[Merge] lp:~artmello/gallery-app/gallery-app-fix_1581184 into lp:gallery-app

Arthur Mello arthur.mello at canonical.com
Wed May 18 03:29:01 UTC 2016

The proposal to merge lp:~artmello/gallery-app/gallery-app-fix_1581184 into lp:gallery-app has been updated.

Description changed to:

Fix PickerScreen delay when previewing media files
Fix collections models to work properly with media type filtering when called from content-hub

Click package:

1. Make sure that you have no media files for today event on Events View;
2. Make sure that gallery-app is closed;
3. Open camera-app and take a photo;
4. Create a new message with messaging-app and try to add a photo from gallery-app;
5. Make sure today event is displayed with the photo you just took;
6. Try to preview photo and make sure there is no unusual delay;
7. When returning from preview make sure there is no animation issue;

Try different combinations of steps 4, 5 and 6 (i.e take a video, request a photo and make sure todays event is not displayed)

For more details, see:
Your team Ubuntu Phablet Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~artmello/gallery-app/gallery-app-fix_1581184 into lp:gallery-app.

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