[Merge] ~edubuntu-dev/ubuntu-cdimage:main into ubuntu-cdimage:main

Erich Eickmeyer mp+437167 at code.launchpad.net
Sat Feb 11 18:16:17 UTC 2023

Erich Eickmeyer has proposed merging ~edubuntu-dev/ubuntu-cdimage:main into ubuntu-cdimage:main.

Commit message:
Bring Edubuntu back

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu CD Image Team (ubuntu-cdimage)

For more details, see:

Per https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2023-January/002709.html, work needs to be done in order to bring Edubuntu back. This reverses some of https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage/commit/?id=bd9ef02aadc5edcd1ecb29fdab7f8f9110928a61 with the exception of precise and kubuntu-active. I also kept-out some other pieces which seemed to be unnecessary, but perhaps those are.

Additionally, there may be more tweaking that needs to be done beyond this MP, so this MP might even be incomplete. I welcome any and all feedback, and will tweak as necessary, and leave it up to whoever needs to tweak as necessary.

Your team Edubuntu Developers is subscribed to branch ~edubuntu-dev/ubuntu-cdimage:main.
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