[Merge] ~dbungert/livecd-rootfs:adt-hang-vagrant into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master

John Chittum mp+449308 at code.launchpad.net
Fri Aug 25 20:32:31 UTC 2023

Review: Approve

sorry, i've been really bad about getting a test run. code wise, seems fine. for anyone following, who isn't hounded by meetings, here are steps that can be run 

## requirements

$ git clone git at github.com:ubuntu-bartenders/ubuntu-old-fashioned.git

follow setup in the readme in scripts/ubuntu-bartender

put the bartender script in your path

## running bartender

$ bartender --livecd-rootfs-dir <LOCAL_DIR_WITH_CHANGE> --build-provider multipass -- --series mantic --project ubuntu-cpc --image-target vagrant

## post build

untar the output
find the .box in the untarred output

$ vagrant box add <PATH_TO_BOX> --name <WHATEVER_NAME>
$ vagrant init <WHATEVER_NAME>
$ vagrant up

The bartender build may _or may not_ reproduce the issue, but you'll get to see if there's a regression.

I'll try to get this done as well, but as you can see, i'm unreliable right now :/

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