[Merge] ~kondor-dani/compiz:annotate_fix into compiz:master

Daniel Kondor kondor.dani at gmail.com
Thu May 14 14:12:15 UTC 2020

> Please use separate commits for separate problems
> One for enabling painting - that seems main problem why nothing are drawn on
> screen, right?
draw() does nothing without fixing the issue with tool.

I'll create separate commits for these.

> Then fix tool problem as next commit. Looks like draw function has one more
> similar problem - in text drawing case.
Indeed, I haven't tested this.

E.g. calling:

dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.compiz /org/freedesktop/compiz/annotate/screen0/draw org.freedesktop.compiz.activate string:tool string:text string:text string:aaaa string:x double:100.0 string:y double:100.0

prints "Sans" on the screen instead of "aaaa", which is given as a parameter. I'll add a fix for this as well.

> And please remove unneeded empty line removal.
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