[Merge] ~lucaskanashiro/ubuntu/+source/rabbitmq-server:merge-focal into ubuntu/+source/rabbitmq-server:debian/sid

Lucas Kanashiro kanashiro at riseup.net
Wed Nov 6 20:34:25 UTC 2019

Lucas Kanashiro has proposed merging ~lucaskanashiro/ubuntu/+source/rabbitmq-server:merge-focal into ubuntu/+source/rabbitmq-server:debian/sid.

Requested reviews:
  Canonical Server Core Reviewers (canonical-server-core-reviewers)
  Ubuntu Server Developers (ubuntu-server-dev)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1808766 in rabbitmq-server (Ubuntu): "fails to start"

For more details, see:

Merge version 3.7.18-1 from Debian. Those are the remaining changes:

    - Resolve issues with startup of RabbitMQ with erlang provided
      epmd daemon (LP: #1808766):
      + d/rabbitmq-server.service: Wants/After epmd.socket, aligning
        with services actually provided by erlang in Ubuntu.
      + d/control: Bump minimum erlang-* package versions to ensure
        compatibility with epmd.socket configuration.

The package builds fine and it was uploaded to this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~lucaskanashiro/+archive/ubuntu/focal-rabbitmq-server-merge/

I ran a basic test to make sure that the package is still working in a focal container:

1 - Install amqp-tools (it contains some helpers to make the interaction with the server side easier):

$ apt install -y amqp-tools

2 -  Created a helper shell script with permission to be executed:

$ cat helper.sh 

read line
echo "Message: $line"

3 - In one shell instance run the script to consume data (it will be blocked waiting for incoming messages):

$ amqp-consume --server --queue "test" --exchange "amq.topic" --vhost "/" --routing-key "topic1" --declare ./helper.sh

4 - In another shell instance run the following command to publish a message:

$ amqp-publish --exchange "amq.topic" --routing-key "topic1" --body "Testing"

You will see "Message: Testing" in the other shell.
Your team Ubuntu Server Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~lucaskanashiro/ubuntu/+source/rabbitmq-server:merge-focal into ubuntu/+source/rabbitmq-server:debian/sid.
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