[Merge] lp:~osomon/webbrowser-app/browserpage into lp:webbrowser-app

Olivier Tilloy olivier.tilloy at canonical.com
Thu May 5 17:41:21 UTC 2016

Review: Needs Fixing

There are two unit test failures that I can reliably reproduce in a vivid chroot (with the stable overlay PPA enabled). I don’t get those failures on xenial.

2: FAIL!  : QmlTests::HistoryViewWide::test_search_highlight() property text
2:    Actual   (): 
2:    Expected (): 1 Example
2:    Loc: [/tmp/browserpage/tests/unittests/qml/tst_HistoryViewWide.qml(334)]
2: FAIL!  : QmlTests::HistoryViewWide::test_search_updates_dates_list() property text
2:    Actual   (): Alan
2:    Expected (): Al
2:    Loc: [/tmp/browserpage/tests/unittests/qml/tst_HistoryViewWide.qml(390)]

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