[Merge] lp:~sil2100/ubuntu-release-upgrader/snap-size-estimation into lp:ubuntu-release-upgrader

Brian Murray brian at ubuntu.com
Mon Aug 12 20:30:19 UTC 2019

Review: Needs Fixing

Thanks for working on this! You'll find some specific comments in line.

Diff comments:

> === modified file 'DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py'
> --- DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py	2019-06-24 18:16:09 +0000
> +++ DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py	2019-08-09 13:15:45 +0000
> @@ -439,51 +449,66 @@
>          if not res:
>              self.controller.abort()
> +    def _calculateSnapSizeRequirements(self):
> +        import json
> +        import urllib.request

Don't forget to update the debian/control file with these deps if they are missing. Actually that would require an SRU to the release from which somebody is upgrading so 18.04 and 19.04.

> +        from urllib.error import URLError
> +
> +        # first fetch the list of snap-deb replacements that will be needed
> +        # and store them for future reference, along with other data we'll
> +        # need in the process
> +        self._prepare_snap_replacement_data()
> +        # now perform direct API calls to the store, requesting size
> +        # information for each of the snaps needing installation
> +        self._view.updateStatus(_("Calculating snap size requirements"))
> +        for snap, snap_object in self._snap_list.items():
> +            if snap_object['command'] != 'install':
> +                continue
> +            action = {
> +                "instance-key": "upgrade-size-check",
> +                "action": "download",
> +                "snap-id": snap_object['snap-id'],
> +                "channel": "stable/ubuntu-%s" % self._to_version,
> +            }
> +            data = {
> +                "context": [],
> +                "actions": [action],
> +            }
> +            req = urllib.request.Request(
> +                url='https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh',
> +                data=bytes(json.dumps(data), encoding='utf-8'))
> +            req.add_header('Snap-Device-Series', '16')

Should the '16' be hard coded i.e. might the number need to change later on?

> +            req.add_header('Content-type', 'application/json')
> +            req.add_header('Snap-Device-Architecture', self.arch)
> +            try:
> +                response = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read()
> +                info = json.loads(response)
> +                size = int(info['results'][0]['snap']['download']['size'])
> +            except (KeyError, URLError, ValueError):
> +                logging.debug("Failed fetching size of snap %s" % snap)
> +                continue
> +            # XXX: Should we substract the deb size?
> +            self.extra_snap_space += size

No, because they do not get removed until after the upgrade is completed so there will need to be space for the deb and snap at the same time.

> +
>      def _replaceDebsWithSnaps(self):
> -        di = distro_info.UbuntuDistroInfo()
> -        try:
> -            fromVersion = \
> -                di.version('%s' % self.controller.fromDist).split()[0]
> -            toVersion = di.version('%s' % self.controller.toDist).split()[0]
> -        # Ubuntu 18.04's python3-distro-info does not have version
> -        except AttributeError:
> -            fromVersion = next((r.version for r in di.get_all("object")
> -                               if r.series == self.controller.fromDist),
> -                               self.controller.fromDist).split()[0]
> -            toVersion = next((r.version for r in di.get_all("object")
> -                             if r.series == self.controller.toDist),
> -                             self.controller.toDist).split()[0]
>          """ install a snap and mark its corresponding package for removal """
>          # gtk-common-themes isn't a package name but is this risky?
> -        snaps = ['core18', 'gnome-3-28-1804', 'gtk-common-themes',
> -                 'gnome-calculator', 'gnome-characters', 'gnome-logs',
> -                 'gnome-system-monitor']
> -        self._view.updateStatus(_("Checking for installed snaps"))
> -        for snap in snaps:
> -            # check to see if the snap is already installed
> -            snap_info = subprocess.Popen(["snap", "info", snap],
> -                                         universal_newlines=True,
> -                                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
> -            self._view.processEvents()
> -            if re.search("^installed: ", snap_info[0], re.MULTILINE):
> -                logging.debug("Snap %s is installed" % snap)
> -                # its not tracking the release channel so don't refresh
> -                if not re.search("^tracking:.*ubuntu-%s" % fromVersion,
> -                                 snap_info[0], re.MULTILINE):
> -                    logging.debug("Snap %s is not tracking the release channel"
> -                                  % snap)
> -                    continue
> -                command = 'refresh'
> +        self._view.updateStatus(_("Processing snap replacements"))
> +        # _snap_list should be populated by the earlier
> +        # _calculateSnapSizeRequirements call.
> +        for snap, snap_object in self._snap_list.items():
> +            command = snap_object['command']
> +            if command == 'refresh':
>                  self._view.updateStatus(_("refreshing snap %s" % snap))
>              else:
> -                command = 'install'
>                  self._view.updateStatus(_("installing snap %s" % snap))

I don't know why "installing" and "refreshing" isn't capitalized here but it seems inconsistent. Could you fix that too?

>              try:
>                  self._view.processEvents()
> -                proc = subprocess.run(["snap", command, "--channel",
> -                                       "stable/ubuntu-%s" % toVersion, snap],
> -                                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
> -                                      check=True)
> +                proc = subprocess.run(
> +                    ["snap", command, "--channel",
> +                     "stable/ubuntu-%s" % self._to_version, snap],
> +                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
> +                    check=True)
>                  self._view.processEvents()
>              except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
>                  logging.debug("%s of snap %s failed" % (command, snap))
> === modified file 'tests/test_quirks.py'
> --- tests/test_quirks.py	2018-08-31 22:46:45 +0000
> +++ tests/test_quirks.py	2019-08-09 13:15:45 +0000
> @@ -229,6 +328,108 @@
>          self.assertEqual(pkgname, "linux-generic-lts-quantal")
> +class TestSnapQuirks(unittest.TestCase):
> +
> +    @mock.patch("subprocess.Popen", MockPopenSnap)
> +    def test_prepare_snap_replacement_data(self):
> +        # Prepare the state for testing
> +        controller = mock.Mock()
> +        controller.fromDist = 'disco'
> +        controller.toDist = 'eoan'
> +        config = mock.Mock()
> +        q = DistUpgradeQuirks(controller, config)
> +        # Call method under test
> +        q._prepare_snap_replacement_data()
> +        self.assertEqual(q._from_version, '19.04')
> +        self.assertEqual(q._to_version, '19.10')
> +        # Check if the right snaps have been detected as installed and
> +        # needing refresh and which ones need installation
> +        self.assertDictEqual(
> +            q._snap_list,
> +            {'core18': {'command': 'install', 'snap-id': '1234'},
> +             'gnome-3-28-1804': {'command': 'install', 'snap-id': '1234'},
> +             'gtk-common-themes': {'command': 'install', 'snap-id': '1234'},
> +             'gnome-calculator': {'command': 'install', 'snap-id': '1234'},
> +             'gnome-characters': {'command': 'install', 'snap-id': '1234'},
> +             'gnome-logs': {'command': 'refresh'},
> +             'gnome-system-monitor': {'command': 'refresh'}})
> +
> +    @mock.patch("DistUpgrade.DistUpgradeQuirks.get_arch")
> +    @mock.patch("urllib.request.urlopen")
> +    def test_calculate_snap_size_requirements(self, urlopen, arch):
> +        # Prepare the state for testing
> +        arch.return_value = 'amd64'
> +        controller = mock.Mock()
> +        config = mock.Mock()
> +        q = DistUpgradeQuirks(controller, config)
> +        # We mock out _prepare_snap_replacement_data(), as this is tested
> +        # separately.
> +        q._prepare_snap_replacement_data = mock.Mock()
> +        q._snap_list = {
> +            'test-snap': {'command': 'install', 'snap-id': '2'},
> +            'gnome-calculator': {'command': 'install', 'snap-id': '1'},
> +            'gnome-system-monitor': {'command': 'refresh'}
> +        }
> +        q._to_version = "19.10"
> +        # Mock out urlopen in such a way that we get a mocked response based
> +        # on the parameters given but also allow us to check call arguments
> +        # etc.
> +        urlopen.side_effect = mock_urlopen_snap
> +        # Call method under test
> +        q._calculateSnapSizeRequirements()
> +        # Check if the size was calculated correctly
> +        self.assertEqual(q.extra_snap_space, 6218880)
> +        # Check if we only sent queries for the two command: install snaps
> +        self.assertEqual(urlopen.call_count, 2)
> +        # Make sure each call had the right headers and parameters
> +        for call in urlopen.call_args_list:
> +            req = call[0][0]
> +            self.assertIn(b"stable/ubuntu-19.10", req.data)
> +            self.assertDictEqual(
> +                req.headers,
> +                {'Snap-device-series': '16',
> +                 'Content-type': 'application/json',
> +                 'Snap-device-architecture': 'amd64'})
> +
> +    @mock.patch("subprocess.run")
> +    def test_replace_debs_with_snaps(self, run_mock):
> +        controller = mock.Mock()
> +        config = mock.Mock()
> +        q = DistUpgradeQuirks(controller, config)
> +        q._snap_list = {
> +            'core18': {'command': 'install', 'snap-id': '1234'},
> +            'gnome-3-28-1804': {'command': 'install', 'snap-id': '1234'},
> +            'gtk-common-themes': {'command': 'install', 'snap-id': '1234'},
> +            'gnome-calculator': {'command': 'install', 'snap-id': '1234'},
> +            'gnome-characters': {'command': 'install', 'snap-id': '1234'},
> +            'gnome-logs': {'command': 'refresh'},
> +            'gnome-system-monitor': {'command': 'refresh'}
> +        }
> +        q._to_version = "19.10"
> +        q._replaceDebsWithSnaps()
> +        # Make sure all snaps have been handled
> +        self.assertEqual(run_mock.call_count, 7)
> +        snaps_refreshed = set()
> +        snaps_installed = set()
> +        # Check if all the snaps that needed to be installed were installed
> +        # and those that needed a refresh - refreshed
> +        for call in run_mock.call_args_list:
> +            args = call[0][0]
> +            if args[1] == 'install':
> +                snaps_installed.add(args[4])
> +            else:
> +                snaps_refreshed.add(args[4])
> +        self.assertSetEqual(
> +            snaps_refreshed,
> +            {'gnome-logs', 'gnome-system-monitor'})
> +        self.assertSetEqual(
> +            snaps_installed,
> +            {'core18', 'gnome-3-28-1804', 'gtk-common-themes',
> +             'gnome-calculator', 'gnome-characters'})
> +        # Make sure we marked the replacing ones for removal


> +        self.assertEqual(controller.forced_obsoletes.append.call_count, 5)

Is 5 the right number here? Not every snap being installed is replacing a deb.

> +
> +
>  if __name__ == "__main__":
>      import logging
>      logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)

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