[Merge] ~kondor-dani/compiz:annotate_fix into compiz:master

Daniel Kondor kondor.dani at gmail.com
Thu May 14 12:14:26 UTC 2020

Daniel Kondor has proposed merging ~kondor-dani/compiz:annotate_fix into compiz:master.

Commit message:
Proposed fix for LP #1878545

Requested reviews:
  Compiz Maintainers (compiz-team)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1878545 in Compiz: "annotate plugin draw interface not working (e.g. dbus method call)"

For more details, see:

Cause of bug (in plugins/annotate/src/annotate.cpp):
 -- "tool" variable in AnnoScreen::draw() gets overwritten between lines 305 and 322 (is it undefined behavior to save the c_str() of the value returned by CompOption::getStringOptionNamed()?)
 -- AnnoScreen::draw() needs to call handleEventSetEnabled() and glPaintOutputSetEnabled() to actually draw anything on the screen

 -- store tool in a local std::string
 -- add missing calls to ensure result is drawn on the screen

Your team Compiz Maintainers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~kondor-dani/compiz:annotate_fix into compiz:master.
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