[Blueprint lubuntu-x-dev-items] Lubuntu 16.04 : Developpers work items

Julien Lavergne julien.lavergne at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 21:22:48 UTC 2015

Blueprint changed by Julien Lavergne:

Work items changed:
  Work items:
  [gilir] Get ride of gksu by default: TODO
  [gilir] Get ride of gconf by default: TODO
  [gilir] Package and upload appgrid to a testing PPA: TODO
  Decide to keep LSC or to push appgrid: TODO
- List modifications for getting ride of python2 by default (at least, it needs to remove LSC): TODO
+ List modifications for getting ride of python2 by default (at least, it needs to remove or porting LSC): TODO
  Replace update-notifier upstart script by systemd script (see LP: #1493518): TODO
  Rewrite update-notifier to make it less RAM hungry: TODO
  [gilir] Remove the depends on desktop seed for lubuntu seed, to see if we can find some Mb on the ISO: TODO
  [gilir] Review other flavors default settings to see if there is some interesting items: TODO
  [gilir] Review other flavors ISO  to see if there is some interesting items: TODO
  Review patches on Sourceforge / github for LXDE: TODO
  [gilir] Fix lxsession loop at startup: TODO
  Rebase all default settings on upstream base setting file: TODO
  Add LXDE in OnlyShowIn=XFCE of xfce4-notifyd desktop file (bug to file) : TODO
+ Optional - Make a lxde-about: TODO

Lubuntu 16.04 : Developpers work items

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