[Merge] ~hyask/ubuntu-dev-tools:skia/i-b-f-d_multipart into ubuntu-dev-tools:main
Mattia Rizzolo
mp+468091 at code.launchpad.net
Thu Jul 11 20:08:49 UTC 2024
Review: Needs Information
Hello Skia,
thank you for this proposed MR!
This is pretty much what I envisioned a few years back (in the MRs you found), so I'd say that this is overall very good.
Could you please come back to me on these 3 small points before merging?
Diff comments:
> diff --git a/import-bug-from-debian b/import-bug-from-debian
> index 5d0fd7f..8c3623a 100755
> --- a/import-bug-from-debian
> +++ b/import-bug-from-debian
> @@ -118,7 +118,41 @@ def main():
> bug_num = bug.bug_num
> subject = bug.subject
> log = debianbts.get_bug_log(bug_num)
> - summary = log[0]["message"].get_payload()
> + message = log[0]["message"]
> + attachments = []
> + if message.is_multipart():
> + summary = ""
> + i = 1
> + for part in message.walk():
> + content_type = part.get_content_type()
> + if content_type.startswith("multipart/"):
> + # we're already iterating on multipart items, let's just skip the multipart extra metadata
> + continue
It has been a while since I touched emails in Python, however ISTR that attached emails are sometimes represented as multipart/ pieces. I could be wrong however.
> + elif content_type == "application/pgp-signature":
> + continue
> + elif part.is_attachment():
> + attachments.append((i, part))
> + elif content_type.startswith("image/"):
> + # images here are not attachment, they are inline, but Launchpad can't handle that,
> + # so let's add them as attachments
> + summary += f"Message part #{i}\n"
> + summary += f"[inline image '{part.get_filename()}']\n\n"
> + attachments.append((i, part))
> + elif content_type == "text/plain":
> + summary += f"Message part #{i}\n"
> + summary += part.get_content()
> + else:
> + raise RuntimeError(
> + f"""Unknown message part
> +Your Debian bug is too weird to be imported in Launchpad, sorry.
> +You can fix that by patching this script in ubuntu-dev-tools.
> +Faulty message part:
> +{part}"""
> + )
what about text/html ? That's a very common type that I believe you should handle
> + i += 1
> + else:
> + summary = log[0]["message"].get_payload()
> +
> target = ubuntu.getSourcePackage(name=ubupackage)
> if target is None:
> Logger.error(
> @@ -137,12 +171,31 @@ def main():
> Logger.debug("Subject: %s", subject)
> Logger.debug("Description: ")
> Logger.debug(description)
> + for attachment in attachments:
> + i, attachment = attachment
> + Logger.debug(f"Attachment #{i} ({attachment.get_filename()})")
> + Logger.debug("Content:")
> + if attachment.get_content_type() == "text/plain":
> + Logger.debug(attachment.get_content())
this is going to make the terminal horrible if you are handling a big log file or something. If you really believe dumping the attachment content is useful, at least clamp it after a sensible number of characters.
> + else:
> + Logger.debug("[data]")
> if options.dry_run:
> Logger.info("Dry-Run: not creating Ubuntu bug.")
> continue
> u_bug = launchpad.bugs.createBug(target=target, title=subject, description=description)
> + for i, attachment in attachments:
> + name = f"#{i}-{attachment.get_filename()}"
> + content = attachment.get_content()
> + if isinstance(content, str):
> + # Launchpad only wants bytes
> + content = content.encode()
> + u_bug.addAttachment(
> + filename=name,
> + data=content,
> + comment=f"Imported from Debian bug http://bugs.debian.org/{bug_num}",
> + )
> d_sp = debian.getSourcePackage(name=package)
> if d_sp is None and options.package:
> d_sp = debian.getSourcePackage(name=options.package)
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