[Merge] livecd-rootfs:sil2100/proposed-components into livecd-rootfs:ubuntu/master

Dimitri John Ledkov dimitri.ledkov+lp at canonical.com
Fri Feb 5 12:30:19 UTC 2021

Review: Needs Information

I agree that this is needed, and this will work for Kubuntu images.

But I don't see it helping the preinstalled "ubuntu-cpc" images (aka the preinstalled server riscv64 image).

Because we enable universe, not via COMPONENTS, but via

if [ "$PREINSTALLED" = "true" ]; then
        # Touch a random file that we can refer back to during build,
        # cause that's wildly hackish
        touch config/universe-enabled

i think, not quite sure.

I somehow feel that proposed.list.chroot should be like sensitive to config/universe-enabled stamp file too?

Something like if universe is not in COMPONENTS and/or LB_PARENT_ARCHIVE_AREAS, then if there is config/universe-enabled stampfile also generate universe stanza for proposed.

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