[Merge] ~bryce/ubuntu-dev-tools:update-maintainer-recursive into ubuntu-dev-tools:master

Bryce Harrington bryce at bryceharrington.org
Fri Jun 26 17:40:35 UTC 2020

The proposal to merge ~bryce/ubuntu-dev-tools:update-maintainer-recursive into ubuntu-dev-tools:master has been updated.

Description changed to:

Allow running ubuntu-maintainer inside the debian/ directory.

1.  Current default behavior works as before:

  ~/pkg/Nginx/merge-v1.18.0-3/nginx-gu$ ls
  CHANGES  CHANGES.ru  LICENSE  README  auto/  conf/  configure*  contrib/  debian/  html/  man/  src/
  ~/pkg/Nginx/merge-v1.18.0-3/nginx-gu$ update-maintainer
  The Maintainer email is set to an ubuntu.com address. Doing nothing.
$ u-m --help | grep -A2 debian-directory
  -d PATH, --debian-directory=PATH
                        location of the 'debian' directory (default:

2.  New behavior makes it work in debian/ and subdirs (up to 6 levels):

~/pkg/Nginx/merge-v1.18.0-3/nginx-gu$ cd debian/
~/pkg/Nginx/merge-v1.18.0-3/nginx-gu/debian$ u-m
The Maintainer email is set to an ubuntu.com address. Doing nothing.
~/pkg/Nginx/merge-v1.18.0-3/nginx-gu/debian$ update-maintainer --help | grep -A2 debian-directory
  -d PATH, --debian-directory=PATH
                        location of the 'debian' directory (default:

~/pkg/Nginx/merge-v1.18.0-3/nginx-gu/debian/modules/http-subs-filter/test/lib/Test$ update-maintainer
The Maintainer email is set to an ubuntu.com address. Doing nothing.

For more details, see:
Your team Ubuntu Development Team is requested to review the proposed merge of ~bryce/ubuntu-dev-tools:update-maintainer-recursive into ubuntu-dev-tools:master.

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