haskell-mutable-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126013] armhf build of haskell-conduit 1.3.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126044] ppc64el build of haskell-mutable-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126054] arm64 build of haskell-store 0.7.18-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126058] s390x build of haskell-store 0.7.18-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126052] s390x build of haskell-statistics in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126030] arm64 build of haskell-focuslist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126036] arm64 build of haskell-mono-traversable-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126024] arm64 build of haskell-cryptol 3.0.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126032] ppc64el build of haskell-focuslist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126050] ppc64el build of haskell-statistics in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126037] armhf build of haskell-mono-traversable-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126042] arm64 build of haskell-mutable-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126055] armhf build of haskell-store 0.7.18-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126048] arm64 build of haskell-statistics in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126049] armhf build of haskell-statistics in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126015] riscv64 build of haskell-conduit 1.3.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126027] riscv64 build of haskell-cryptol 3.0.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126033] riscv64 build of haskell-focuslist in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126039] riscv64 build of haskell-mono-traversable-instances in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126045] riscv64 build of haskell-mutable-containers in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126051] riscv64 build of haskell-statistics in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126057] riscv64 build of haskell-store 0.7.18-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126244] amd64 build of kwayland 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126160] amd64 build of kdecoration 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126196] amd64 build of kmenuedit 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126197] arm64 build of kmenuedit 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126247] ppc64el build of kwayland 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126199] ppc64el build of kmenuedit 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126162] armhf build of kdecoration 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126161] arm64 build of kdecoration 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126277] ppc64el build of libkscreen 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126186] armhf build of kglobalacceld 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126198] armhf build of kmenuedit 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126283] ppc64el build of libksysguard 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126274] amd64 build of libkscreen 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126280] amd64 build of libksysguard 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126163] ppc64el build of kdecoration 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126165] s390x build of kdecoration 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126201] s390x build of kmenuedit 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126246] armhf build of kwayland 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126245] arm64 build of kwayland 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126282] armhf build of libksysguard 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126275] arm64 build of libkscreen 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126276] armhf build of libkscreen 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126281] arm64 build of libksysguard 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126249] s390x build of kwayland 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126279] s390x build of libkscreen 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126285] s390x build of libksysguard 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126164] riscv64 build of kdecoration 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126200] riscv64 build of kmenuedit 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126248] riscv64 build of kwayland 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126566] ppc64el build of haskell-binary-conduit 1.3.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126604] s390x build of haskell-dice-entropy-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126572] ppc64el build of haskell-cereal-conduit 0.8.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126568] s390x build of haskell-binary-conduit 1.3.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126578] ppc64el build of haskell-classy-prelude in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126598] s390x build of haskell-criterion in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126580] s390x build of haskell-classy-prelude in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126574] s390x build of haskell-cereal-conduit 0.8.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126564] arm64 build of haskell-binary-conduit 1.3.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126610] s390x build of haskell-futhark 0.25.15-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126601] armhf build of haskell-dice-entropy-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126595] armhf build of haskell-criterion in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126577] armhf build of haskell-classy-prelude in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126586] s390x build of haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126576] arm64 build of haskell-classy-prelude in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126583] armhf build of haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126596] ppc64el build of haskell-criterion in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126584] ppc64el build of haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126626] ppc64el build of haskell-wai-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126563] amd64 build of haskell-binary-conduit 1.3.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126623] amd64 build of haskell-wai-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126599] amd64 build of haskell-dice-entropy-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126605] amd64 build of haskell-futhark 0.25.15-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126611] amd64 build of haskell-libyaml 0.1.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126593] amd64 build of haskell-criterion in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126581] amd64 build of haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126617] amd64 build of haskell-sandi 0.5-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126575] amd64 build of haskell-classy-prelude in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126569] amd64 build of haskell-cereal-conduit 0.8.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126618] arm64 build of haskell-sandi 0.5-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126570] arm64 build of haskell-cereal-conduit 0.8.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126622] s390x build of haskell-sandi 0.5-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126600] arm64 build of haskell-dice-entropy-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126625] armhf build of haskell-wai-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126565] armhf build of haskell-binary-conduit 1.3.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126619] armhf build of haskell-sandi 0.5-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126624] arm64 build of haskell-wai-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126613] armhf build of haskell-libyaml 0.1.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126614] ppc64el build of haskell-libyaml 0.1.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126620] ppc64el build of haskell-sandi 0.5-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126616] s390x build of haskell-libyaml 0.1.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126612] arm64 build of haskell-libyaml 0.1.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126602] ppc64el build of haskell-dice-entropy-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126582] arm64 build of haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126607] armhf build of haskell-futhark 0.25.15-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126571] armhf build of haskell-cereal-conduit 0.8.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126606] arm64 build of haskell-futhark 0.25.15-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126608] ppc64el build of haskell-futhark 0.25.15-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126594] arm64 build of haskell-criterion in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126278] riscv64 build of libkscreen 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126628] s390x build of haskell-wai-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126284] riscv64 build of libksysguard 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126567] riscv64 build of haskell-binary-conduit 1.3.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126573] riscv64 build of haskell-cereal-conduit 0.8.0-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126585] riscv64 build of haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126579] riscv64 build of haskell-classy-prelude in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126597] riscv64 build of haskell-criterion in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126603] riscv64 build of haskell-dice-entropy-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126609] riscv64 build of haskell-futhark 0.25.15-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126615] riscv64 build of haskell-libyaml 0.1.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126621] riscv64 build of haskell-sandi 0.5-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126627] riscv64 build of haskell-wai-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126208] amd64 build of krdp 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126213] s390x build of krdp 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126210] armhf build of krdp 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126211] ppc64el build of krdp 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126209] arm64 build of krdp 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126212] riscv64 build of krdp 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126186] armhf build of kglobalacceld 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126186] armhf build of kglobalacceld 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126407] s390x build of plasma-welcome 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126402] amd64 build of plasma-welcome 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126377] s390x build of plasma-pa 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126372] amd64 build of plasma-pa 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126405] ppc64el build of plasma-welcome 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126404] armhf build of plasma-welcome 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126375] ppc64el build of plasma-pa 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126403] arm64 build of plasma-welcome 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126374] armhf build of plasma-pa 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126373] arm64 build of plasma-pa 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126876] amd64 build of haskell-classy-prelude-conduit 1.5.0-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126899] s390x build of haskell-cryptonite-conduit 0.2.2-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126890] armhf build of haskell-cryptohash-conduit 0.1.1-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126879] ppc64el build of haskell-classy-prelude-conduit 1.5.0-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126891] ppc64el build of haskell-cryptohash-conduit 0.1.1-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126905] s390x build of haskell-csv-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126889] arm64 build of haskell-cryptohash-conduit 0.1.1-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126893] s390x build of haskell-cryptohash-conduit 0.1.1-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126895] arm64 build of haskell-cryptonite-conduit 0.2.2-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126877] arm64 build of haskell-classy-prelude-conduit 1.5.0-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126896] armhf build of haskell-cryptonite-conduit 0.2.2-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126878] armhf build of haskell-classy-prelude-conduit 1.5.0-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126930] amd64 build of haskell-pager in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126966] amd64 build of haskell-tar-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126978] amd64 build of haskell-yaml in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126954] amd64 build of haskell-shell-conduit 5.0.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126972] amd64 build of haskell-xml-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126960] amd64 build of haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.32-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126951] ppc64el build of haskell-secret-sharing in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126963] ppc64el build of haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.32-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126981] ppc64el build of haskell-yaml in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126975] ppc64el build of haskell-xml-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126921] ppc64el build of haskell-monad-logger 0.3.40-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126969] ppc64el build of haskell-tar-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126939] ppc64el build of haskell-project-template in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126909] ppc64el build of haskell-hopenpgp 2.9.8-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126927] ppc64el build of haskell-network-conduit-tls 1.3.2-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126945] ppc64el build of haskell-publicsuffixlist 0.1-15 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126933] ppc64el build of haskell-pager in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126897] ppc64el build of haskell-cryptonite-conduit 0.2.2-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126957] ppc64el build of haskell-shell-conduit 5.0.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126903] ppc64el build of haskell-csv-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126915] ppc64el build of haskell-http-reverse-proxy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126906] amd64 build of haskell-hopenpgp 2.9.8-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126936] amd64 build of haskell-project-template in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126900] amd64 build of haskell-csv-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126924] amd64 build of haskell-network-conduit-tls 1.3.2-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126912] amd64 build of haskell-http-reverse-proxy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126716] amd64 build of kwayland 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126232] amd64 build of ksystemstats 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126914] armhf build of haskell-http-reverse-proxy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126913] arm64 build of haskell-http-reverse-proxy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126920] armhf build of haskell-monad-logger 0.3.40-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126948] amd64 build of haskell-secret-sharing in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126901] arm64 build of haskell-csv-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126908] armhf build of haskell-hopenpgp 2.9.8-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126919] arm64 build of haskell-monad-logger 0.3.40-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126309] ppc64el build of plasma5support 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126235] ppc64el build of ksystemstats 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126907] arm64 build of haskell-hopenpgp 2.9.8-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126307] arm64 build of plasma5support 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126234] armhf build of ksystemstats 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126902] armhf build of haskell-csv-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126237] s390x build of ksystemstats 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126925] arm64 build of haskell-network-conduit-tls 1.3.2-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126308] armhf build of plasma5support 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126233] arm64 build of ksystemstats 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126721] s390x build of kwayland 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126719] ppc64el build of kwayland 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126306] amd64 build of plasma5support 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126717] arm64 build of kwayland 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126881] s390x build of haskell-classy-prelude-conduit 1.5.0-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126938] armhf build of haskell-project-template in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126943] arm64 build of haskell-publicsuffixlist 0.1-15 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126926] armhf build of haskell-network-conduit-tls 1.3.2-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126311] s390x build of plasma5support 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126718] armhf build of kwayland 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126304] s390x build of oxygen 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126950] armhf build of haskell-secret-sharing in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126949] arm64 build of haskell-secret-sharing in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126937] arm64 build of haskell-project-template in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126302] ppc64el build of oxygen 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126961] arm64 build of haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.32-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126956] armhf build of haskell-shell-conduit 5.0.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126955] arm64 build of haskell-shell-conduit 5.0.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126932] armhf build of haskell-pager in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126931] arm64 build of haskell-pager in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126962] armhf build of haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.32-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126968] armhf build of haskell-tar-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126967] arm64 build of haskell-tar-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126973] arm64 build of haskell-xml-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126979] arm64 build of haskell-yaml in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126974] armhf build of haskell-xml-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126980] armhf build of haskell-yaml in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126299] amd64 build of oxygen 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126300] arm64 build of oxygen 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126923] s390x build of haskell-monad-logger 0.3.40-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126917] s390x build of haskell-http-reverse-proxy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126911] s390x build of haskell-hopenpgp 2.9.8-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126301] armhf build of oxygen 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126929] s390x build of haskell-network-conduit-tls 1.3.2-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126941] s390x build of haskell-project-template in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126947] s390x build of haskell-publicsuffixlist 0.1-15 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126953] s390x build of haskell-secret-sharing in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126959] s390x build of haskell-shell-conduit 5.0.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126971] s390x build of haskell-tar-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126965] s390x build of haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.32-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126977] s390x build of haskell-xml-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126983] s390x build of haskell-yaml in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126935] s390x build of haskell-pager in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126944] armhf build of haskell-publicsuffixlist 0.1-15 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126880] riscv64 build of haskell-classy-prelude-conduit 1.5.0-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126904] riscv64 build of haskell-csv-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126898] riscv64 build of haskell-cryptonite-conduit 0.2.2-7 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126892] riscv64 build of haskell-cryptohash-conduit 0.1.1-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126372] amd64 build of plasma-pa 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126910] riscv64 build of haskell-hopenpgp 2.9.8-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126922] riscv64 build of haskell-monad-logger 0.3.40-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126916] riscv64 build of haskell-http-reverse-proxy in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126928] riscv64 build of haskell-network-conduit-tls 1.3.2-6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126940] riscv64 build of haskell-project-template in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126946] riscv64 build of haskell-publicsuffixlist 0.1-15 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126952] riscv64 build of haskell-secret-sharing in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126964] riscv64 build of haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.32-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126970] riscv64 build of haskell-tar-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126958] riscv64 build of haskell-shell-conduit 5.0.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126976] riscv64 build of haskell-xml-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126982] riscv64 build of haskell-yaml in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127044] s390x build of plasma5support 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127039] amd64 build of plasma5support 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127042] ppc64el build of plasma5support 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127041] armhf build of plasma5support 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127040] arm64 build of plasma5support 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126934] riscv64 build of haskell-pager in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126720] riscv64 build of kwayland 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126256] amd64 build of kwin 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126463] amd64 build of xdg-desktop-portal-kde 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126468] s390x build of xdg-desktop-portal-kde 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126261] s390x build of kwin 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126257] arm64 build of kwin 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126258] armhf build of kwin 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126466] ppc64el build of xdg-desktop-portal-kde 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126464] arm64 build of xdg-desktop-portal-kde 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126465] armhf build of xdg-desktop-portal-kde 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126259] ppc64el build of kwin 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127110] s390x build of kwin 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127105] amd64 build of kwin 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127108] ppc64el build of kwin 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127107] armhf build of kwin 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127106] arm64 build of kwin 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127144] amd64 build of haskell-citeproc 0.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127168] amd64 build of haskell-feed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127150] amd64 build of haskell-clash-lib 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127174] amd64 build of haskell-haskell-gi 0.26.7-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127138] amd64 build of haskell-aeson-diff in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127173] s390x build of haskell-feed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127185] s390x build of haskell-hindent 5.3.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127191] s390x build of haskell-hledger-lib 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127167] s390x build of haskell-dbus 1.2.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127197] s390x build of haskell-hopenpgp-tools 0.23.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127206] armhf build of haskell-html-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127213] ppc64el build of haskell-markdown in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127179] s390x build of haskell-haskell-gi 0.26.7-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127169] arm64 build of haskell-feed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127181] arm64 build of haskell-hindent 5.3.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127187] arm64 build of haskell-hledger-lib 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127218] armhf build of haskell-mustache 2.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127182] armhf build of haskell-hindent 5.3.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127225] ppc64el build of haskell-persistent in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127219] ppc64el build of haskell-mustache 2.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127229] arm64 build of haskell-rio-orphans in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127237] ppc64el build of haskell-skylighting-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127236] armhf build of haskell-skylighting-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127152] armhf build of haskell-clash-lib 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127264] amd64 build of haskell-xml-hamlet in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127270] amd64 build of hedgewars 1.0.2-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127204] amd64 build of haskell-html-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127246] amd64 build of haskell-typst in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127288] amd64 build of kickoff 0.1.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127240] amd64 build of haskell-tagstream-conduit 0.5.6-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127228] amd64 build of haskell-rio-orphans in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127252] amd64 build of haskell-warp 3.3.25-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127198] amd64 build of haskell-hpack 0.35.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127282] amd64 build of hlint 3.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127180] amd64 build of haskell-hindent 5.3.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127210] amd64 build of haskell-markdown in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127192] amd64 build of haskell-hopenpgp-tools 0.23.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127216] amd64 build of haskell-mustache 2.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127162] amd64 build of haskell-dbus 1.2.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127276] amd64 build of hkl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127186] amd64 build of haskell-hledger-lib 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127258] amd64 build of haskell-xml-conduit-writer in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127234] amd64 build of haskell-skylighting-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127222] amd64 build of haskell-persistent in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127170] armhf build of haskell-feed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127230] armhf build of haskell-rio-orphans in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127231] ppc64el build of haskell-rio-orphans in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127200] armhf build of haskell-hpack 0.35.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127199] arm64 build of haskell-hpack 0.35.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127224] armhf build of haskell-persistent in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127165] ppc64el build of haskell-dbus 1.2.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127177] ppc64el build of haskell-haskell-gi 0.26.7-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127255] ppc64el build of haskell-warp 3.3.25-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127243] ppc64el build of haskell-tagstream-conduit 0.5.6-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127153] ppc64el build of haskell-clash-lib 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127205] arm64 build of haskell-html-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127171] ppc64el build of haskell-feed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127285] ppc64el build of hlint 3.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127175] arm64 build of haskell-haskell-gi 0.26.7-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127261] ppc64el build of haskell-xml-conduit-writer in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127223] arm64 build of haskell-persistent in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127164] armhf build of haskell-dbus 1.2.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127163] arm64 build of haskell-dbus 1.2.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127141] ppc64el build of haskell-aeson-diff in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127211] arm64 build of haskell-markdown in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127193] arm64 build of haskell-hopenpgp-tools 0.23.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127217] arm64 build of haskell-mustache 2.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127195] ppc64el build of haskell-hopenpgp-tools 0.23.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127176] armhf build of haskell-haskell-gi 0.26.7-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127235] arm64 build of haskell-skylighting-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127267] ppc64el build of haskell-xml-hamlet in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127249] ppc64el build of haskell-typst in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127291] ppc64el build of kickoff 0.1.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127279] ppc64el build of hkl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127212] armhf build of haskell-markdown in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127189] ppc64el build of haskell-hledger-lib 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127194] armhf build of haskell-hopenpgp-tools 0.23.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127201] ppc64el build of haskell-hpack 0.35.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127147] ppc64el build of haskell-citeproc 0.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127188] armhf build of haskell-hledger-lib 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127207] ppc64el build of haskell-html-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127183] ppc64el build of haskell-hindent 5.3.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127139] arm64 build of haskell-aeson-diff in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127273] ppc64el build of hedgewars 1.0.2-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127140] armhf build of haskell-aeson-diff in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127209] s390x build of haskell-html-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127155] s390x build of haskell-clash-lib 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127143] s390x build of haskell-aeson-diff in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127149] s390x build of haskell-citeproc 0.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127203] s390x build of haskell-hpack 0.35.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127215] s390x build of haskell-markdown in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127221] s390x build of haskell-mustache 2.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127242] armhf build of haskell-tagstream-conduit 0.5.6-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127145] arm64 build of haskell-citeproc 0.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127241] arm64 build of haskell-tagstream-conduit 0.5.6-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127146] armhf build of haskell-citeproc 0.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127253] arm64 build of haskell-warp 3.3.25-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127248] armhf build of haskell-typst in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127254] armhf build of haskell-warp 3.3.25-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127284] armhf build of hlint 3.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127265] arm64 build of haskell-xml-hamlet in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127289] arm64 build of kickoff 0.1.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127151] arm64 build of haskell-clash-lib 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127272] armhf build of hedgewars 1.0.2-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127260] armhf build of haskell-xml-conduit-writer in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127259] arm64 build of haskell-xml-conduit-writer in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127266] armhf build of haskell-xml-hamlet in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127283] arm64 build of hlint 3.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127277] arm64 build of hkl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127278] armhf build of hkl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127271] arm64 build of hedgewars 1.0.2-9 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127290] armhf build of kickoff 0.1.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127227] s390x build of haskell-persistent in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127239] s390x build of haskell-skylighting-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127233] s390x build of haskell-rio-orphans in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127251] s390x build of haskell-typst in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127257] s390x build of haskell-warp 3.3.25-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127245] s390x build of haskell-tagstream-conduit 0.5.6-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127263] s390x build of haskell-xml-conduit-writer in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126303] riscv64 build of oxygen 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127269] s390x build of haskell-xml-hamlet in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127287] s390x build of hlint 3.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127281] s390x build of hkl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127293] s390x build of kickoff 0.1.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127247] arm64 build of haskell-typst in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127142] riscv64 build of haskell-aeson-diff in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126462] s390x build of wacomtablet 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127148] riscv64 build of haskell-citeproc 0.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127154] riscv64 build of haskell-clash-lib 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127172] riscv64 build of haskell-feed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127166] riscv64 build of haskell-dbus 1.2.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127178] riscv64 build of haskell-haskell-gi 0.26.7-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127184] riscv64 build of haskell-hindent 5.3.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127190] riscv64 build of haskell-hledger-lib 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127196] riscv64 build of haskell-hopenpgp-tools 0.23.7-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127202] riscv64 build of haskell-hpack 0.35.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127208] riscv64 build of haskell-html-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126467] riscv64 build of xdg-desktop-portal-kde 6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127214] riscv64 build of haskell-markdown in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127220] riscv64 build of haskell-mustache 2.4.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127226] riscv64 build of haskell-persistent in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127232] riscv64 build of haskell-rio-orphans in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127238] riscv64 build of haskell-skylighting-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127244] riscv64 build of haskell-tagstream-conduit 0.5.6-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127250] riscv64 build of haskell-typst in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127256] riscv64 build of haskell-warp 3.3.25-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127262] riscv64 build of haskell-xml-conduit-writer in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127268] riscv64 build of haskell-xml-hamlet in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127280] riscv64 build of hkl in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127286] riscv64 build of hlint 3.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127292] riscv64 build of kickoff 0.1.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126413] s390x build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126408] amd64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126410] armhf build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126409] arm64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126411] ppc64el build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127430] s390x build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127425] amd64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127426] arm64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127427] armhf build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127428] ppc64el build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127444] s390x build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127439] amd64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127442] ppc64el build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127441] armhf build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127440] arm64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127481] ppc64el build of haskell-dav 1.3.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127469] ppc64el build of haskell-casa-types 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127475] ppc64el build of haskell-clash-ghc 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127489] s390x build of haskell-dbus-hslogger in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127486] armhf build of haskell-dbus-hslogger in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127495] s390x build of haskell-fdo-notify 0.3.1-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127552] armhf build of haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127477] s390x build of haskell-clash-ghc 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127483] s390x build of haskell-dav 1.3.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127501] s390x build of haskell-gi-cairo 1.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127466] amd64 build of haskell-casa-types 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127490] amd64 build of haskell-fdo-notify 0.3.1-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127496] amd64 build of haskell-gi-cairo 1.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127472] amd64 build of haskell-clash-ghc 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127484] amd64 build of haskell-dbus-hslogger in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127478] amd64 build of haskell-dav 1.3.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127492] armhf build of haskell-fdo-notify 0.3.1-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127510] armhf build of haskell-gi-glib 2.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127509] arm64 build of haskell-gi-glib 2.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127503] arm64 build of haskell-gi-freetype2 2.0.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127545] arm64 build of haskell-skylighting-format-ansi 0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127516] armhf build of haskell-gi-xlib 2.0.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127547] ppc64el build of haskell-skylighting-format-ansi 0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127553] ppc64el build of haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127559] ppc64el build of haskell-skylighting-format-context in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127497] arm64 build of haskell-gi-cairo 1.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127570] armhf build of haskell-soap in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127575] arm64 build of haskell-wai-extra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127527] arm64 build of haskell-hledger-interest 1.6.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127577] ppc64el build of haskell-wai-extra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127595] ppc64el build of haskell-warp-tls 3.3.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127541] ppc64el build of haskell-persistent-sqlite in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127571] ppc64el build of haskell-soap in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127508] amd64 build of haskell-gi-glib 2.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127532] amd64 build of haskell-persistent-postgresql in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127562] amd64 build of haskell-skylighting-format-latex 0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127580] amd64 build of haskell-wai-handler-launch in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127520] amd64 build of haskell-hledger 1.30.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127556] amd64 build of haskell-skylighting-format-context in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127568] amd64 build of haskell-soap in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127502] amd64 build of haskell-gi-freetype2 2.0.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127550] amd64 build of haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127586] amd64 build of haskell-wai-http2-extra 0.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127514] amd64 build of haskell-gi-xlib 2.0.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127538] amd64 build of haskell-persistent-sqlite in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127574] amd64 build of haskell-wai-extra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127592] amd64 build of haskell-warp-tls 3.3.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127526] amd64 build of haskell-hledger-interest 1.6.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127598] amd64 build of haskell-xml-html-qq in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127544] amd64 build of haskell-skylighting-format-ansi 0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127533] arm64 build of haskell-persistent-postgresql in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127546] armhf build of haskell-skylighting-format-ansi 0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127528] armhf build of haskell-hledger-interest 1.6.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127487] ppc64el build of haskell-dbus-hslogger in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127505] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-freetype2 2.0.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127517] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-xlib 2.0.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127511] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-glib 2.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127499] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-cairo 1.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127576] armhf build of haskell-wai-extra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127539] arm64 build of haskell-persistent-sqlite in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127493] ppc64el build of haskell-fdo-notify 0.3.1-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127474] armhf build of haskell-clash-ghc 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127529] ppc64el build of haskell-hledger-interest 1.6.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127601] ppc64el build of haskell-xml-html-qq in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127523] ppc64el build of haskell-hledger 1.30.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127565] ppc64el build of haskell-skylighting-format-latex 0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127583] ppc64el build of haskell-wai-handler-launch in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127589] ppc64el build of haskell-wai-http2-extra 0.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127535] ppc64el build of haskell-persistent-postgresql in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127485] arm64 build of haskell-dbus-hslogger in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127473] arm64 build of haskell-clash-ghc 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127479] arm64 build of haskell-dav 1.3.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127468] armhf build of haskell-casa-types 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127467] arm64 build of haskell-casa-types 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127491] arm64 build of haskell-fdo-notify 0.3.1-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127480] armhf build of haskell-dav 1.3.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127471] s390x build of haskell-casa-types 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127498] armhf build of haskell-gi-cairo 1.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127515] arm64 build of haskell-gi-xlib 2.0.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127504] armhf build of haskell-gi-freetype2 2.0.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127521] arm64 build of haskell-hledger 1.30.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127522] armhf build of haskell-hledger 1.30.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127551] arm64 build of haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127557] arm64 build of haskell-skylighting-format-context in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127534] armhf build of haskell-persistent-postgresql in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127540] armhf build of haskell-persistent-sqlite in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127507] s390x build of haskell-gi-freetype2 2.0.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127558] armhf build of haskell-skylighting-format-context in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127563] arm64 build of haskell-skylighting-format-latex 0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127519] s390x build of haskell-gi-xlib 2.0.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127513] s390x build of haskell-gi-glib 2.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127531] s390x build of haskell-hledger-interest 1.6.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127587] arm64 build of haskell-wai-http2-extra 0.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127525] s390x build of haskell-hledger 1.30.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127569] arm64 build of haskell-soap in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127582] armhf build of haskell-wai-handler-launch in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127588] armhf build of haskell-wai-http2-extra 0.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127594] armhf build of haskell-warp-tls 3.3.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127593] arm64 build of haskell-warp-tls 3.3.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127581] arm64 build of haskell-wai-handler-launch in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127599] arm64 build of haskell-xml-html-qq in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127600] armhf build of haskell-xml-html-qq in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127537] s390x build of haskell-persistent-postgresql in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127543] s390x build of haskell-persistent-sqlite in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127465] s390x build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127549] s390x build of haskell-skylighting-format-ansi 0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127561] s390x build of haskell-skylighting-format-context in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127555] s390x build of haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127567] s390x build of haskell-skylighting-format-latex 0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127579] s390x build of haskell-wai-extra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127573] s390x build of haskell-soap in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127585] s390x build of haskell-wai-handler-launch in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127591] s390x build of haskell-wai-http2-extra 0.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127597] s390x build of haskell-warp-tls 3.3.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127603] s390x build of haskell-xml-html-qq in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127476] riscv64 build of haskell-clash-ghc 1.8.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127488] riscv64 build of haskell-dbus-hslogger in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127494] riscv64 build of haskell-fdo-notify 0.3.1-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127500] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-cairo 1.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127482] riscv64 build of haskell-dav 1.3.4-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127460] amd64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127463] ppc64el build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127506] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-freetype2 2.0.4-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127470] riscv64 build of haskell-casa-types 0.0.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127461] arm64 build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127512] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-glib 2.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127518] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-xlib 2.0.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127524] riscv64 build of haskell-hledger 1.30.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127462] armhf build of plasma-workspace 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127530] riscv64 build of haskell-hledger-interest 1.6.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127536] riscv64 build of haskell-persistent-postgresql in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127548] riscv64 build of haskell-skylighting-format-ansi 0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127542] riscv64 build of haskell-persistent-sqlite in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127554] riscv64 build of haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127560] riscv64 build of haskell-skylighting-format-context in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127566] riscv64 build of haskell-skylighting-format-latex 0.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127572] riscv64 build of haskell-soap in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127578] riscv64 build of haskell-wai-extra in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127590] riscv64 build of haskell-wai-http2-extra 0.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127584] riscv64 build of haskell-wai-handler-launch in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127596] riscv64 build of haskell-warp-tls 3.3.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127602] riscv64 build of haskell-xml-html-qq in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127803] amd64 build of haskell-gi-cairo-connector 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127797] amd64 build of haskell-esqueleto in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127808] s390x build of haskell-gi-cairo-connector 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127802] s390x build of haskell-esqueleto in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127832] s390x build of haskell-hspec-wai 0.11.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127844] s390x build of haskell-skylighting in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127820] s390x build of haskell-gi-gobject 2.0.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127850] s390x build of haskell-soap-tls in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127856] s390x build of haskell-status-notifier-item in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127838] s390x build of haskell-http-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127826] s390x build of haskell-hledger-ui 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127862] s390x build of haskell-wai-app-static 3.1.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127814] s390x build of haskell-gi-gmodule 2.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127860] ppc64el build of haskell-wai-app-static 3.1.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127866] ppc64el build of haskell-yesod-bin in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127799] armhf build of haskell-esqueleto in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127818] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-gobject 2.0.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127806] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-cairo-connector 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127800] ppc64el build of haskell-esqueleto in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127830] ppc64el build of haskell-hspec-wai 0.11.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127798] arm64 build of haskell-esqueleto in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127829] armhf build of haskell-hspec-wai 0.11.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127805] armhf build of haskell-gi-cairo-connector 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127816] arm64 build of haskell-gi-gobject 2.0.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127812] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-gmodule 2.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127828] arm64 build of haskell-hspec-wai 0.11.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127842] ppc64el build of haskell-skylighting in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127811] armhf build of haskell-gi-gmodule 2.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127847] armhf build of haskell-soap-tls in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127817] armhf build of haskell-gi-gobject 2.0.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127835] armhf build of haskell-http-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127836] ppc64el build of haskell-http-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127848] ppc64el build of haskell-soap-tls in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127840] arm64 build of haskell-skylighting in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127824] ppc64el build of haskell-hledger-ui 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127846] arm64 build of haskell-soap-tls in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127839] amd64 build of haskell-skylighting in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127851] amd64 build of haskell-status-notifier-item in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127815] amd64 build of haskell-gi-gobject 2.0.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127809] amd64 build of haskell-gi-gmodule 2.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127827] amd64 build of haskell-hspec-wai 0.11.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127821] amd64 build of haskell-hledger-ui 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127863] amd64 build of haskell-yesod-bin in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127857] amd64 build of haskell-wai-app-static 3.1.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127833] amd64 build of haskell-http-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127869] amd64 build of haskell-yesod-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127845] amd64 build of haskell-soap-tls in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127870] arm64 build of haskell-yesod-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127852] arm64 build of haskell-status-notifier-item in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127872] ppc64el build of haskell-yesod-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127864] arm64 build of haskell-yesod-bin in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127854] ppc64el build of haskell-status-notifier-item in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127859] armhf build of haskell-wai-app-static 3.1.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127858] arm64 build of haskell-wai-app-static 3.1.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127865] armhf build of haskell-yesod-bin in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127871] armhf build of haskell-yesod-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127868] s390x build of haskell-yesod-bin in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127874] s390x build of haskell-yesod-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127804] arm64 build of haskell-gi-cairo-connector 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127822] arm64 build of haskell-hledger-ui 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127823] armhf build of haskell-hledger-ui 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127834] arm64 build of haskell-http-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127841] armhf build of haskell-skylighting in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127810] arm64 build of haskell-gi-gmodule 2.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127801] riscv64 build of haskell-esqueleto in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127813] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-gmodule 2.0.5-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127807] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-cairo-connector 0.1.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127819] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-gobject 2.0.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127831] riscv64 build of haskell-hspec-wai 0.11.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127825] riscv64 build of haskell-hledger-ui 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127837] riscv64 build of haskell-http-conduit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127843] riscv64 build of haskell-skylighting in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127849] riscv64 build of haskell-soap-tls in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127855] riscv64 build of haskell-status-notifier-item in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127861] riscv64 build of haskell-wai-app-static 3.1.8-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127867] riscv64 build of haskell-yesod-bin in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127873] riscv64 build of haskell-yesod-core in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127972] amd64 build of haskell-authenticate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127984] amd64 build of haskell-casa-client 0.0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127978] amd64 build of haskell-aws 0.24.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127990] amd64 build of haskell-fb in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127996] amd64 build of haskell-gi-atk 2.0.27-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128002] amd64 build of haskell-gi-dbusmenu 0.4.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128008] amd64 build of haskell-gi-gio 2.0.32-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128116] amd64 build of mediawiki2latex 8.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128020] amd64 build of haskell-hoauth2 2.8.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128044] amd64 build of haskell-musicbrainz 0.4.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127995] s390x build of haskell-fb in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127977] s390x build of haskell-authenticate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127983] s390x build of haskell-aws 0.24.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127989] s390x build of haskell-casa-client 0.0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128086] amd64 build of haskell-wai-websockets in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128110] amd64 build of haskell-yesod-static in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128032] amd64 build of haskell-http-download in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128122] amd64 build of xmobar 0.46-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128014] amd64 build of haskell-gi-harfbuzz 0.0.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128092] amd64 build of haskell-yesod-default 1.2.0-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128104] amd64 build of haskell-yesod-persistent in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128038] amd64 build of haskell-mime-mail-ses 0.4.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128056] amd64 build of haskell-scotty 0.12.1+dfsg-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128080] amd64 build of haskell-wai-app-file-cgi 3.1.10-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128074] amd64 build of haskell-twitter-conduit 0.6.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128026] amd64 build of haskell-hoogle in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128098] amd64 build of haskell-yesod-newsfeed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128068] amd64 build of haskell-tldr 0.9.2-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128050] amd64 build of haskell-pandoc 3.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128010] armhf build of haskell-gi-gio 2.0.32-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128016] armhf build of haskell-gi-harfbuzz 0.0.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128009] arm64 build of haskell-gi-gio 2.0.32-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128003] arm64 build of haskell-gi-dbusmenu 0.4.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127986] armhf build of haskell-casa-client 0.0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128021] arm64 build of haskell-hoauth2 2.8.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127992] armhf build of haskell-fb in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128015] arm64 build of haskell-gi-harfbuzz 0.0.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127975] ppc64el build of haskell-authenticate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128065] ppc64el build of haskell-servant-server 0.19.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128022] armhf build of haskell-hoauth2 2.8.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128028] armhf build of haskell-hoogle in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128034] armhf build of haskell-http-download in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128101] ppc64el build of haskell-yesod-newsfeed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128017] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-harfbuzz 0.0.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128033] arm64 build of haskell-http-download in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128107] ppc64el build of haskell-yesod-persistent in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128083] ppc64el build of haskell-wai-app-file-cgi 3.1.10-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128095] ppc64el build of haskell-yesod-default 1.2.0-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128113] ppc64el build of haskell-yesod-static in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127987] ppc64el build of haskell-casa-client 0.0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127999] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-atk 2.0.27-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127985] arm64 build of haskell-casa-client 0.0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128077] ppc64el build of haskell-twitter-conduit 0.6.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128041] ppc64el build of haskell-mime-mail-ses 0.4.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127980] armhf build of haskell-aws 0.24.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128059] ppc64el build of haskell-scotty 0.12.1+dfsg-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128089] ppc64el build of haskell-wai-websockets in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127991] arm64 build of haskell-fb in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128027] arm64 build of haskell-hoogle in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128125] ppc64el build of xmobar 0.46-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127993] ppc64el build of haskell-fb in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128071] ppc64el build of haskell-tldr 0.9.2-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128005] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-dbusmenu 0.4.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128035] ppc64el build of haskell-http-download in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128029] ppc64el build of haskell-hoogle in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127981] ppc64el build of haskell-aws 0.24.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128053] ppc64el build of haskell-pandoc 3.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128119] ppc64el build of mediawiki2latex 8.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128011] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-gio 2.0.32-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128047] ppc64el build of haskell-musicbrainz 0.4.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128062] amd64 build of haskell-servant-server 0.19.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127997] arm64 build of haskell-gi-atk 2.0.27-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127973] arm64 build of haskell-authenticate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127974] armhf build of haskell-authenticate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128023] ppc64el build of haskell-hoauth2 2.8.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127979] arm64 build of haskell-aws 0.24.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127998] armhf build of haskell-gi-atk 2.0.27-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128004] armhf build of haskell-gi-dbusmenu 0.4.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128039] arm64 build of haskell-mime-mail-ses 0.4.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128040] armhf build of haskell-mime-mail-ses 0.4.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128001] s390x build of haskell-gi-atk 2.0.27-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128019] s390x build of haskell-gi-harfbuzz 0.0.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128007] s390x build of haskell-gi-dbusmenu 0.4.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128013] s390x build of haskell-gi-gio 2.0.32-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128045] arm64 build of haskell-musicbrainz 0.4.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128051] arm64 build of haskell-pandoc 3.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128046] armhf build of haskell-musicbrainz 0.4.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128025] s390x build of haskell-hoauth2 2.8.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128070] armhf build of haskell-tldr 0.9.2-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128064] armhf build of haskell-servant-server 0.19.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128057] arm64 build of haskell-scotty 0.12.1+dfsg-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128075] arm64 build of haskell-twitter-conduit 0.6.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128058] armhf build of haskell-scotty 0.12.1+dfsg-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128063] arm64 build of haskell-servant-server 0.19.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128052] armhf build of haskell-pandoc 3.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128069] arm64 build of haskell-tldr 0.9.2-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128093] arm64 build of haskell-yesod-default 1.2.0-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128088] armhf build of haskell-wai-websockets in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128100] armhf build of haskell-yesod-newsfeed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128076] armhf build of haskell-twitter-conduit 0.6.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128099] arm64 build of haskell-yesod-newsfeed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128081] arm64 build of haskell-wai-app-file-cgi 3.1.10-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128087] arm64 build of haskell-wai-websockets in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128106] armhf build of haskell-yesod-persistent in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128094] armhf build of haskell-yesod-default 1.2.0-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128082] armhf build of haskell-wai-app-file-cgi 3.1.10-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128105] arm64 build of haskell-yesod-persistent in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128037] s390x build of haskell-http-download in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128031] s390x build of haskell-hoogle in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128049] s390x build of haskell-musicbrainz 0.4.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128043] s390x build of haskell-mime-mail-ses 0.4.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128112] armhf build of haskell-yesod-static in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128123] arm64 build of xmobar 0.46-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128117] arm64 build of mediawiki2latex 8.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128111] arm64 build of haskell-yesod-static in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128055] s390x build of haskell-pandoc 3.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128124] armhf build of xmobar 0.46-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128118] armhf build of mediawiki2latex 8.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128085] s390x build of haskell-wai-app-file-cgi 3.1.10-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128067] s390x build of haskell-servant-server 0.19.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128073] s390x build of haskell-tldr 0.9.2-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128061] s390x build of haskell-scotty 0.12.1+dfsg-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128079] s390x build of haskell-twitter-conduit 0.6.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128091] s390x build of haskell-wai-websockets in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128097] s390x build of haskell-yesod-default 1.2.0-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128121] s390x build of mediawiki2latex 8.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128103] s390x build of haskell-yesod-newsfeed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128109] s390x build of haskell-yesod-persistent in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128115] s390x build of haskell-yesod-static in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127976] riscv64 build of haskell-authenticate in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128127] s390x build of xmobar 0.46-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127982] riscv64 build of haskell-aws 0.24.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127988] riscv64 build of haskell-casa-client 0.0.2-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29127994] riscv64 build of haskell-fb in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128000] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-atk 2.0.27-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128006] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-dbusmenu 0.4.13-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128012] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-gio 2.0.32-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128018] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-harfbuzz 0.0.9-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128030] riscv64 build of haskell-hoogle in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128024] riscv64 build of haskell-hoauth2 2.8.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128036] riscv64 build of haskell-http-download in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128042] riscv64 build of haskell-mime-mail-ses 0.4.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128048] riscv64 build of haskell-musicbrainz 0.4.1-4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128054] riscv64 build of haskell-pandoc 3.1.3-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128060] riscv64 build of haskell-scotty 0.12.1+dfsg-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128066] riscv64 build of haskell-servant-server 0.19.2-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128072] riscv64 build of haskell-tldr 0.9.2-5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128078] riscv64 build of haskell-twitter-conduit 0.6.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128084] riscv64 build of haskell-wai-app-file-cgi 3.1.10-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128090] riscv64 build of haskell-wai-websockets in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128096] riscv64 build of haskell-yesod-default 1.2.0-13 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128102] riscv64 build of haskell-yesod-newsfeed in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128108] riscv64 build of haskell-yesod-persistent in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128114] riscv64 build of haskell-yesod-static in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128120] riscv64 build of mediawiki2latex 8.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128126] riscv64 build of xmobar 0.46-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128267] s390x build of haskell-pandoc-lua-engine in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128255] s390x build of haskell-hakyll in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128273] s390x build of haskell-pantry 0.8.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128246] armhf build of haskell-gi-pango 1.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128243] s390x build of haskell-gi-gdkpixbuf 2.0.31-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128250] amd64 build of haskell-hakyll in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128244] amd64 build of haskell-gi-pango 1.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128234] armhf build of debug-me 1.20221231-2.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128240] armhf build of haskell-gi-gdkpixbuf 2.0.31-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128247] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-pango 1.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128241] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-gdkpixbuf 2.0.31-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128253] ppc64el build of haskell-hakyll in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128259] ppc64el build of haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128232] amd64 build of debug-me 1.20221231-2.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128245] arm64 build of haskell-gi-pango 1.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128251] arm64 build of haskell-hakyll in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128293] arm64 build of patat in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128249] s390x build of haskell-gi-pango 1.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128264] armhf build of haskell-pandoc-lua-engine in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128258] armhf build of haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128252] armhf build of haskell-hakyll in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128283] ppc64el build of haskell-yesod-form 1.7.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128277] ppc64el build of haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128292] amd64 build of patat in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128262] amd64 build of haskell-pandoc-lua-engine in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128286] amd64 build of mighttpd2 4.0.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128263] arm64 build of haskell-pandoc-lua-engine in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128239] arm64 build of haskell-gi-gdkpixbuf 2.0.31-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128257] arm64 build of haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128235] ppc64el build of debug-me 1.20221231-2.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128233] arm64 build of debug-me 1.20221231-2.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128282] armhf build of haskell-yesod-form 1.7.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128274] amd64 build of haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128256] amd64 build of haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128268] amd64 build of haskell-pantry 0.8.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128238] amd64 build of haskell-gi-gdkpixbuf 2.0.31-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128280] amd64 build of haskell-yesod-form 1.7.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128295] ppc64el build of patat in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128271] ppc64el build of haskell-pantry 0.8.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128269] arm64 build of haskell-pantry 0.8.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128289] ppc64el build of mighttpd2 4.0.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128281] arm64 build of haskell-yesod-form 1.7.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128288] armhf build of mighttpd2 4.0.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128287] arm64 build of mighttpd2 4.0.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128294] armhf build of patat in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128275] arm64 build of haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128276] armhf build of haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128270] armhf build of haskell-pantry 0.8.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128279] s390x build of haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128261] s390x build of haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128237] s390x build of debug-me 1.20221231-2.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128291] s390x build of mighttpd2 4.0.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128285] s390x build of haskell-yesod-form 1.7.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128297] s390x build of patat in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126427] amd64 build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126432] s390x build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126429] armhf build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126430] ppc64el build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126428] arm64 build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128236] riscv64 build of debug-me 1.20221231-2.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126335] s390x build of plasma-desktop 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126332] armhf build of plasma-desktop 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126330] amd64 build of plasma-desktop 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126333] ppc64el build of plasma-desktop 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128242] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-gdkpixbuf 2.0.31-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29126331] arm64 build of plasma-desktop 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128248] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-pango 1.0.29-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128254] riscv64 build of haskell-hakyll in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128260] riscv64 build of haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128312] s390x build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128307] amd64 build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128310] ppc64el build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128309] armhf build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128308] arm64 build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128266] riscv64 build of haskell-pandoc-lua-engine in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128272] riscv64 build of haskell-pantry 0.8.3-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128278] riscv64 build of haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128284] riscv64 build of haskell-yesod-form 1.7.6-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128290] riscv64 build of mighttpd2 4.0.3-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128296] riscv64 build of patat in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128333] s390x build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128328] amd64 build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128329] arm64 build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128330] armhf build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128331] ppc64el build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128353] s390x build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128348] amd64 build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128350] armhf build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128351] ppc64el build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128349] arm64 build of powerdevil 4:6.1.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa4 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4984]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128392] amd64 build of haskell-pandoc-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128411] amd64 build of haskell-yesod-auth in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128417] amd64 build of haskell-yesod-test 1.6.16-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128404] amd64 build of haskell-yesod in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128428] s390x build of lambdabot in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128422] s390x build of haskell-yesod-test 1.6.16-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128409] s390x build of haskell-yesod in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128416] s390x build of haskell-yesod-auth in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128397] s390x build of haskell-pandoc-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128403] s390x build of haskell-stack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128398] amd64 build of haskell-stack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128423] amd64 build of lambdabot in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128424] arm64 build of lambdabot in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128400] armhf build of haskell-stack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128405] arm64 build of haskell-yesod in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128394] armhf build of haskell-pandoc-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128412] arm64 build of haskell-yesod-auth in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128418] arm64 build of haskell-yesod-test 1.6.16-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128425] armhf build of lambdabot in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128407] ppc64el build of haskell-yesod in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128426] ppc64el build of lambdabot in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128432] ppc64el build of pandoc 3.1.3+ds-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128434] s390x build of pandoc 3.1.3+ds-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128401] ppc64el build of haskell-stack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128395] ppc64el build of haskell-pandoc-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128406] armhf build of haskell-yesod in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128413] armhf build of haskell-yesod-auth in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128393] arm64 build of haskell-pandoc-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128419] armhf build of haskell-yesod-test 1.6.16-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128399] arm64 build of haskell-stack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128414] ppc64el build of haskell-yesod-auth in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128420] ppc64el build of haskell-yesod-test 1.6.16-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128429] amd64 build of pandoc 3.1.3+ds-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128430] arm64 build of pandoc 3.1.3+ds-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128431] armhf build of pandoc 3.1.3+ds-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128396] riscv64 build of haskell-pandoc-server in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128402] riscv64 build of haskell-stack in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128408] riscv64 build of haskell-yesod in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128415] riscv64 build of haskell-yesod-auth in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128421] riscv64 build of haskell-yesod-test 1.6.16-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128427] riscv64 build of lambdabot in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128433] riscv64 build of pandoc 3.1.3+ds-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128439] riscv64 build of xmonad-contrib 0.18.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128445] riscv64 build of xmonad-wallpaper in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128623] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-gdkx11 3.0.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128605] ppc64el build of ganeti 3.0.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128642] ppc64el build of haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128611] ppc64el build of git-annex 10.20240430-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128629] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-gtk 3.0.41-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128639] amd64 build of haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128614] amd64 build of gitit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128608] amd64 build of git-annex 10.20240430-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128602] amd64 build of ganeti 3.0.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128632] amd64 build of haskell-hledger-web 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128657] amd64 build of pkg-haskell-tools 0.12.5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128617] ppc64el build of gitit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128635] ppc64el build of haskell-hledger-web 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128671] armhf build of xmonad-extras 0.17.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128670] arm64 build of xmonad-extras 0.17.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128665] armhf build of shellcheck 0.10.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128664] arm64 build of shellcheck 0.10.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128644] s390x build of haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128619] s390x build of gitit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128613] s390x build of git-annex 10.20240430-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128625] s390x build of haskell-gi-gdkx11 3.0.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128607] s390x build of ganeti 3.0.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128631] s390x build of haskell-gi-gtk 3.0.41-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128637] s390x build of haskell-hledger-web 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128645] amd64 build of haskell-yesod-auth-oauth 1.6.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128626] amd64 build of haskell-gi-gtk 3.0.41-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128669] amd64 build of xmonad-extras 0.17.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128663] amd64 build of shellcheck 0.10.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128651] amd64 build of pandoc-citeproc-preamble 1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128620] amd64 build of haskell-gi-gdkx11 3.0.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128672] ppc64el build of xmonad-extras 0.17.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128654] ppc64el build of pandoc-citeproc-preamble 1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128648] ppc64el build of haskell-yesod-auth-oauth 1.6.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128660] ppc64el build of pkg-haskell-tools 0.12.5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128666] ppc64el build of shellcheck 0.10.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128628] armhf build of haskell-gi-gtk 3.0.41-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128622] armhf build of haskell-gi-gdkx11 3.0.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128609] arm64 build of git-annex 10.20240430-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128650] s390x build of haskell-yesod-auth-oauth 1.6.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128621] arm64 build of haskell-gi-gdkx11 3.0.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128633] arm64 build of haskell-hledger-web 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128604] armhf build of ganeti 3.0.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128627] arm64 build of haskell-gi-gtk 3.0.41-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128610] armhf build of git-annex 10.20240430-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128603] arm64 build of ganeti 3.0.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128615] arm64 build of gitit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128616] armhf build of gitit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128652] arm64 build of pandoc-citeproc-preamble 1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128658] arm64 build of pkg-haskell-tools 0.12.5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128653] armhf build of pandoc-citeproc-preamble 1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128634] armhf build of haskell-hledger-web 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128640] arm64 build of haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128647] armhf build of haskell-yesod-auth-oauth 1.6.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128659] armhf build of pkg-haskell-tools 0.12.5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128646] arm64 build of haskell-yesod-auth-oauth 1.6.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128641] armhf build of haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128656] s390x build of pandoc-citeproc-preamble 1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128662] s390x build of pkg-haskell-tools 0.12.5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128668] s390x build of shellcheck 0.10.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128674] s390x build of xmonad-extras 0.17.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128612] riscv64 build of git-annex 10.20240430-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128624] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-gdkx11 3.0.15-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128606] riscv64 build of ganeti 3.0.2-3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128618] riscv64 build of gitit in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128630] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-gtk 3.0.41-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128636] riscv64 build of haskell-hledger-web 1.30-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128643] riscv64 build of haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128655] riscv64 build of pandoc-citeproc-preamble 1.7-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128661] riscv64 build of pkg-haskell-tools 0.12.5 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128649] riscv64 build of haskell-yesod-auth-oauth 1.6.1-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128667] riscv64 build of shellcheck 0.10.0-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29128673] riscv64 build of xmonad-extras 0.17.0-2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129151] s390x build of haskell-gi-dbusmenugtk3 0.4.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129152] amd64 build of haskell-gi-gtk-hs 0.3.16-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129158] amd64 build of haskell-gi-vte 2.91.31-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129146] amd64 build of haskell-gi-dbusmenugtk3 0.4.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129147] arm64 build of haskell-gi-dbusmenugtk3 0.4.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129167] ppc64el build of haskell-gtk-strut in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129155] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-gtk-hs 0.3.16-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129149] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-dbusmenugtk3 0.4.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129169] s390x build of haskell-gtk-strut in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129164] amd64 build of haskell-gtk-strut in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129157] s390x build of haskell-gi-gtk-hs 0.3.16-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129161] ppc64el build of haskell-gi-vte 2.91.31-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129159] arm64 build of haskell-gi-vte 2.91.31-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129163] s390x build of haskell-gi-vte 2.91.31-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129165] arm64 build of haskell-gtk-strut in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129150] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-dbusmenugtk3 0.4.14-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129156] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-gtk-hs 0.3.16-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129162] riscv64 build of haskell-gi-vte 2.91.31-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129168] riscv64 build of haskell-gtk-strut in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129245] s390x build of haskell-gtk-sni-tray in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129240] amd64 build of haskell-gtk-sni-tray in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129241] arm64 build of haskell-gtk-sni-tray in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129246] amd64 build of taffybar 4.0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129252] amd64 build of haskell-termonad in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129255] ppc64el build of haskell-termonad in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129249] ppc64el build of taffybar 4.0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129247] arm64 build of taffybar 4.0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129257] s390x build of haskell-termonad in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129243] ppc64el build of haskell-gtk-sni-tray in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129251] s390x build of taffybar 4.0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129253] arm64 build of haskell-termonad in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129244] riscv64 build of haskell-gtk-sni-tray in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129250] riscv64 build of taffybar 4.0.1-1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Build #29129256] riscv64 build of haskell-termonad in ubuntu oracular RELEASE [~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4986]
Launchpad Buildd System
- [Bug 1533631] Re: dhclient killed when DHCPv6 lease is out-of date
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/software-properties:drivers-hang into software-properties:ubuntu/master
Nathan Teodosio
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:b-proerror into update-manager:ubuntu/bionic
Nathan Teodosio
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:b-proerror into update-manager:ubuntu/bionic
Nathan Teodosio
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:lp2041831 into update-manager:main
Nathan Teodosio
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:lp2041831 into update-manager:main
Nathan Teodosio
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:lp2041831-noble into update-manager:ubuntu/noble
Nathan Teodosio
- [Bug 2078273] Re: Please remove digikam from NBS architectures
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 2078639] Re: The update crashes at the same place. I have looked but cannot find any non-Ubuntu apps that may cause a problem
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 2078639] Re: The update crashes at the same place. I have looked but cannot find any non-Ubuntu apps that may cause a problem
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 2076929] Re: [SRU] Rebuild cd-boot-images-{amd64, arm64} against new shim
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 2076929] Re: [SRU] Rebuild cd-boot-images-{amd64, arm64} against new shim
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1945879] Re: pk-debconf-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in pk_client_helper_copy_stdout_cb()
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 2079817] Re: Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 2079817] Re: Jammy to Noble ubuntu studio upgrade fails
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1384384] Re: memory leak - /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-keyboard-service --use-gtk
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 2055388] Re: suspected memory leak with indicator-keyboard (causing gnome-session-flashback to freeze after startup)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 2081977] [NEW] Installation of 24.04.1 as Guest in Hyper-V vm stalls during first Boot
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 2063895] Re: Multiple plymouth themes display wrong keyboard layout for decryption due to outdated keymap-render.png
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 2060933] Re: QUECTEL 4G SIM, Invalid Transition Error on ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 12 with Ubuntu 24.04
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 2063895] Re: Multiple plymouth themes display wrong keyboard layout for decryption due to outdated keymap-render.png
Ubuntu QA Website
- [Bug 2076929] Update Released
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Merge] ~waveform/meta-release:jammy-point-5-json into meta-release:main
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:migrate-core-desktop-as-core-subproject into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:migrate-core-desktop-as-core-subproject into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Merge] ~hyask/meta-release:skia/fix_wrong_timestamp into meta-release:main
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Merge] ~mwhudson/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:update-models into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Merge] ~mwhudson/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:update-models into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Merge] ~hyask/meta-release:skia/fix_wrong_timestamp into meta-release:main
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Merge] ~hyask/meta-release:skia/fix_wrong_timestamp into meta-release:main
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Merge] ~zhhuabj/ubuntu/+source/octavia:bobcat_2023.2 into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/octavia:stable/2023.2
Hua Zhang
- [Bug 2060933] Re: QUECTEL 4G SIM, Invalid Transition Error on ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 12 with Ubuntu 24.04
- [Bug 2060933] Re: QUECTEL 4G SIM, Invalid Transition Error on ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 12 with Ubuntu 24.04
- [Bug 2060933] Re: QUECTEL 4G SIM, Invalid Transition Error on ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 12 with Ubuntu 24.04
- [Bug 2060933] Re: QUECTEL 4G SIM, Invalid Transition Error on ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 12 with Ubuntu 24.04
- [Bug 2051398] Re: [BPO] PackageKit/1.2.5 from jammy
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:unity-import-crash into update-manager:main
mp+469096 at
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:b-proerror into update-manager:ubuntu/bionic
mp+469197 at
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:j-proerror into update-manager:ubuntu/jammy
mp+469199 at
- [Merge] ~liushuyu-011/ubuntu-seeds/+git/i386:oracular into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/i386:oracular
mp+471489 at
- [Merge] ~hyask/meta-release:skia/fix_wrong_timestamp into meta-release:main
mp+471699 at
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/google-compute-engine-oslogin:update-bionic-to-20240701.00 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/google-compute-engine-oslogin:ubuntu/bionic
mp+471854 at
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/gce-compute-image-packages:update-bionic-to-20240607.00 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/gce-compute-image-packages:ubuntu/bionic
mp+471860 at
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/gce-compute-image-packages:update-xenial-to-20240607.00 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/gce-compute-image-packages:ubuntu/xenial
mp+471861 at
- [Merge] ~kajiya/+git/google-compute-engine-oslogin:update-xenial-to-20240701.00 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/google-compute-engine-oslogin:ubuntu/xenial
mp+471868 at
- [Merge] ~jchittum/livecd-rootfs:jammy-cpc-sbom-everywhere into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/jammy
mp+472144 at
- [Merge] ~jchittum/livecd-rootfs:focal-cpc-sbom-everywhere into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/focal
mp+472148 at
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:lp-2078980 into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
mp+472605 at
- [Merge] ~rastersoft-gmail/livecd-rootfs:migrate-core-desktop-as-core-subproject into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
mp+472653 at
- [Merge] ~juliank/ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble into ubuntu-release-upgrader:ubuntu/noble
mp+472686 at
- [Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:minimal-layer-kernel into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
mp+472992 at
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds:oracular into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
mp+472993 at
- [Merge] ~waveform/meta-release:jammy-point-5-json into meta-release:main
mp+473147 at
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds:desktop-no-ship-live-kernel into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
mp+473171 at
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:lp-2080272 into ~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-mate:oracular
mp+473181 at
- [Merge] ~ubuntustudio-dev/casper:main into casper:main
mp+473183 at
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds/+git/edubuntu:lp-2080272 into ~edubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/edubuntu:oracular
mp+473233 at
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntustudio:lp-2080272 into ~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntustudio:oracular
mp+473236 at
- [Merge] ~cpete/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:kdump-tools-installed-by-default into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
mp+473312 at
- [Merge] ~cpete/livecd-rootfs:fix-naive-kdump-config-modification into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
mp+473411 at
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:lp2041831 into update-manager:main
mp+473514 at
- [Merge] ~utkarsh/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:6-11-apparmor-mismatch into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
mp+473522 at
- [Merge] ~hyask/whoopsie:skia/fix_ftbfs into whoopsie:main
mp+473530 at
- [Merge] ~chad.smith/livecd-rootfs:cloud-init-network-nm-override into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
mp+473594 at
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64:amd64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64:amd64
mp+473737 at
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-arm64:arm64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-arm64:arm64
mp+473738 at
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-riscv64:riscv64 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-riscv64:riscv64
mp+473739 at
- [Merge] ~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-ppc64el:ppc64el into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-ppc64el:ppc64el
mp+473740 at
- [Merge] ~nteodosio/update-manager:lp2041831-noble into update-manager:ubuntu/noble
mp+473743 at
- [Merge] ~jadonn/ubuntu/+source/aodh:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/aodh:master
mp+473760 at
- [Merge] ~jadonn/ubuntu/+source/cinder:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/cinder:master
mp+473766 at
- [Merge] ~jadonn/ubuntu/+source/designate:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/designate:master
mp+473767 at
- [Merge] ~mwhudson/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs:update-models into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master
mp+473787 at
- [Merge] ~dbungert/ubuntu-seeds:subiquity-track-24.10 into ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu:oracular
mp+473854 at
- [Merge] ~mylesjp/ubuntu/+source/magnum:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/magnum:master
mp+473865 at
- [Merge] ~mylesjp/ubuntu/+source/glance:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/glance:master
mp+473867 at
- [Merge] ~mylesjp/ubuntu/+source/designate-dashboard:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/designate-dashboard:master
mp+473871 at
- [Merge] ~mylesjp/ubuntu/+source/masakari:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/masakari:master
mp+473872 at
- [Merge] ~mylesjp/ubuntu/+source/heat-dashboard:master into ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/heat-dashboard:master
mp+474021 at
- [CI build #109678] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/ironic/+git/ironic:3c51a66dd833dc2db1afcdd1c840218c275a5541
noreply at
- [CI build #109904] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/swift/+git/swift:7d7fb79b3de1df29324bd1b9765bdea336817e22
noreply at
- [CI build #110326] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/+git/update-manager:845cbc3b7beac02efde8442afc65717fb9b1dc7a
noreply at
- [recipe build #3784933] of ~ubuntustudio-dev ubuntustudio-icon-theme-daily in bionic: Dependency wait
noreply at
- [recipe build #3784934] of ~ubuntustudio-dev ubuntustudio-icon-theme-daily in focal: Dependency wait
noreply at
- [CI build #110594] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/+git/update-manager:e3e6d02d624d4e000328a6ac9904fbb68a4543f5
noreply at
- [CI build #110605] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/+git/update-manager:f26b4a1d6cd778f45b210ac7fe011627547e4616
noreply at
- [CI build #113271] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/designate/+git/designate:296941bad07e86a7375f38c30217977a76a5aeca
noreply at
- [CI build #113273] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/gnocchi/+git/gnocchi:15a630798e2425bfa39f0cf271aef76be85bf9dc
noreply at
- [CI build #113272] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/glance/+git/glance:420d5d1bda19141f67318f061a132b892b2b2300
noreply at
- [CI build #113274] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/heat/+git/heat:9ae7d7de88db6806dff87a1e9fd227bd9653a235
noreply at
- [CI build #113275] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/keystone/+git/keystone:469a1e44b30c35c0ad303a83b774454589fc82f5
noreply at
- [CI build #113276] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/magnum/+git/magnum:e37c867dcd80809b17c6f82bb56585fd717d4d47
noreply at
- [CI build #113277] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/manila/+git/manila:ab73b2295732b06af089c95246bc11b593975e64
noreply at
- [CI build #113278] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/murano/+git/murano:dbda46f3809c0ee004962c08389e7fd9b6dce6ca
noreply at
- [CI build #113282] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/networking-hyperv/+git/networking-hyperv:75f5fdb681dfad2ccefeaca15caa1ec604b7b2a8
noreply at
- [CI build #113281] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/networking-arista/+git/networking-arista:0b0641d45bd06b6bb2ac705168e51fa4d32cba4b
noreply at
- [CI build #113279] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/murano-agent/+git/murano-agent:6c5b84a7540766f4bc05ec878a2769b6cea788ca
noreply at
- [CI build #113283] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/networking-l2gw/+git/networking-l2gw:0c346c9b62adb6db2638d6dbe46ae7a291799b72
noreply at
- [CI build #113286] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/nova/+git/nova:d885bd0d503da9003fd2b3266b71aba62880e2fe
noreply at
- [CI build #113280] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/murano-dashboard/+git/murano-dashboard:50c4b25e5904bae73eba52553fea10039adc6537
noreply at
- [CI build #113284] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/networking-mlnx/+git/networking-mlnx:fd99b180a89669c65bad43d125795a19a39da582
noreply at
- [CI build #113285] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+git/neutron:18c474fc98079cdbe9e69d70f3d4c086dd8a3a68
noreply at
- [CI build #113287] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/octavia/+git/octavia:8a5547cfa5bced6d592ff29bdb45cf6e9a192766
noreply at
- [CI build #113288] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/openstack-trove/+git/openstack-trove:6fc34b1b36f7869a47e53a87a1240982d336b375
noreply at
- [CI build #113290] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/placement/+git/placement:bfadb962e2015e061186337bd751f0b2b0998336
noreply at
- [CI build #113289] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/panko/+git/panko:2b98902d1d5b33682a34455a09362fca4d7253d2
noreply at
- [CI build #113291] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-ceilometerclient/+git/python-ceilometerclient:2198f0e2b89e73f73f56d6ad319ff6912a7e61d5
noreply at
- [CI build #113293] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-dracclient/+git/python-dracclient:616c896681454eaa2a2e0e5cfa509ad260b68a50
noreply at
- [CI build #113292] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-diskimage-builder/+git/python-diskimage-builder:02739ee6209ccce143dd410325cd3b0223694ec0
noreply at
- [CI build #113294] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-ibmcclient/+git/python-ibmcclient:8710e7b7e2359d49784fdde6b8020ce78a42d00e
noreply at
- [CI build #113295] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-monasca-statsd/+git/python-monasca-statsd:f32916ab5ddd9232ce530799921a885817707377
noreply at
- [CI build #113296] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-monascaclient/+git/python-monascaclient:2e726a7e2a01bf301fd7cf505ed9dfb1e36882e4
noreply at
- [CI build #113297] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-os-api-ref/+git/python-os-api-ref:63f7d56908fdd5b0a0718d99e023d619abef5967
noreply at
- [CI build #113298] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-os-client-config/+git/python-os-client-config:add65d5bdcc2f3b2360a692072456722052b30d3
noreply at
- [CI build #113300] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-os-service-types/+git/python-os-service-types:45e1d77f5e6f59a2a07022ff4fe6042ec324dc53
noreply at
- [CI build #113301] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-os-testr/+git/python-os-testr:1b812e759103097c9d141c6b63472d7fe3844423
noreply at
- [CI build #113299] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-os-resource-classes/+git/python-os-resource-classes:919f6c9dd40677cd9c670cd852898fdcb3c79519
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- [CI build #113303] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-os-win/+git/python-os-win:88329054de0d76ea22d82353cbbee57f45608982
noreply at
- [CI build #113302] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-os-traits/+git/python-os-traits:ac99da8bfaee6be54cb65c89d51ffb372acc6d9c
noreply at
- [CI build #113304] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-os-xenapi/+git/python-os-xenapi:5742cd4c19edd974c8ebd78e1e58f2d093489c3d
noreply at
- [CI build #113305] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-oslotest/+git/python-oslotest:4308d82230b8590fc474315bd88e772391e74207
noreply at
- [CI build #113312] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-searchlightclient/+git/python-searchlightclient:32c5e66bd3ad479fb3e027b02c1c2966fe7e6c4e
noreply at
- [CI build #113310] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-scciclient/+git/python-scciclient:e664603434d388aa1e97ed3fc8cc170d8840b4a8
noreply at
- [CI build #113307] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-pbr/+git/python-pbr:cef9765b86fdea8acd76a13da6fc4b222fd7c241
noreply at
- [CI build #113306] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-pankoclient/+git/python-pankoclient:407288d89170ebdcc5a6e75ef4d3fc0011cebc63
noreply at
- [CI build #113308] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-proliantutils/+git/python-proliantutils:5c6f2fba5fee91b3a8fdf604da81862fc22e8a8c
noreply at
- [CI build #113311] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-saharaclient/+git/python-saharaclient:6d8444d011cc130f0a01d2956ec3d09928248c0c
noreply at
- [CI build #113314] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-sushy-oem-idrac/+git/python-sushy-oem-idrac:71e84c3e279e1430667c0e33a6f6c1329be2fd0e
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- [CI build #113313] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-senlinclient/+git/python-senlinclient:b6b7ec75b7b45f1ef67b786834904c2080e998d5
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- [CI build #113309] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-qinlingclient/+git/python-qinlingclient:a9f558c9719beeea7f6783c7c03ed1d1fde789b6
noreply at
- [CI build #113316] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-xclarityclient/+git/python-xclarityclient:4793c8609c57cbb0dd7511c6ecb59a25420ee036
noreply at
- [CI build #113315] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/python-vmware-nsxlib/+git/python-vmware-nsxlib:f48d56cf8784dfdbca8e0c9f5072f1cde8062428
noreply at
- [CI build #113318] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/sahara-dashboard/+git/sahara-dashboard:fbd15fac75a4a376bb9121dccde215909f80c006
noreply at
- [CI build #113317] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/sahara/+git/sahara:5d006ff870aa7e27a294ebae0f7681f52a7fa7a6
noreply at
- [CI build #113320] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/sahara-plugin-vanilla/+git/sahara-plugin-vanilla:87a97bc00dd6e723df5bb4da68091d809cc848cf
noreply at
- [CI build #113319] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/sahara-plugin-spark/+git/sahara-plugin-spark:46f305ef951ffb4d46611cf21c0a3fd49ec25c50
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- [CI build #113322] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/stevedore/+git/stevedore:ad4f6a245b86c4f4be79052e2af0357b2e1f5665
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- [CI build #113321] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/senlin/+git/senlin:ad23e0db03fae8a5c6331276cbd07e5d3f848218
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- [CI build #113323] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/swift/+git/swift:efb0e1019df7266d2945698dd5c12a5f464f2c0d
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- [CI build #113324] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/trove-dashboard/+git/trove-dashboard:abe2ea0213ffaee55ca652ded787c21c0c7c731b
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- [CI build #113326] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/watcher/+git/watcher:f7514fb6b00d1b25657f8da15539c86ff83d42ba
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- [CI build #113327] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/zaqar/+git/zaqar:6d8411c43780f4f40170580c13c3f1a055f37a12
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- [CI build #113325] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/vmware-nsx/+git/vmware-nsx:dd997e3495eef72d28c6bf2faf41ffa7dc362f23
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- [CI build #113696] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/stevedore/+git/stevedore:31e98677c95ea1acf16c3e6bb982fa10b062400a
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- [CI build #113699] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/designate/+git/designate:19ee8de3a0a157a9ffd655b5015e9059fee32730
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- [CI build #113712] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/watcher/+git/watcher:6bc18e1baccc43f71cb745b483e89dfecd472b0e
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- [CI build #113713] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/swift/+git/swift:d2d6c0c175a1ef87f397eb4f1c96825308fc4541
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- [CI build #113718] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/placement/+git/placement:cd3042d2f43923bf742318d521ae8dc7337e9eab
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- [CI build #113725] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/keystone/+git/keystone:b808bd4543011cf1367ac070d31cbebb284f89ea
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- [CI build #113728] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+git/neutron:998cbefbe7a5075e532e908a4d5e1eb167a1ff60
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- [CI build #113732] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/ironic/+git/ironic:fefcc6576832b732c853ae94b7fd67e9c368995a
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- [CI build #113739] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+git/neutron:4ea5d15db2ee14849c9d4c50b37f44f2c5302d1b
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- [CI build #113745] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/placement/+git/placement:4397497f1e7763e53ed8cf947ef3e1ef4628cc7c
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- [CI build #113906] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/glance/+git/glance:16819a6ca54a84b78046ffa811b834a8a2d0d718
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- [CI build #113912] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/magnum/+git/magnum:ab630961be29670a6fc1b6899f87908eed9f1325
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- [CI build #113921] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/glance/+git/glance:558c1d0576813bc7e1ada8cb04ee8841ff2e32a5
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- [CI build #113939] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/octavia/+git/octavia:a4a5496424206a5e0337709986b0b5d1d9c97ebe
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- [CI build #113945] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/manila/+git/manila:a8f688297eb80c9dfdccfd702c431ac888f9cfc1
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- [CI build #113984] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/zaqar/+git/zaqar:8e5a970f3d8f7f2131ee1c34997375d87a541de5
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- [CI build #114016] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/trove-dashboard/+git/trove-dashboard:8799df4ef4cc9449bb722c621fae8cdc2e5731e2
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- [CI build #114277] amd64 CI build of ~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/heat/+git/heat:864d4f975672ba2e27a292cbce605356b3743e00
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- kubuntu-dev joined kubuntu-iso-managers
Kubuntu ISO managers
- [Bug 2081604] pk-debconf-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_loop_run()
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 2081604] Stacktrace.txt
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 2081604] StacktraceSource.txt
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 2081604] ThreadStacktrace.txt
Apport retracing service
Last message date:
Mon Sep 30 16:23:12 UTC 2024
Archived on: Mon Sep 30 16:30:31 UTC 2024
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